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Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices

Efficient & secure cipher scheme with dynamic key-dependent mode of operation

Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices

Efficient & secure cipher scheme with dynamic key-dependent mode of operation

Design of a flexible endotracheal tube holder device and study of its effect on cutaneous blood flow in the skin using laser Doppler velocimetry

Low-cost flexible plasmonic nanobump metasurfaces for label-free sensing of serum tumor marker.

Integrating ISA-95 and IEC-61499 for Distributed Control System Monitoring

On the Sensing Mechanisms of a Hydroresistive Flexible Film Based on an Organic Molecular Metal

Elucidating Li-ion adsorption and diffusion behavior on the surface of Cu0.7Co2.3O4 and improvement of performance as flexible full solid-state supercapacitor

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Flexible Lightweight 灵活轻便

Flexible Lightweight 灵活轻便
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