Discover more insights into Communication Technologies 通信技术

Communication Technologies sentence examples within cyber physical system

Computation-aware distributed optimization over networks: a hybrid dynamical systems approach

Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grid Applications

Communication Technologies sentence examples within fourth industrial revolution

Digital twins in manufacturing: An assessment of key features

Ensuring sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of digital transformations

Communication Technologies sentence examples within training highly qualified


International experience and Russian peculiarities of ensuring the quality of higher education

Communication Technologies sentence examples within traditional power grid

A survey on intrusion detection and prevention systems in digital substations

Smarter Grid in the 5G Era: A Framework Integrating Power Internet of Things With a Cyber Physical System

Communication Technologies sentence examples within multiple input multiple

Friendly-jamming schemes to secure ultra-reliable and low-latency communications in 5G and beyond communications

A Survey on Successive Interference Cancellation Schemes in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Future Radio Access

Communication Technologies sentence examples within socio economic development

Digital elementary school solution with moodlebox in a conflict zone: the case of the Central African Republic

Education as a driver of economic growth of territories in the conditions of digital transformation

Communication Technologies sentence examples within health care system

European Federation for Medical Informatics – the Most Influential Promoter of Medical Informatics Development for the Past 45 Years

Constructing Smartphone-Controlled Optogenetic Switches in Mammalian Cells.

Communication Technologies sentence examples within become increasingly important

Diseño pedagógico de una Plataforma de Comunicación Multimedia Móvil (PCMM) en Educación Especial

Proof of Authenticity of Logistics Information with Passive RFID Tags and Blockchain (Extended Abstract)

Communication Technologies sentence examples within providing health care

Opportunities of information communication technologies for providing pharmaceutical care in the COVID-19 pandemic

The potential role in HIFU telehealth in the management of fibroid and adenomyosis after COVID-19 pandemic

Communication Technologies sentence examples within electronic educational environment


Organization of higher education in context of digitalization: online learning experience at pandemic, development trends

Communication Technologies sentence examples within « electronic educational

Електронний підручник як сучасний засіб навчання

The electronic textbook as a modern learning tool

Communication Technologies sentence examples within teaching learning process

Análisis documental relacionado con la educación continua como eje integrador de las competencias del currículo universitario

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Wireles Communication Technologies

UMUcast: A Framework for Massive Small-Data Delivering in Industrial Internet of Things

Standards-Compliant Multi-Protocol On-Board Unit for the Evaluation of Connected and Automated Mobility Services in Multi-Vendor Environments †

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Information Communication Technologies

The Impact of Digital Transformation and Virtual Reality in Tourism Marketing

Challenging assumptions about relationships between mathematics pedagogy and ICT integration: surveying teachers in English secondary schools

Communication Technologies sentence examples within New Communication Technologies

Floating Content: Experiences and Future Directions

WhatsApp assessment for communication and organization of group work in resident physicians

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Digital Communication Technologies

Smart City and Smart Tourist Destinations


Communication Technologies sentence examples within Mobile Communication Technologies

A Survey on Coverage Enhancement in Cellular Networks: Challenges and Solutions for Future Deployments

Mobile communication technology of sports events in 5G era

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Modern Communication Technologies

Non-Magnetic Bimetallic MOF-Derived Porous Carbon-Wrapped TiO2/ZrTiO4 Composites for Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption

Analyzing the impact of 900 MHz EMF short-term exposure to the expression of 667 miRNAs in human peripheral blood cells

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Advanced Communication Technologies

Targeted Dissemination of Emergency Information: Joint Traffic and Communication Optimization

Pressure-Measuring Devices for Compression Therapy in Venous Leg Ulcers: A Comprehensive Review

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Different Communication Technologies

Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for various wireless applications

A Versatile, Low-Power and Low-Cost IoT Device for Field Data Gathering in Precision Agriculture Practices

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Variou Communication Technologies

Friendly-jamming schemes to secure ultra-reliable and low-latency communications in 5G and beyond communications

Social TV viewing during the COVID-19 lockdown: The mediating role of social presence

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Emerging Communication Technologies

Stewardship of global collective behavior

Cognitive Radio Networks Application in the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Africa Development

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Vehicular Communication Technologies

Advancements in Vehicular Communication Technologies: C-V2X and NR-V2X Comparison

Hybrid Routing Mechanism for Wireless Vehicular Networks

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Internet Communication Technologies

A Systematic Review of Internet Communication Technology Use by Youth in Foster Care

Field Condition Sensing Technology

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Optical Communication Technologies

Free-space optical communication technologies will enable next generation of ultra high throughput satellite

High-efficiency and high-precision identification of transmitting orbital angular momentum modes in atmospheric turbulence based on an improved convolutional neural network

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Electronic Communication Technologies

Peter Wilson in the Empire of Signs

Multifunctional and corrosion resistant poly(phenylene sulfide)/Ag composites for electromagnetic interference shielding

Communication Technologies sentence examples within 5g Communication Technologies

PUF-Based Key Generation Scheme for Secure Group Communication Using MEMS

A Survey on Mobile Augmented Reality With 5G Mobile Edge Computing: Architectures, Applications, and Technical Aspects

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Existing Communication Technologies

Research on Power Line Carrier Communication Based on HVDC

An Optimized and Hybrid Energy Aware Routing Model for Effective Detection Of Flooding Attacks in a Manet Environment

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Generation Communication Technologies

Internet of Things based Smart Home System Design for Individuals with Disabilities

Radio resource management: approaches and implementations from 4G to 5G and beyond

Communication Technologies sentence examples within Vehicle Communication Technologies

Graph Laplacian Extended Kalman Filter for Connected and Automated Vehicles Localization