Haeundae Beach(海云台海水浴场)研究综述
Haeundae Beach 海云台海水浴场 - Application of vision-based safety warning system to Haeundae Beach, Korea. [1] Haeundae Beach, stretching in the E-W direction, is included in this area. [2] The observation system has been developed to investigate the rip currents at Haeundae beach using Xband marine radar. [3] The study was conducted on Haeundae Beach, one of the most popular beaches in South Korea. [4] Data was collected from 564 guests at five-star upscale hotels which are located on the Haeundae beach in South Korea and was analyzed with a structural equation modeling (SEM). [5]基于视觉的安全预警系统在韩国海云台海滩的应用。 [1] 海云台海水浴场是东西方向延伸的海水浴场。 [2] 该观测系统已被开发用于使用 Xband 海洋雷达调查海云台海滩的离岸流。 [3] 该研究是在韩国最受欢迎的海滩之一海云台海滩进行的。 [4] 数据来自位于韩国海云台海滩的五星级高档酒店的 564 位客人,并使用结构方程模型 (SEM) 进行分析。 [5]