Education Fee(教育费)研究综述
Education Fee 教育费 - [3] Nowadays, the strong response to the reform draft of school system of the National Federation of Education Associations had made the Ministry of Education feel tremendous pressure. [1] Furthermore, reported baseline characteristic data for the included populations were limited to gender, parent–doctor status, and education fees. [2] With regard to education fees, the policy of compulsory education has played a certain role in reducing students’ fees and expenses during compulsory education. [3] Arrangement of education fees, covered by the National Health Insurance Service, will lead to the establishment of a structured educational program and participation of an additional medical workforce. [4][3] 如今,全国教协办学制度改革草案的强烈响应,让教育部感到了巨大的压力。 [1] 此外,报告的纳入人群的基线特征数据仅限于性别、父母医生身份和教育费用。 [2] 在教育收费方面,义务教育政策对降低学生在义务教育阶段的学费和开支起到了一定的作用。 [3] 由国民健康保险局承担的教育费用安排将导致建立结构化的教育计划和增加医疗人员的参与。 [4]
Higher Education Fee 高等教育费用
Universities have been forced to raise higher education fees with above inflation rates due to increasing operating costs and higher student numbers and decreasing real term government funding. [1] 2% of teachers leave higher education feeling prepared to face the inclusive reality, considering the academic formation sufficient for their performance. [2] The protests that engulfed South African universities in 2015 and 2016 revealed a dissatisfaction by students with regard to higher education fees. [3]由于运营成本增加和学生人数增加以及实际政府资金减少,大学被迫以高于通货膨胀率的方式提高高等教育费用。 [1] 2% 的教师离开高等教育感到准备好面对包容性现实,认为学术形成足以满足他们的表现。 [2] 2015 年和 2016 年席卷南非大学的抗议活动揭示了学生对高等教育费用的不满。 [3]