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Cooperative Vehicular sentence examples within non orthogonal multiple

Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation and its Application to Vehicular Networks With NOMA

Cooperative Vehicular sentence examples within cooperative vehicular network

Distributed Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Vehicular Networks using Quasi-Newton Optimization

Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation and its Application to Vehicular Networks With NOMA

Cooperative Vehicular sentence examples within cooperative vehicular communication

Outage Analysis of Cooperative NOMA Using Maximum Ratio Combining at Intersections

A Study of the Effectiveness of Message Content, Length, and Rate Control for Improving Map Accuracy in Automated Driving Systems

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Cooperative Vehicular sentence examples within cooperative vehicular safety

LPPTE: A lightweight privacy-preserving trust evaluation scheme for facilitating distributed data fusion in cooperative vehicular safety applications

Characterizing Full-Duplex V2V Broadcast Performance through Stochastic Geometry

More Cooperative Vehicular 合作车 sentence examples

Distributed Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Vehicular Networks using Quasi-Newton Optimization

Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation and its Application to Vehicular Networks With NOMA

Cost-efficient mobility offloading and task scheduling for microservices IoVT applications in container-based fog cloud network

Optimizing Resource Allocation for 6G NOMA-Enabled Cooperative Vehicular Networks

Adaptive optimal relay selection in cooperative vehicular communications under security constraints

LPPTE: A lightweight privacy-preserving trust evaluation scheme for facilitating distributed data fusion in cooperative vehicular safety applications

Performance Analysis of Cellular-Relay Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

Robust Cooperative Communication Optimization for Multi-UAV-Aided Vehicular Networks

Dynamic Prioritization of Emergency Vehicles For Self-Organizing Traffic using VTL+EV *

Congestion Control investigation into 5G V2V

More Cooperative Vehicular 合作车 sentence examples

Decentralized Federated Learning for Road User Classification in Enhanced V2X Networks

Ultra Reliable Distributed Control for Cooperative Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems

Outage Analysis of Cooperative NOMA Using Maximum Ratio Combining at Intersections

A Study of the Effectiveness of Message Content, Length, and Rate Control for Improving Map Accuracy in Automated Driving Systems

Connected cars: road-to-vehicle communication through visible light

Stochastic Geometric Analysis in Cooperative Vehicular Networks Under Weibull Fading

Joint Clustering and Power Allocation for the Cross Roads Congestion Scenarios in Cooperative Vehicular Networks

V2X System Architecture Utilizing Hybrid Gaussian Process-based Model Structures

Representing Realistic Human Driver Behaviors using a Finite Size Gaussian Process Kernel Bank

On the Outage Probability of Cooperative 5G NOMA at Intersections

Driver’s Emotional State-Based Data Anomaly Detection for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Characterizing Full-Duplex V2V Broadcast Performance through Stochastic Geometry

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Cooperative Vehicular 合作车

Cooperative Vehicular 合作车
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