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Dinghushan Biosphere sentence examples within stain negative aerobic

Chitinophaga flava sp. nov., isolated from monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest soil.

Dyella solisilvae sp. nov., isolated from mixed pine and broad-leaved forest soil.

Dinghushan Biosphere sentence examples within rod shaped bacterial

Dyella dinghuensis sp. nov. and Dyella choica sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Dinghushan Biosphere sentence examples within dinghushan biosphere reserve

Chitinophaga silvatica sp. nov., isolated from forest soil, and reclassification of Chitinophaga extrema as a later heterotypic synonym of Chitinophaga solisilvae.

An Interannual Comparative Study on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange Characteristics in the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, a Dominant Subtropical Evergreen Forest Ecosystem

Learn more from Dinghushan Biosphere 鼎湖山生物圈

Chitinophaga silvatica sp. nov., isolated from forest soil, and reclassification of Chitinophaga extrema as a later heterotypic synonym of Chitinophaga solisilvae.

An Interannual Comparative Study on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange Characteristics in the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, a Dominant Subtropical Evergreen Forest Ecosystem

Mycorrhizal fungi and phosphatase involvement in rhizosphere phosphorus transformations improves plant nutrition during subtropical forest succession

Distinct storage mechanisms of soil organic carbon in coniferous forest and evergreen broadleaf forest in tropical China.

Dyella telluris sp. nov. and Dyella acidiphila sp. nov., isolated from forest soil of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, China.

Paraburkholderia acidiphila sp. nov., Paraburkholderia acidisoli sp. nov. and Burkholderia guangdongensis sp. nov., isolated from forest soil, and reclassification of Burkholderia ultramafica as Paraburkholderia ultramafica comb. nov.

Chitinophaga flava sp. nov., isolated from monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest soil.

Dyella solisilvae sp. nov., isolated from mixed pine and broad-leaved forest soil.

Dyella amyloliquefaciens sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Pararobbsia silviterrae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from forest soil and reclassification of Burkholderia alpina as Pararobbsia alpina comb. nov.

Seasonal variations in group leaf characteristics in species with red young leaves

Paraburkholderia dinghuensis sp. nov., isolated from soil.

Paraburkholderia pallida sp. nov. and Paraburkholderia silviterrae sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Deminuibacter soli gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from forest soil, and reclassification of Filimonas aurantiibacter as Arvibacter aurantiibacter comb. nov.

Paraburkholderia phosphatilytica sp. nov., a phosphate-solubilizing bacterium isolated from forest soil.

Trinickia dinghuensis sp. nov. and Trinickia fusca sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Chitinophaga silvisoli sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Paraburkholderia telluris sp. nov., isolated from subtropical forest soil.

Dyella dinghuensis sp. nov. and Dyella choica sp. nov., isolated from forest soil.

Russula viridicinnamomea F. Yuan & Y. Song, sp. nov. and R. pseudocatillus F. Yuan & Y. Song, sp. nov., Two New Species from Southern China

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Dinghushan Biosphere 鼎湖山生物圈

Dinghushan Biosphere 鼎湖山生物圈
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