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Functional land cover scale for three insect pests with contrasting dispersal strategies in a fragmented coffee-based landscape in Central Kenya

Emergence and Infestation Level of Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Coffee Berries on the Plant or on the Ground During the Post-harvest Period in Brazil

Coffee Pest sentence examples within Reduce Coffee Pest

Organic Farming Practices and Shade Trees Reduce Pest Infestations in Robusta Coffee Systems in Amazonia

Cover crop intercropping increases biological control in coffee crops

Multi-scale mosaics in top-down pest control by ants from natural coffee forests to plantations.

Vertical Trapping of the Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), in Coffee

Extrafloral nectary-bearing leguminous trees enhance pest control and increase fruit weight in associated coffee plants

Impact of Moisture Stress on Coffee Blotch Miner, Leucoptera caffeina (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) Incidence and Severity at Jimma

More Coffee Pest 咖啡害虫 sentence examples

Analysis of time series recurrence and cross recurrence in the relationship of climate with Coffee Leaf Rust

Ecological complexity and contingency: Ants and lizards affect biological control of the coffee leaf miner in Puerto Rico

The Distribution of Ants in a Rwandan Coffee Plantation and Their Potential to Control Pests

Population distribution and density of Antestiopsis thunbergii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the coffee growing regions of Rwanda in relation to climatic variables

A multifunctional approach for achieving simultaneous biodiversity conservation and farmer livelihood in coffee agroecosystems

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Coffee Pest 咖啡害虫

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