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Confined Aquifers sentence examples within Deep Confined Aquifers

Assessment of alternative groundwater flow models for Beijing Plain, China

Groundwater fluoride chemistry and health risk assessment of multi-aquifers in Jilin Qianan, Northeastern China.

Confined Aquifers sentence examples within Two Confined Aquifers

Assessment of Landslides Along NH 29 in the Kevüza Area, Kohima, Nagaland

Relationships between microbial communities and groundwater chemistry in two pristine confined groundwater aquifers in central China

Confined Aquifers sentence examples within Different Confined Aquifers

Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Transfer Law of Land Subsidence in Sand-Clay Interbed Caused by Exploiting the Groundwater

Identification of Hydraulic Connection Points between Different Confined Aquifers in the Liyazhuang Coal Mine

Learn more from Confined Aquifers 承压含水层

Confined Aquifers sentence examples within confined aquifers located

Environmental factors determining regional biodiversity patterns of groundwater fauna in semi-arid aquifers of northwest Algeria

Vulnerability mapping of coastal aquifers to seawater intrusion: Review, development and application

Tracer-aided assessment of catchment groundwater dynamics and residence time

A study on groundwater recharge in the Anyanghe River alluvial fan, North China Plain, based on hydrochemistry, stable isotopes and tritium

The solution of unconfined groundwater flow with an innovative lattice Boltzmann method

Hydrostratigraphic setting and groundwater dynamics in high salinized low-lying farmlands at the southern margin of the Venice Lagoon

Investigation on the Responses of Overburden Stress and Water Pressure to Mining under the Reverse Fault

Assessment of groundwater mass balance and zone budget in the semi-arid region: A case study of Palar sub-basin, Tamil Nadu, India

Land subsidence due to groundwater pumping: hazard probability assessment through the combination of Bayesian model and fuzzy set theory

Reactivity of southern Quebec aquifers to meteorological and hydrological conditions

Using hydrochemical signatures to characterize the long-period evolution of groundwater information in the Dagu River Basin, China

Investigating Groundwater Condition and Seawater Intrusion Status in Coastal Aquifer Systems of Eastern India

An investigation of the source of salinity in groundwater using stable isotope tracers and GIS: A case study of the Urmia Lake basin, Iran

Recharge and residence times of groundwater in hyper arid areas: The confined aquifer of Calama, Loa River Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile.

Early hypogenic carbonic acid speleogenesis in unconfined limestone aquifers by upwelling deep-seated waters with high CO2 concentration: a modelling approach

Three dimensional model for solute transport induced by groundwater abstraction in river-aquifer systems

GIS-based spatio-temporal and geostatistical analysis of groundwater parameters of Lahore region Pakistan and their source characterization

GIS-based Spatio-Temporal and Geostatistical Analysis of Groundwater Parameters of Lahore Region Pakistan and their Source Characterization

Hydrochemical and Isotopic Investigation of the Groundwater from Wajid Aquifer in Wadi Al-Dawasir, Southern Saudi Arabia

Groundwater geochemical signatures and implication for sustainable development in a typical endorheic watershed on Tibetan plateau

Review of GIS Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Managed Aquifer Recharge in Semi-Arid Regions

Use of microgravity for identification of delayed gravity drainage and conceptual model selection in unconfined aquifers

Vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers of southern Bangladesh: Water quality appraisals

Microbial intrusion and seasonal dynamics in the groundwater microbiome of a porous basaltic rock aquifer used as municipal water reservoir.

Hydrogeological Risk Assessment for Groundwater Conservation in the Northeastern Slope Area of Mount Arjuno, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Indonesia

A Hydrostratigraphic Framework for the Paleozoic Bedrock of Southern Ontario

Potential impacts of shale and tight gas developments on unconfined aquifers – a chemical screening framework

Identification of management options to mitigate seawater intrusion in an overexploited multi-layered coastal aquifer by integrated rainfall–runoff, surface water and density-dependent groundwater flow modeling

Hydrogeochemical Features and Genesis of Confined Groundwater and Health Perspectives for Sustainable Development in Urban Hengshui, North China Plain

Seismic and sequence stratigraphy contributions to Oligo-Miocene deep aquifer characterization in the Tunisian Sahel Foreland Basin (North Africa)

Ground Water Contamination: Effects and Remedies

Support method for interpretation of regional groundwater monitoring in urban areas

Modelling vadose zone flows and groundwater dynamics of alluvial aquifers in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India: evaluating the effects of agricultural intensification

Gravimetric Determination of Storage Coefficient and Storage Change of Groundwater in an Uncontrolled and Unconfined Aquifer

Impact of polluted open-drain geometry on groundwater contaminant in unconfined aquifers

GIS-Based Spatiotemporal Mapping of Groundwater Potability and Palatability Indices in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas

Mixed finite element method of a seawater intrusion problem in confined aquifers

Transboundary subparts of groundwater bodies (GWB) and transboundary monitoring network of the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine - developed under the European Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+)

Temperature of artificial freshwater recharge significantly affects salinity distributions in coastal confined aquifers

Sewage static system influence on the concentrations of nitrogen compounds in unconfined aquifers

Comparing methods of barometric efficiency characterisation for specific storage estimation.

Development and Evaluation of Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Architectures for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Fluctuations in a Complex Aquifer System

Principles of Groundwater Flow

Capillary Effects on Groundwater Response to Earth Tides

Assessing the Transport of Pharmaceutical Compounds in a Layered Aquifer Discharging to a Stream.

Presence and Distribution of Fluoride Ions in Groundwater for Human in a Semiconfined Volcanic Aquifer

Integrated Geoelectric and Hydrogeochemical Survey to Analyze the Potential of Underground Water in Solok, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Estimation of groundwater temperature from 18O fractionation - A deterministic analytical model

Integrated Modelling for Groundwater Contamination from Polluted Streams Using New Protection Process Techniques

More Confined Aquifers 承压含水层 sentence examples

The Water Supply

Fluoride behaviour analysis in groundwater with reference to hydrogeochemical parameters in basaltic aquifers using remote sensing and GIS technique in parts of Burhner watershed, MP, India

Hidrokimia dan Indikasi Kontaminasi pada Air Tanah di Lereng Selatan Gunung Merapi, Mlati dan Sekitarnya, Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta

Assessment of background levels and pollution sources for arsenic and fluoride in the phreatic and confined groundwater of Xi’an city, Shaanxi, China

Nonhydrostatic free surface flows by Oscar Castro-Orgaz and Willi Hager

Characterization of land deformation, hydraulic head, and aquifer properties of the Gorgan confined aquifer, Iran, from InSAR observations

Exploration of the Confined Aquifers in the Yuyao River Valley (Eastern China) Using Electrical Sounding Method

Hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical monitoring in the Cumae archaeological site (Phlegraean Fields, southern Italy)

Comparative Study of Methods for Delineating the Wellhead Protection Area in an Unconfined Coastal Aquifer

Field Permeability Tests with Inward and Outward Flow in Confined Aquifers

The Groundwater Flow Equation

Modelling of shallow aquifers in interaction with overland water.

Experimental study on recharge capacity of a mixed well injection in Xi’an

Characterization and occurrence of confined and unconfined aquifers in Quaternary sediments in the glaciated conterminous United States

Groundwater level prediction using genetic programming: the importance of precipitation data and weather station location on model accuracy