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Considerations for the Design and Implementation of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Scoping Review

Critical Information Missing: A Scoping Review of Considerations for the Design and Implementation of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps.

Ehealth Technologies sentence examples within ehealth technologies may

Current Evidence and Directions for Future Research in eHealth Physical Activity Interventions for Adults Affected by Cancer: Systematic Review.

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome: How COVID-19 Transformed Inpatient Pediatric Gastroenterology

The Impact of COVID-19 on Preventive Oral Health Care During Wave One

eHealth for service delivery in conflict: a narrative review of the application of eHealth technologies in contemporary conflict settings

Remote patient triage: Shifting toward safer telehealth practice.

eHealth Implementation Issues in Low-Resource Countries: Model, Survey, and Analysis of User Experience

Advances in telemedicine for the management of the elderly cardiac patient

The applications of eHealth technologies in the management of asthma and allergic diseases

Digitization and health inequality and equity in nursing.

Utilization of telehealth and the advancement of nursing informatics during COVID-19 pandemic

Pulmonary fibrosis: Where from and where to?

Telehealth During COVID-19: Suicide Prevention and American Indian Communities in Montana.

How to Exploit 5G Networks for IoT e-Health Security and Privacy Challenges

Outcomes of Telehealth-Delivered Physical Activity Programs in Adult Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review


Evolving factors influencing consumers’ attitudes towards the use of eHealth applications: implications on the future of Neom

Editorial commentary: Is social media a reliable source of information on Peyronie’s disease treatment?

The formation of patient trust and its transference to online health services: the case of a Dutch online patient portal for rehabilitation care

Conceptual validation of an innovative remote pulmonary rehabilitation solution for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Infrastructuring Telehealth in (In)Formal Patient-Doctor Contexts

Enabling Guidelines for the Adoption of eHealth Solutions: Scoping Review

Point-of-Care Testing Technologies for the Home in Chronic Kidney Disease: a Narrative Review

An EHealth Adoption Framework for Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

Seek: A Telehealth System for Preventing Age-Related Vision Loss Inspired by the Quantified Self

Using Institutional Ethnography to Bridge the Gap and Develop eHealth Communications for Patient Transitions in British Columbia

Current Surgical Trainee Perceptions and Experiences in Telehealth.

Smart Band for Monitoring Vitals for Elderly People in Quarantine

Urgent need to define telerehabilitation for respiratory disease

Special topic

Telehealth in Pediatric Surgical Subspecialties: Rapid Adoption in the Setting of COVID-19.

Voice Interface Technology Adoption by Patients With Heart Failure: Pilot Comparison Study

COVID-19 and supportive cancer care: key issues and opportunities.

Telemedicine in Neurosurgery: Standardizing the Spinal Physical Examination Using A Modified Delphi Method

eHealth Literacy of Medical and Health Science Students and Factors Affecting eHealth Literacy in an Ethiopian University: A Cross-Sectional Study

Sociotechnical Challenges of eHealth Technology for Patient Self-Management: A Systematic Review

Voice Assistants for Speech Therapy

Preparing Graduates for Telepharmacy and Telehealth: The Need for Tele-Education

Improving the development and implementation of audit and feedback systems to support healthcare workers in limiting antimicrobial resistance in the hospital: a scoping review. (Preprint)

Harnessing Digital Health Technologies to Remotely Manage Diabetic Foot Syndrome: A Narrative Review

Digital health technology for Indigenous older adults: A scoping review

The expanding role of telehealth in nursing: considerations for nursing education

More Ehealth Technologies 电子健康技术 sentence examples

Telestroke Across the Continuum of Care: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Not Yet Ready for Prime Time: Video Visits in a Home‐Based Primary Care Program

766. Telehealth Practices, Barriers, and Future Interest among Pediatric Infectious Disease Clinicians in the United States: Results from the 2019 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS) Telehealth Working Group Survey

Using Information Technology at Kaiser Permanente to Support Health Equity

Participatory Methods to Engage Health Service Users in the Development of Electronic Health Resources: Systematic Review

Employing Environmental Data and Machine Learning to Improve Mobile Health Receptivity

1263-P: Diabetes Care Network: A Paradigm Shift in Diabetes Care Delivery Utilizing Collaborative Care Pathway

Flattening the infection curve – understanding the role of telehealth in managing COVID-19

Infectious Diseases Society of America Position Statement on Telehealth and Telemedicine as Applied to the Practice of Infectious Diseases.

Engaging Stakeholders in the Development of an eHealth Intervention for Cancer Symptom Management for Rural Residents

Profiles of a Health Information–Seeking Population and the Current Digital Divide: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the 2015-2016 California Health Interview Survey

Effectiveness and acceptability of parent training via telehealth among families around the world.

Emerging role of eHealth in the identification of very early inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

Graduate Nursing Telehealth Education: Assessment of a One-Day Immersion Approach

MON-LB002 Diabetes Care Network: A Telehealth Based Collaborative Approach to Scale Endocrine Expertise

Use of eHealth and mHealth technology by persons with multiple sclerosis.

GPs’ perspectives on eHealth use in the Czech Republic: a cross-sectional mixed-design survey study

The Use of Cancer-Specific Patient-Centered Technologies Among Underserved Populations in the United States: Systematic Review

Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Telepalliative Care.

The Association Between Willingness of Frontline Care Providers’ to Adaptively Use Telehealth Technology and Virtual Service Performance in Provider-to-Provider Communication: Quantitative Study

Best Practices for Rural eMental Health

Telehealth for the internal medicine resident: A 3-year longitudinal curriculum.

What Clinics are Expecting From Data Scientists? A Review on Data Oriented Studies Through Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Current use of telehealth in urology: a review

Proposal for an eHealth Based Ecosystem Serving National Healthcare

E-health effectiveness to increase patient adherence for immunotherapy: A cost-benefit study

Disparities in Geographic Access to Hospital Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs in the United States.