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Experimental Setups sentence examples within Different Experimental Setups

Vacuum pressure considerations on the performance and lifetime of negative ion sources

FRETboard: semi-supervised classification of FRET traces.

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Two Experimental Setups

Experimental investigation of a strain gauge sensor based on Fiber Bragg Grating for diameter measurement

IOT based Web application concept for monitoring and control of fluid power systems

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Variou Experimental Setups

Combating hate speech using an adaptive ensemble learning model with a case study on COVID-19


Experimental Setups sentence examples within Scale Experimental Setups

Computational Functional Genomics-Based AmpliSeq™ Panel for Next-Generation Sequencing of Key Genes of Pain

Modeling and CFD-Simulation of Cleaning Process for Adhesively Detaching Film-Like Soils With Respect to Industrial Application

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Specific Experimental Setups

Fundamental As Fewer Bits

Advanced image analysis of thermoplastic filaments’ viscous sintering kinetics: Contour fitting with a Lemniscate of Booth

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Three Experimental Setups

Analysis of Supercapacitors as an Energy Source – A Proof-of-Concept Study for Power Optimisation Circuits

Assessment of virtual reality based safety training simulator for electric overhead crane operations

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Simple Experimental Setups

Photonic realization of the κ -deformed Dirac equation

Non-conventional CO2 sequestration via Vitamin C promoted green reaction: Yield evaluation

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Available Experimental Setups

In situ and operando electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis-insights into multi-scale chemical dynamics.

Genuinely entangling uncorrelated atoms via Jaynes-Cummings interactions

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Diverse Experimental Setups

Non-thermal Plasma Treatment of ESKAPE Pathogens: A Review

Cost-Fair Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing With Probabilistic Users

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Realistic Experimental Setups

Lee-Yang theory of criticality in interacting quantum many-body systems

Machine learning active-nematic hydrodynamics

Experimental Setups sentence examples within New Experimental Setups

New hybrid predictive modeling principles for ammonium adsorption: The combination of Response Surface Methodology with feed-forward and Elman-Recurrent Neural Networks


Experimental Setups sentence examples within Independent Experimental Setups

Toxicity of Mining-Contaminated Lake Sediments to Lumbriculus variegatus

Deep cross feature adaptive network for facial emotion classification

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Proposed Experimental Setups

Magnetic field annihilation and charged particle acceleration in ultra-relativistic laser plasmas

Gamma photons and electron-positron pairs from ultra-intense laser-matter interaction: A comparative study of proposed configurations

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Complicated Experimental Setups

Active tuning of electromagnetically induced transparency from chalcogenide-only metasurface

High-dimension experimental tomography of a path-encoded photon quantum state

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Complex Experimental Setups

Low-cost wireless condition monitoring system for an ultracold atom machine

Light diffusing, down-converting perovskite-on-polymer microspheres

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Novel Experimental Setups

Translation of Preclinical PET Imaging Findings: Challenges and Motion Correction to Overcome the Confounding Effect of Anesthetics

New Experimental Methods to Study Proppant Embedment in Shales

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Individual Experimental Setups

VeinPLUS+: A Publicly Available and Free Software Framework for Vein Recognition

Experiments on tsunami induced boulder transport – A review

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Distinct Experimental Setups

A comprehensive dataset for the thermal conductivity of ice Ih for application to planetary ice shells

Forecasting high penetration of solar and wind power in the smart grid environment using robust ensemble learning approach for large-dimensional data

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Special Experimental Setups

Gas Dosimeters As Detector for Gas Chromatography

Investigation of Inverse Magnus Effect by Partial Circulation Control Elements: Experimental Design

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Complementary Experimental Setups

Dewetting of surfactant solutions close to receding three-phase contact lines

Gas-phase ozonolysis of trans-2-hexenal: Kinetics, products, mechanism and SOA formation

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Simplified Experimental Setups

Long distance optical transport of ultracold atoms: A compact setup using a Moiré lens.

A High Cooperativity Silicon Nitride Optomechanical Transducer

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Optimal Experimental Setups

Diagnostic performances of common nucleic acid tests for SARS-CoV-2 in hospitals and clinics: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Using TrackMate to Analyze Drosophila Larval and Adult Locomotion

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Sophisticated Experimental Setups

Antioxidants in olive oil phenolics: a focus on myoblasts

Nanodiamonds synthesis using sustainable concentrated solar thermal energy: applications in bioimaging and phototherapy

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Existing Experimental Setups

Transmission phase evolution in fully screened and overscreened Kondo impurities

Anipose: A toolkit for robust markerless 3D pose estimation

Experimental Setups sentence examples within Several Experimental Setups

Rugged and Compact Three-Axis Force/Torque Sensor for Wearable Robots

High-Stiffness Torque Sensor with a Strain Amplification Mechanism for Cooperative Industrial Manipulators

Experimental Setups sentence examples within experimental setups could

High-resolution thermal analysis of nuclear thermal propulsion fuel element using OpenFOAM

Antioxidants in olive oil phenolics: a focus on myoblasts

Experimental Setups sentence examples within experimental setups confirm

Parameter estimation of PV solar cells and modules using Whippy Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm

Using a novel optimization algorithm for parameter extraction of photovoltaic cells and modules

Degradation and accumulation rates of fresh human excreta during vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae.

Monte Carlo simulation of conical collimators for stereotactic radiosurgery with a 6 MV flattening-filter-free photon beam.

Preparation and Culture of Organotypic Hippocampal Slices for the Analysis of Brain Metastasis and Primary Brain Tumor Growth.

Monitoring Decreases Discrimination

Crossed Andreev reflection in topological insulator nanowire T junctions

Review of piston reactors for the production of chemicals

Low-frequency and Moiré–Floquet engineering: A review

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