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Fractured Aquifers sentence examples within Porosity Fractured Aquifers

Identification of non-Darcian flow effect in double-porosity fractured aquifer based on multi-well pumping test

Depth‐Resolved Groundwater Chemistry by Longitudinal Sampling of Ambient and Pumped Flows Within Long‐Screened and Open Borehole Wells

How is Baseflow Index (BFI) impacted by water resource management practices?

Fate of nitrate during groundwater recharge in a fractured karst aquifer in Southwest Germany

Estimation of the hydraulic properties of a fractured aquifer using numerical experiments with the discrete fracture network model

Monogenetic volcanoes with initial phreatomagmatic phases in the Ceboruco graben, western Mexico: The cases of Potrerillo I, Potrerillo II, and San Juanito

Litho-structural conditioning in the exploration of fractured aquifers: a case study in the Crystalline Basement Aquifer System of Brazil

Hydrogeochemical investigation of Cr in the ultramafic rock-related water bodies of Loutraki basin, Northeast Peloponnese, Greece

A new randomized binary prior model for hydraulic tomography in fractured aquifers.

Development of numerical model for simulating resistivity and hydroelectric properties of fractured rock aquifers

Modelling borehole flows from Distributed Temperature Sensing data to monitor groundwater dynamics in fractured media

Fractional and fractal advection-dispersion model

Hydrogeological potential estimation of Ngoua watershed, West Cameroon, using petrography, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and geophysical data

Laboratory and numerical investigation of saline intrusion in fractured coastal aquifers

Spatial permeability variations of aquifers in North China Plain derived from large magnitude earthquake signals

Geophysics and remote sensing applications for groundwater exploration in fractured basement: A case study from Abha area, Saudi Arabia

Estimation of total groundwater reserves and delineation of weathered/fault zones for aquifer potential: A case study from the Federal District of Brazil

Assessment of geoelectrical configurations using reduced physical models for the structural mapping of rock mass and fractured aquifers

Analysis of the impact of hydraulic properties and climate change on estimations of borehole yields

Aplicação de sensoriamento remoto e análise espacial em alinhamentos geológicos como indicador da potencialidade de acumulação de águas subterrâneas

Method Comparison to Determine Hydraulic Apertures of Natural Fractures

Revisiting the Analytical Solutions of Heat Transport in Fractured Reservoirs Using a Generalized Multirate Memory Function

Numerical investigation of fractional-fractal Boussinesq equation.

Groundwater flow velocities in a fractured carbonate aquifer-type: Implications for contaminant transport.

The role of alpine valley fill deposits for groundwater storage (Dolomites, Italy)

Análise derivativa de testes de bombeamento em aquíferos fissurais no município de Jundiaí/SP

Application of ERT, Saline Tracer and Numerical Studies to Delineate Preferential Paths in Fractured Granites.

Combination of Structural Data and GIS Tools in the Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zone in Crystalline Terrain: The Case of Southeastern Senegal

Estimation of groundwater recharge response from rainfall events in a semi-arid fractured aquifer: Case study of quaternary catchment A91H, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Modelagem da Interação Água/Rocha nos Aquíferos Fraturados da Região de Itabuna/BA

Origin of salinity and hydrogeochemical features of porous aquifers from northeastern Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, SE - Brazil

Geospatial Analysis of Fluoride Concentration in Groundwater in Puruliya District, West Bengal

Análise dos fluxos nos aquíferos cárstico-fissurais da região da APA Carste de Lagoa Santa, MG

Structural analysis and geophysical survey for hydrogeological diagnosis in uranium mine, Poços de Caldas (Brazil)

Groundwater quality variations in Precambrian hard rock aquifers: a case study from Kerala, India

Improving pumping tests interpretation in carbonate aquifers with diagnostic plot method

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Fractured Aquifers 破裂的含水层

Fractured Aquifers 破裂的含水层
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