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Community Patterns sentence examples within Microbial Community Patterns

Premature neonatal gut microbial community patterns supporting an epithelial TLR-mediated pathway for necrotizing enterocolitis

Premature neonatal gut microbial community patterns supporting an epithelial TLR-mediated pathway for necrotizing enterocolitis

Community Patterns sentence examples within Bacterial Community Patterns

Description and comparison of the skin and ear canal microbiota of non-allergic and allergic German shepherd dogs using next generation sequencing

Lactic Starter Dose Shapes S. aureus and STEC O26:H11 Growth, and Bacterial Community Patterns in Raw Milk Uncooked Pressed Cheeses

Community Patterns sentence examples within Plant Community Patterns

Toward Unifying Evolutionary Ecology and Genomics to Understand Positive Plant–Plant Interactions Within Wild Species

Saltmarsh conservation through inventory, biogeographic analysis and predictions of change: Case of Tasmania, south‐eastern Australia

Community Patterns sentence examples within Fungal Community Patterns

Effects of Long-Term Mineral Fertilizer Application on Soil Nutrients, Yield, and Fungal Community Composition

Wheat rhizosphere fungal community is affected by tillage and plant growth

Community Patterns sentence examples within Phytoplankton Community Patterns

Phytoplankton communities in two wide-open bays in the Iberian upwelling system

An approach to analyzing environmental drivers of phytoplankton community patterns in coastal waters in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

Community Patterns sentence examples within Species Community Patterns

Linking the diversity and structure of French avian communities with landscape parameters, climate and NPP flows

Padrões espaciais da vegetação lenhosa associados ao processo de expansão da floresta com araucária sobre campos excluídos de manejo

Community Patterns sentence examples within Multivariate Community Patterns

Exploring longitudinal trends and recovery gradients in macroinvertebrate communities and biomonitoring tools along regulated rivers.

Effects of variations in water quantity and quality in the structure and functions of invertebrates’ community of a Mediterranean urban stream

Community Patterns sentence examples within Distinct Community Patterns

Effects of Olive Cultivation Characteristics on Land Snail Community Patterns in Crete, Greece

Overgrazed shrublands support high taxonomic, functional and temporal diversity of Mediterranean ground spider assemblages

Community Patterns sentence examples within community patterns acros

Floods homogenize aquatic communities across time but not across space in a Neotropical floodplain

Disentangling the drivers of ground-dwelling macro-arthropod metacommunity structure at two different spatial scales

Community Patterns sentence examples within community patterns along

Riparian land use and in-channel stressors drive fish community structure in the Yangtze River

Environmental antibiotics drives the genetic functions of resistome dynamics.

Community Patterns sentence examples within community patterns support

Premature neonatal gut microbial community patterns supporting an epithelial TLR-mediated pathway for necrotizing enterocolitis

Premature neonatal gut microbial community patterns supporting an epithelial TLR-mediated pathway for necrotizing enterocolitis

Evaluating the Role of Social Norms in Fostering Pro-Environmental Behaviors

Health, city, and urban design

Only one can remain? Environmental and spatial factors influencing habitat partitioning among invasive and native crayfishes in the Pannonian Ecoregion (Hungary).

Inferring ecosystem networks as information flows

Legacy of plant-parasitic nematode communities from past ecosystems and shift by recent afforestation

Top predator introduction changes the effects of spatial isolation on freshwater community structure.

Inferring Ecosystem Networks as Information Flows

Stock market trend detection and automatic decision-making through a network-based classification model

Use of ciliate communities for monitoring ecological restoration of grain for the green in north-western China

Prescribed Fire Limits Wildfire Severity Without Altering Ecological Importance for Birds

Mesofauna at the Soil-Scree Interface in a Deep Karst Environment

Mapping seafloor habitats in the Bay of Fundy to assess megafaunal assemblages associated with Modiolus modiolus beds

Dataset on the diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes in cultivated olive trees in southern Spain

Effects of forest fragmentation on community patterns of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Central Amazon

Life in a moving world: scaling movement ecology from species traits to communities

The Flow of Culture: Assessing the Role of Rivers in the Inter-community Transmission of Material Traditions in the Upper Amazon

Effect of land use on the composition of bacterial and fungal communities in saline–sodic soils

Composition and ecological drivers of the kwongan scrub and woodlands in the northern Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia

Drivers of macroinvertebrate metacommunity structure in Tierra del Fuego rivers

Detrital traits affect substitutability of a range‐expanding foundation species across latitude

Trait-based modelling in ecology: A review of two decades of research

Identifying the mechanisms that shape fungal community and metacommunity patterns in Yunnan, China

Inferring community assembly processes from macroscopic patterns using dynamic eco-evolutionary models and Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)

More Community Patterns 社区模式 sentence examples


Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil

Epiphytic macrolichen patterns along an elevation gradient in the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire1

Beyond the visual: using metabarcoding to characterize the hidden reef cryptobiome

Disentangling the processes driving plant assemblages in mountain grasslands across spatial scales and environmental gradients

High diatom species turnover in a Baltic Sea rock pool metacommunity

Successional and seasonal changes of leaf beetles and their indicator value in a fragmented low thorn forest of northeastern Mexico (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

Differentiations of determinants for the community compositions of bacteria, fungi, and nitrogen fixers in various steppes

Bacterial and fungal endophyte communities differ in trees of natural versus wastewater-treatment wetlands

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Community Patterns 社区模式

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