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Influence of particle shape on pebble transport in a mixed sand and gravel beach during low energy conditions: Implications for nourishment projects

High‐efficiency gravel longshore sediment transport and headland bypassing over an extreme wave event

More Gravel Beach 砾石海滩 sentence examples

A GIS approach to sediment displacement in mixed sand and gravel beach environments.

Diversification in gravel beaches: A radiation of interstitial clingfish (Gouania, Gobiesocidae) in the Mediterranean Sea.

Beaches in Valencian Coast

Timescales of beach cusp evolution on a steep, megatidal, mixed sand-gravel beach

High Pressure Injection of Chemicals in a Gravel Beach

The Role of Detailed Geomorphic Variability in the Vulnerability Assessment of Potential Oil Spill Events on Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches: The Cases of Two Adriatic Sites

Geosites, Geoheritages and Geotrails of the Hwaseong Geopark, the Candidate for Korean National Geopark

Long, Medium, and Short-term Shoreline Dynamics of the Brittany Coast (Western France)


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Gravel Beach 砾石海滩

Gravel Beach 砾石海滩
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