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Harassment in Social Virtual Reality

Perspectivist Challenges for ECD Intervention in Africa

Community Norms sentence examples within Perceived Community Norms

Trusted authorities can change minds and shift norms during conflict

Gender equality, empowerment and health: From measurement to impact

Community Norms sentence examples within community norms around

A Case Study of SBIRT on A College Campus: Challenges, Adaptations, and Improved Outcomes

Applying a deviance framework to understand modern contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa

Learn more from Community Norms 社区规范

Microaggressions Experienced by Women and Gender Diverse Athletes in Competitive Cycling

Social culture in sustainable production and cunsumption of mountain community food products in Sinjai District, South Sulawesi

Personality Assessment Inventory’s Utility in Pre-Treatment Assessment for Violent Offenders

Mathematical Art as a Discipline

Developing Advisory Boards within Community-based Participatory Approaches to Improve Mental Health among Refugee Communities.

‘Forced to Choose’: Bacchara Women’s Experiences in Sex Work

Pathways to service access for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in rural Bangladesh: Exploring women’s care-seeking

Barriers to Access of Healthcare Services for Rural Women—Applying Gender Lens on TB in a Rural District of Sindh, Pakistan

Illicit Alcohol: Public Health Risk of Methanol Poisoning and Policy Mitigation Strategies


Male and Female Conceptualizations of Sexual Harassment in Tanzania: The Role of Consent, Male Power, and Social Norms.

More Community Norms 社区规范 sentence examples

Civilian perception of the role of the military in Nigeria’s 2014 Ebola outbreak and health-related responses in the North East region

Narrating values, persuading government: The unsettled stories of agricultural land ownership in the rural Canadian Prairies

Intermittent fasting implementation and association with eating disorder symptomatology.

Learning to be expert writers: feedback in secondary English

Capacity of Community Advisory Boards for Effective Engagement in Clinical Research; a Mixed Methods Study

Study protocol: a non-randomised community trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the communities that care prevention system in Germany

More Community Norms 社区规范 sentence examples

WikiTalkEdit: A Dataset for modeling Editors’ behaviors on Wikipedia

Decentralizing Platform Governance: Lawlessness, Fraud and Innovation

Women’s Empowerment and Community Norms Association on Women’s Access to Health Facility Delivery in Ethiopia. A Multilevel Analysis.

Implementing an inpatient integrative medicine consult service for children with pain: A qualitative analysis.

On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women’s Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms

Biosafety in DIY‐bio laboratories: from hype to policy

What women want: Fashion, morality and gendered subjectivities in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea

The influence of community norms on black officers’ decision-making in a large municipal police department in a majority minority United States city: a quasi-experiment

Community perceptions analysis of waste management in the Upper Citarum Watershed measured from attitudes, awareness, responsibilities, and norms using the SEM method

Identifying community values related to heat: recommendations for forecast and health risk communication

Emotional consequences and attention rewards: the social effects of ratings on Reddit

Psychosocial Functioning Among Caregivers of Childhood Cancer Survivors Following Treatment Completion.

More Community Norms 社区规范 sentence examples

Barriers to Access of Healthcare Services for Rural Women – Applying Gender Lens on TB in a Rural District of Sindh, Pakistan

Partner criticism during acute-phase cognitive therapy for recurrent major depressive disorder.

Multilevel determinants of financial toxicity in breast cancer care: perspectives of healthcare professionals and Latina survivors

Perceptions of body size and health among older queer women of size following participation in a health programme

Network Externalities and Sanitation

Gender-affirming healthcare experiences and medical transition among transgender women living with HIV: a mixed-methods study.

From Campbell to Hayne: W[h]ither Australia? Australian financial regulation and supervision at a cross-roads

Predictors of Health-related Quality of Life and Psychological Adjustment in Children and Adolescents With Congenital Melanocytic Nevi: Analysis of Parent Reports.

Assessing the diversity-related professional development needs of pre-service teachers

The Development of Health Lifestyles in Families Experiencing Disability

Offline: The possible effects of Internet-related behavior on work values, expectations, & behavior among Ultra-Orthodox millennials

Refining Interventions Through Formative Research: A Focus on Ethical Considerations in a Family-Based Home-Based Counseling and Testing (FBCT) Intervention in KwaZulu-Natal

More Community Norms 社区规范 sentence examples

Thought as a determinant of political opinion

‘For How Long Can Your Pīharwāle Intervene?’: Accessing natal kin support in rural north India

Why Do Physicians Pursue Cascades of Care After Incidental Findings? A National Survey

Online child sexual exploitation and abuse: A community diagnosis using the social norms theory.

Jung and Sociological Theory: Readings and Appraisal

Testing the Relationship between Post Child Marriage Variables and a Girls’ Education Level in Rural Pakistan

Parents and guardians: Their perceptions of psychometric test uses with learners in an emerging country’s school system


Understanding Socio-Cultural Factors related to Obesity: Sentiment Analysis on related Tweets

Identifying hearing care access barriers among older Pacific Island people in New Zealand: a qualitative study

Addressing the “black box” of focused deterrence: an examination of the mechanisms of change in Chicago’s Project Safe Neighborhoods

Cracking the Copyright Dilemma in Software Preservation: Protecting Digital Culture Through Fair Use Consensus

Extending the reach and impact of management research: a question of legitimacy

Exploring maternal postnatal newborn care postnatal discharge education in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Barriers, facilitators and opportunities.

Wartime Rape, Stigma and Humanitarian Aid: Quantitative Evidence from Eastern Congo

Learn more from Community Norms 社区规范

Community Norms 社区规范

Community Norms 社区规范
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