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Gold Nanohole sentence examples within Plasmonic Gold Nanohole

Resonance coupling in hybrid gold nanohole–monolayer WS2 nanostructures

Plasmonic Gold Nanohole Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of DNA Methylation.

Gold Nanohole sentence examples within gold nanohole array

Coupling Single-Drop Microextraction with SERS: A Demonstration Using p-MBA on Gold Nanohole Array Substrate

Plasmonic Gold Nanohole Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of DNA Methylation.

Resonance coupling in hybrid gold nanohole–monolayer WS2 nanostructures

Coupling Single-Drop Microextraction with SERS: A Demonstration Using p-MBA on Gold Nanohole Array Substrate

Plasmonic Gold Nanohole Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of DNA Methylation.

Nanoscopic Visualization of Fluorescence Excitation Probability on Two-dimensional Periodical Gold Nanohole Arrays

Label-Free Raman Observation of TET1 Protein-Mediated Epigenetic Alterations in DNA.

Nonlinear Orbital Angular Momentum Generation by WS2-Nanohole Hybrid Metasurfaces

Plasmonic Sensing on Symmetric Nanohole Arrays Supporting High-Q Hybrid Modes and Reflection Geometry.

Learn more from Gold Nanohole 金纳米孔

Gold Nanohole 金纳米孔

Gold Nanohole 金纳米孔
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