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Orientalism in D. H. Lawrence’s Novelistic Representation of Italy

The Subcultural Imagination: Critically Negotiating the Co-Production of ‘Subcultural Subjects’ through the Lens of C. Wright Mills

Disciplining the M/Other: Examining Contemporary Mediated Motherhood Through the Case of Meghan Markle

Inventing Artificial Intelligence in Ethiopia

Imagining the Anthropocene with the Wadden Sea

Epistemic practices in Bio Art

Othering Mushrooms: Migratism and its racist entanglements in the Brexit campaign

The Present and Future Dystopias of Nuevo orden and Medida provisória


Post-human encounters: Humanising the technological Other in videogames

Sonic Speculative Fiction: The Residents’ Eskimo and the Electronic (Re)construction of Ethnic Music

Nalini Jameela and the Itinerant Sex Pedagogy of a Veshya

On Entrenched Inequalities in the Research University: Activism and Teaching for Tenured Faculty Members

Slavery in Sui Sin Far’s Early Fictions

Constructing collective memory for (de)colonisation: Taiwanese images in history textbooks, 1950–1987

Monuments, Civil War and Local Communities. Archaeological Heritage in The Duhok Region (Kurdistan Region of Iraq). Part 2


Sang Kancil as Cultural Artefact: A Comparative Neo-Archetypal Study

From Slash Fan Fiction to Crip Fan Fiction: What Role Does Disability Have in Fandom?

Inventing Primitive Society in Chinese Historiography and Ethnology

Bodkin Aesthetics: Small Things in the Eighteenth Century

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Cultural Imagination 文化想象

Cultural Imagination 文化想象
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