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Hematoma Caused sentence examples within Epidural Hematoma Caused

Skull fracture and epidural hematoma caused by use of a Mayfield skull clamp in an adult patient with chronic hemodialysis: a case report

Response to the letter to the editor

Hematoma Caused sentence examples within Intracranial Hematoma Caused

Intracranial pial arteriovenous fistula in a liver cirrhotic patient with esophageal varix

Traumatic injury of dural venous sinus as cause of epidural hematoma: importance of recognition and adequate surgical planning

Hematoma Caused sentence examples within Retroperitoneal Hematoma Caused

Spontaneous Rupture of Ovarian Artery Aneurysm in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Report and Literature Review

Prevalence and Outcome of Abdominal Vascular Injury in Severe Trauma Patients – An International Registry Analysis

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Hematoma Caused sentence examples within Subdural Hematoma Caused

Intraoperative ventricular volume restoration by intraventricular Ringer solution injection in a normal-pressure hydrocephalus patient with traumatic bilateral acute subdural hematoma and ventricular system collapse caused by cerebrospinal fluid shunt overdrainage: illustrative case

Biomechanical Analysis of the Head Movements of a Person Thrown by the Judo Technique ‘Seoi-nage’

Analysis on Emergency Microsurgical Treatment for Cerebral Hernia Caused by Intracranial Anterior Circulation Aneurysm with Intracranial Hematoma

Careful medical interview and ultrasonography enabled detection of acute kidney injury and hematoma after lumbar trigger point injection—a case report

Percutaneous Transhepatic Biopsy for Extrahepatic Lesions

The diagnosis and treatment strategy of occipital skull mass in hemophilic patients: a rare case report and literature review

Conservative management of severe coronary artery hematoma and dissection following stent implantation.

An Unusual Case of Acute Complete Urinary Incontinence 20 Days after Pelvic Floor Surgery and Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Insertion 20 Days after Pelvic Floor Surgery and Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Insertion

Tracheal deviation due to hematoma after central venous catheter placement.

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Hematoma Caused 引起的血肿

Hematoma Caused 引起的血肿
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