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Epiphyseal Fusion sentence examples within Early Epiphyseal Fusion

Pathogenic and Low-Frequency Variants in Children With Central Precocious Puberty

Optimizing Stature in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Challenges and Solutions

Radiological assessment of age from epiphyseal fusion at the wrist and ankle in Southern Nigeria

Wear of Teeth in Sheep (WoTiS) - A tool for determining the rate of mandibular tooth wear in sheep

An Update on Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors Leading to Acromegaly and Gigantism

Standardizing ordinal subadult age indicators: Testing for observer agreement and consistency across modalities.

Final Height in Pubertal Short Stature Boys Treated with GH Combination with Letrozole: A retrospective study

Combining Variables to Improve Subadult Age Estimation

Multi-task Deep Learning for Child Gender and Age Determination on Hand Radiographs

Magnetic resonance imaging of the proximal tibial epiphysis: could it be helpful in forensic age estimation?

The Gombe Skeletal Sample and Case Studies

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and Growth Outcomes

Variations in epiphyseal fusion and persistence of the epiphyseal line in the appendicular skeleton of two identified modern (19th-20th c.) adult Portuguese and Italian samples.

Gigantism and Acromegaly

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Epiphyseal Fusion 骨骺融合

Epiphyseal Fusion 骨骺融合
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