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Human Behavior sentence examples within human computer interaction

Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Joint Coordinates as Feature Using Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles

A review of deep learning techniques for 2D and 3D human pose estimation

Human Behavior sentence examples within coronavirus disease 2019

Network of institutions, source journals, and keywords on COVID-19 by Korean authors based on the Web of Science Core Collection in January 2021

The association between personality traits and hoarding behaviors.

Human Behavior sentence examples within mitigate climate change

AI for climate: freedom, justice, and other ethical and political challenges

Interindividual differences in environmentally relevant positive trait affect impacts sustainable behavior in everyday life

Human Behavior sentence examples within ambient assisted living

Human Activity Recognition With Smartphone and Wearable Sensors Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review

A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes

Human Behavior sentence examples within particle swarm optimization

A surface potential-model based parameter extraction of Si–Ge-pocket n-TFET

Optimization of Energy Consumption and Throughput in Cognitive Radio Network Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques

Human Behavior sentence examples within decision making process

Intention-aware Sequential Recommendation with Structured Intent Transition

Human Behavior sentence examples within Understand Human Behavior

A Fault-Tolerant Early Classification Approach for Human Activities Using Multivariate Time Series

Survey on Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone

Human Behavior sentence examples within Understanding Human Behavior

Stages of Change Theory

AG-GAN: An Attentive Group-Aware GAN for pedestrian trajectory prediction

Human Behavior sentence examples within Complex Human Behavior

A lightweight network model for human activity classifiction based on pre-trained mobilenetv2

Increased reliance on top-down information to compensate for reduced bottom-up use of acoustic cues in dyslexia.

Human Behavior sentence examples within Influence Human Behavior

Social campaigns to encourage responsible fashion consumption: qualitative study with university students


Human Behavior sentence examples within Mimic Human Behavior

Social bots detection in Brazilian presidential elections using natural language processing

Twitter bot detection using supervised machine learning

Human Behavior sentence examples within Study Human Behavior

Research based on scientific realism should not make preliminary assumptions about mathematical structure representing human behavior: Cronbach and Gleser’s measure as an example

Robo Ludens: Game Design Techniques Applied in HRI Experiments

Human Behavior sentence examples within Affect Human Behavior

Advanced Materials and Technologies for Touch Sensing in Prosthetic Limbs

Racial Implicit Associations in Psychiatric Diagnosis, Treatment, and Compliance Expectations

Human Behavior sentence examples within Predict Human Behavior

Near-future perception system: Previewed Reality

Intention-Driven Variable Impedance Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction

Human Behavior sentence examples within Explain Human Behavior

Behavioral Challenges of Technology Adoption among Bank Employees: A TAM perspective

Connecting Humans and Robots Using Physiological Signals – Closing-the-Loop in HRI

Human Behavior sentence examples within Changing Human Behavior

Five Roles for Psychologists in Addressing Climate Change, and How They Are Informed by Responses to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Complex Human-Shark Conflicts Confound Conservation Action

Human Behavior sentence examples within Analyze Human Behavior

Mediating effect of intolerance of uncertainty in the relationship between coping styles with stress during pandemic (COVID-19) process and compulsive buying behavior

Crowdsourcing Research for Social Insights into Smart Cities Applications and Services

Human Behavior sentence examples within Determine Human Behavior

Does Polish Post-Communist Cultural Burden Influence the Perception of Creative Identities?

Comprometimento organizacional: perspetivas atuais e tendências futuras

Human Behavior sentence examples within Modeling Human Behavior

Digitizing Human Behavior with Wireless Sensors in Biogas 2020 Technological Business Model Innovation Challenges

Modeling and Simulation of Associative Reasoning

Human Behavior sentence examples within Shape Human Behavior

Loneliness and abuse as risk factors for suicide in older adults: new developments and the contribution of the WPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry

Better Than Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Model-Based And Model-Free Learning Style

Human Behavior sentence examples within Predicting Human Behavior

Predicting Human Behavior Using User’s Contextual Embedding by Convolution of Action Graph

Machine Learning and Prophecy of Behavior: A Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence

Human Behavior sentence examples within Change Human Behavior

Editorial: Human Perception of Environmental Sounds


Human Behavior sentence examples within Past Human Behavior

Deriving original nodule size of lithic reduction sets from cortical curvature: An application to monitor stone artifact transport from bipolar reduction

The Role of Functional Efficiency in the Decline of North America’s Copper Culture (8000–3000 BP): an Experimental, Ecological, and Evolutionary Approach

Human Behavior sentence examples within Variou Human Behavior

Complexity and Entropy Analysis to Improve Gender Identification from Emotional-Based EEGs

The evaluation of fake and true news: on the role of intelligence, personality, interpersonal trust, ideological attitudes, and news consumption

Human Behavior sentence examples within Abnormal Human Behavior

Toward Anomaly Behavior Detection as an Edge Network Service Using a Dual-Task Interactive Guided Neural Network

Abnormal Behavior Detection in Uncrowded Videos with Two-Stream 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

Human Behavior sentence examples within Recognize Human Behavior

Understanding Conversational and Expressive Style in a Multimodal Embodied Conversational Agent

Recognizing human behaviors from surveillance videos using the SSD algorithm

Human Behavior sentence examples within Monitoring Human Behavior

The Multimodal Driver Monitoring Database: A Naturalistic Corpus to Study Driver Attention

Flexible pressure sensor based on cigarette filter and highly conductive MXene sheets

Human Behavior sentence examples within Analyzing Human Behavior

Ontology-based human behavior indexing with multimodal video data

Human Behavior Analysis Using Intelligent Big Data Analytics

Human Behavior sentence examples within Intelligent Human Behavior

Ethical evaluation of artificial intelligence applications in radiotherapy using the Four Topics Approach

Progress in Research on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Polymorphism and Cocrystal Prediction

Human Behavior sentence examples within Studying Human Behavior

La pupilometría y el eye tracking como herramientas del neuromarketing

Honeycomb: a template for reproducible psychophysiological tasks for clinic, laboratory, and home use.