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Community Adults sentence examples within Chinese Community Adults

Problematic Smartphone Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Association with Pandemic-Related and Generalized Beliefs

Association of lipid accumulation product with chronic kidney disease in Chinese community adults: a report from the REACTION study

Community Adults sentence examples within Stressed Community Adults

Mindfulness training and systemic low-grade inflammation in stressed community adults: Evidence from two randomized controlled trials

Abstract # 3160 Effects of two-week smartphone-based mindfulness training on markers of inflammation: A randomized controlled trial

Community Adults sentence examples within Older Community Adults

The influence of rs53576 polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene on empathy in healthy adults by subtype and ethnicity: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Effects of Tai Chi on Cerebral Hemodynamics and Health-Related Outcomes in Older Community Adults at Risk of Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Community Adults sentence examples within Among Community Adults

Evaluating the frequency, consumers’ motivation and perception of online medicinal, herbal, and health products purchase safety in Saudi Arabia

Assessment of Knowledge on Risk Factors, Warning Signs, and Early Treatment Approaches of Stroke among Community Adults in North India: A Telephone Interview Survey

Community Adults sentence examples within Exposed Community Adults

Positive Emotion Dysregulation Identifies Trauma-Exposed Community Individuals at Risk for Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

The role of gender in the associations among posttraumatic stress disorder symptom, severity, difficulties regulating emotions, and alcohol misuse.

Community Adults sentence examples within Healthy Community Adults

The Associations Between Daily Activities and Affect: a Compositional Isotemporal Substitution Analysis

Examining the Relation between Purpose in Life and Self-Reported Health in Community and Inpatient Populations

Community Adults sentence examples within General Community Adults

Cannabis use and misuse in the year following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: A longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults in Ontario.

Satisfaction towards the services provided by the community pharmacist in north-west India: A qualitative exploratory study

Community Adults sentence examples within 1432 Community Adults

Food addiction in a large non-clinical sample of Canadians

Food addiction in a large community sample of Canadian adults: prevalence and relationship with obesity, body composition, quality of life and impulsivity.

Community Adults sentence examples within Urban Community Adults

SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in a Rural and Urban Household Cohort during First and Second Waves of Infections, South Africa, July 2020-March 2021.

Psychological Distress among Adults of an Urban Community of Lalitpur District, Nepal

Community Adults sentence examples within community adults completed

From Deficits in Emotional Intelligence to Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Sequential Path Analysis Approach Through Self-Esteem and Anxiety

Does Behavioural Activation Lack Credibility Among Those Who Need It Most? A Comparison of Responses to Rationales for Behavioural Activation and Schema Therapy.

Community Adults sentence examples within community adults recruited

Anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty are unique and interactive risk factors for COVID-19 safety behaviors and worries.

The role of gender in the associations among posttraumatic stress disorder symptom, severity, difficulties regulating emotions, and alcohol misuse.

Community Adults sentence examples within community adults diagnosed

Are people with social anxiety disorder happier alone?

How do people with social anxiety disorder manage daily stressors? Deconstructing emotion regulation flexibility in daily life

Anxiety Sensitivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty as Factors Related to Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Do schizotypy features predict cannabis problems in partnered community adults?

Consistent evidence of indirect effects of impulsive delay discounting and negative urgency between childhood adversity and adult substance use in two samples.

More Community Adults 社区成人 sentence examples

Mental disorder prevalence among populations impacted by coronavirus pandemics: A multilevel meta-analytic study of COVID-19, MERS & SARS


Interaction between childhood parental bonding and affective temperaments on adulthood depressive symptoms

A multilevel examination of lifetime aggression: integrating cortical thickness, personality pathology and trauma exposure

Evaluation of the Consensus Sleep Diary in a community sample: comparison with single-channel EEG, actigraphy, and retrospective questionnaire.

The Relationship Between Technology Use and Problem Technology Use and Potential Psychosocial Mechanisms: Population-Based Telephone Survey in Community Adults During COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions and Differences by Sex, Age, and Education in 1,367 Community Adults in Ontario

Elevated Anxiety Relates to Future Executive Dysfunction: A Cross-Lagged Panel Network Analysis of Psychopathology and Cognitive Functioning Components

Childhood maltreatment predicts poorer executive functioning in adulthood beyond symptoms of internalizing psychopathology.

Are perfectionism dimensions risk factors for bulimic symptoms? A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

Psychiatric Disorders and Crime in the US Population: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions Wave III.

Evaluation of a Brief Sodium Screener in Two Samples

Clarifying the Relation Between Alcohol Demand and Alcohol-related Relative Reinforcement and Driving After Drinking in a Canadian Community Sample

Self-critical perfectionism, experiential avoidance, and depressive and anxious symptoms over two years: A three-wave longitudinal study.

Medicinal plants used in the treatment of maternal health-related problems by the Mapulana of Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga province, South Africa

Personal values in adolescence and psychological distress in adults: A cross-sectional study based on a retrospective recall

Psychological interventions for co-occurring depression and substance use disorders.

Development and preliminary validation of a mandarin Chinese language questionnaire measuring betel quid dependency among adults in Taiwan

Are Prisoners More Psychopathic than Non-forensic Populations? Profiling Psychopathic Traits among Prisoners, Community Adults, University Students, and Adolescents

Parsing the Hypomanic Personality: Explicating the Nature of Specific Dimensions Defining Mania Risk

Improving characterization of psychopathy within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), alternative model for personality disorders: Creation and validation of Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Triarchic scales.

Internet trolling and everyday sadism: Parallel effects on pain perception and moral judgment.

‘Why us?’ Causal attributions of childhood cancer survivors, survivors’ parents and community comparisons - a mixed methods analysis

The effect of youths as change agents on cardiovascular disease risk factors among adult neighbours: a cluster randomised controlled trial in Sri Lanka

Multiple dimensions of interoceptive awareness are associated with facets of body image in British adults.

Representações das figuras parentais e dor psicológica: Um estudo exploratório

Quantifying Dispositional Fear as Threat Sensitivity: Development and Initial Validation of a Model-Based Scale Measure

The Metacognitions Questionnaire–30: An Examination of a Bifactor Model and Measurement Invariance Among Men and Women in a Community Sample

Kindness and cellular aging: A pre-registered experiment testing the effects of prosocial behavior on telomere length and well-being

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Community Adults 社区成人

Community Adults 社区成人
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