Discover more insights into Directional Sensor 方向传感器

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Directional Sensor sentence examples within obtaining optimal planar

Obtaining the Optimal Shape of Planar Antenna Arrays for Direction-of-Arrival Joint Estimation of One and Two Coordinates of Signal Sources on Azimuth

Estimation and Minimization of the Cramer-Rao lower bound for radio direction-finding on the azimuth and elevation of planar antenna arrays

Directional Sensor sentence examples within directional sensor network

A new genetic-based approach for solving k-coverage problem in directional sensor networks

A New Game Theory-Based Algorithm for Target Coverage in Directional Sensor Networks

Directional Sensor sentence examples within directional sensor control

Information processing by endoplasmic reticulum stress sensors

Information processing by endoplasmic reticulum stress sensors

Learn more from Directional Sensor 方向传感器

On Efficient Selection and Orientation of Directional Sensors in Visual Sensor Networks

Solving Efficient Target-Oriented Scheduling in Directional Sensor Networks by DCA

Dynamic Motion Planning for Conducting Obstacle Avoidance Maneuver of Fixed Wing Autonomous Aerial Vehicle

Real-time monitoring of low-velocity impact damage for composite structures with the omnidirection carbon nanotubes’ buckypaper sensors

Wireless Sensor Brain Machine Interfaces for Closed-loop Neuroscience Studies

Probabilistic coverage in directional sensor networks

3D Terrain Multiobjective Deployment Optimization of Heterogeneous Directional Sensor Networks in Security Monitoring

Design of a Smart Mobile Case Framework Based on the Internet of Things

Dynamic control of cortical head-direction signal by angular velocity

Cardioid microphones/hydrophones in a collocated and orthogonal triad-A steerable beamformer with no beam-pointing error.

Three‐dimensional imaging of upper esophageal sphincter resting pressure

Learn more from Directional Sensor 方向传感器

Directional Sensor 方向传感器

Directional Sensor 方向传感器
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