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Kinematic Differences Exist Between the Fastball, Changeup, Curveball, and Dropball Pitch Types in Collegiate Softball Pitchers

Decreased Shoulder and Elbow Joint Loads During the Changeup Compared With the Fastball and Curveball in NCAA Division I Collegiate Softball Pitchers

Collegiate Softball sentence examples within collegiate softball player

Shoulder Strength and Range of Motion in Healthy Collegiate Softball Players.

Relationship between General and Sport-Related Drinking Motives and Athlete Alcohol Use and Problems

Kinematic Differences Exist Between the Fastball, Changeup, Curveball, and Dropball Pitch Types in Collegiate Softball Pitchers

Decreased Shoulder and Elbow Joint Loads During the Changeup Compared With the Fastball and Curveball in NCAA Division I Collegiate Softball Pitchers

Vascular Changes of the Hand of a Collegiate Softball Catcher: A Case Report.

Comparison of Pelvis and Trunk Kinematics Between Youth and Collegiate Windmill Softball Pitchers

Shoulder Strength and Range of Motion in Healthy Collegiate Softball Players.

Relationship between General and Sport-Related Drinking Motives and Athlete Alcohol Use and Problems

Association of Upper Extremity Pain With Softball Pitching Kinematics and Kinetics

The speed of perception: the effects of over-speed video training on pitch recognition in collegiate softball players

Efficacy of High-performance Vision Training on Improving the Reaction Time of Collegiate Softball Athletes: A Randomized Trial

Total and Regional Body Composition of NCAA Division I Collegiate Female Softball Athletes.

The Association of Upper-Body Kinematics and Earned Run Average of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Softball Pitchers.

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Collegiate Softball 大学垒球
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