Discover more insights into Functionalized Polyester 功能化聚酯

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Compatibility of Chitosan in Polymer Blends by Chemical Modification of Bio-based Polyesters

Facile Synthesis and Properties of Multifunctionalized Polyesters by Passerini Reaction as Thermosensitive, Biocompatible, and Triggerable Drug Release Carriers

Development of L-Amino Acid Based Hydroxyl Functionalized Biodegradable Amphiphilic Polyesters and Their Drug Delivery Capabilities to Cancer Cells.

Trifluoromethyl-functionalized poly(lactic acid): a fluoropolyester designed for blood contact applications.

Synthesis of dicyano-substituted ε-caprolactone and its (co)polymers

Lipase catalyzed modification of functionalized polyester binders

Learn more from Functionalized Polyester 功能化聚酯

Functionalized Polyester 功能化聚酯

Functionalized Polyester 功能化聚酯
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