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Multilocus Evaluation of Genetic Predictors of Multiple Sclerosis.

Balancing selection and wild gene pool contribute to resistance in global rice germplasm against planthopper.

ampir: an R package for fast genome-wide prediction of antimicrobial peptides

Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Small Peptides in Maize

The evolutionary pathways for local adaptation in mountain hares

The Impact of Homocysteine on the Risk of Hormone-Related Cancers: A Mendelian Randomization Study

From musk to body odor: decoding olfaction through genetic variation

A 7-nt nucleotide sequence variant within the sheep KDM3B gene affects female reproduction traits.

Genome-wide association and selective sweep studies reveal the complex genetic architecture of DMI fungicide resistance in Cercospora beticola.

Genomic signatures of parallel alpine adaptation in recently-evolved flightless insects.

The genomics of rapid climatic adaptation and parallel evolution in North American house mice

Epigenetic features improve TALE target prediction

Natural population re-sequencing detects the genetic basis of local adaptation to low temperature in a woody plant.

Genes Expression in Type 1 Diabetes: An Update

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