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Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within sea level rise

The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Management in West Africa

Sea Level Rise and Groundwater

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within saline water intrusion

Saltwater intrusion in drinking water wells of Kordkuy, Iran: an integrated quantitative and graphical study

Groundwater—from freshwater source to green energy: an overview from concern to solution

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Shallow Coastal Aquifers

Scale-dependent impacts of natural and anthropogenic drivers on groundwater level dynamics – analysis of shallow coastal aquifers using deep learning


Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Confined Coastal Aquifers

Efficient Stochastic Simulation of Seawater Intrusion, With Mixing, in Confined Coastal Aquifers

Study on the influence of seawater density variation on sea water intrusion in confined coastal aquifers

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Unconfined Coastal Aquifers

An analytical solution of the tide-induced groundwater table overheight under a three-dimensional kinematic boundary condition

A Rapid Assessment Method to Identify Potential Groundwater Flooding Hotspots as Sea Levels Rise in Coastal Cities

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Freshwater Coastal Aquifers

Saltwater Intrusion and Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Acceleration of Biogeochemical Reactions in Changing Coastal Aquifers


Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Layered Coastal Aquifers

Assessment of interaction between the aquifers by geochemical signatures in an urbanised coastal region of India

Foreword of the Founding Editor of the Journal Transport in Porous Media, Jacob Bear

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Many Coastal Aquifers

Predictive Simulation of Seawater Intrusion Control Measures in a Coastal aquifer

Numerical Modeling of Saltwater Intrusion in the Rmel-Oulad Ogbane Coastal Aquifer (Larache, Morocco) in the Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise Context (2040)

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within Sandy Coastal Aquifers

Hydrogeochemistry of near-surface groundwater on a developing barrier island (Spiekeroog, Germany): The role of inundation, season and vegetation

Cycling of redox-sensitive trace metals in barrier island freshwater lenses.

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within coastal aquifers vium

Submarine Groundwater Discharge: The invisible mechanism that degrades the quality of crystalline bathing water in the Balearic Islands

Aquifer Response to Estuarine Stream Dynamics

Coastal Aquifers sentence examples within coastal aquifers around

Investigation of groundwater salinity using geophysical and geochemical approaches: heuningnes catchment coastal aquifer. Western Cape Province, South Africa

Enhancing the resolving ability of electrical resistivity tomography for imaging saltwater intrusion through improvements in inversion methods: A laboratory and numerical study

Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Characterization of Coastal aquifers with Special reference to Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Uttara kannada, Karnataka, India

Assessment of seawater intrusion in Kızılırmak delta coastal area (North Turkey) using hydrochemical and isotopic data

Impact Of Seawater Intrusion Bund On Soil & Water Conservation Along The Coastal Line Of Poonakary, Sri Lanka

Imaging the Structure and the Saltwater Intrusion Extent of the Luy River Coastal Aquifer (Binh Thuan, Vietnam) Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography

Using heat as a tracer to map and quantify water infiltration and exfiltration along a complex high energy beach face

Hydrochemical and Isotopic Characterization of the Waters of the Manglaralto River Basin (Ecuador) to Contribute to the Management of the Coastal Aquifer

Integrated hydrochemical and ERT approach for seawater intrusion study in a coastal aquifer: a case study from Jafrabad Town, Gujarat State, India

Alongshore freshwater circulation in offshore aquifers

Management of Saltwater Intrusion in Data-scarce Coastal Aquifers: Impacts of Seasonality, Water Deficit, and Land Use

Hydrostratigraphic setting and groundwater dynamics in high salinized low-lying farmlands at the southern margin of the Venice Lagoon

Management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers using different wells systems: a case study of the Nile Delta aquifer in Egypt

Assessment of seawater intrusion using ionic ratios: the case of coastal communities along the Central Region of Ghana

Temperature distribution in coastal aquifers: Insights from groundwater modeling and field data

The Effect of Implementing the Integrated Management System in Desalination Plants in Conflict Zones: Case Study on the Gaza Strip

The Issue of Groundwater Salinization in Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean Region: A Review

Utilization of pit lake on the cleaning process of residual saltwater in unconfined coastal aquifers.

Influence of inland freshwater influx on the natural desalination of coastal aquifers with a cutoff wall

A framework for parameter estimation using sharp-interface seawater intrusion models

Review of Seawater Intrusion in Western Coastal Regions of South Korea

An over-used ocean island coastal aquifer, Tenerife (Spain) – tracing inputs for improved resource management

Spatial and physicochemical assessment of groundwater quality in the urban coastal region of Sri Lanka

Assessment of mechanical dispersion effects on mixing zone under extreme saltwater intrusion

Groundwater and salinization risk: tapping works and management experience in the Mediterranean Area

Parameter Estimation of a Decision-Support Seawater Intrusion Model Using Multiple Well and Geophysical Data

Sensitivity analysis of Seawater intrusion model in Tra Vinh province, Mekong Delta

Use of Major Ions to Evaluate Groundwater Chemistry and Identify Hydrochemical Processes in a Shallow Coastal Aquifer in Southeast Brazil

Flow and Transport Numerical Model of a Coastal Aquifer Based on the Hydraulic Importance of a Dyke and Its Impact on Water Quality. Manglaralto—Ecuador

Solute exchanges between multi-depth groundwater and surface water of climatically vulnerable Gangetic delta front aquifers of Sundarbans.

Review: Saltwater intrusion in fractured crystalline bedrock

Groundwater pollution index (GPI) and GIS-based appraisal of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation in coastal aquifers of Tiruchendur, South India

Isotopic composition of rainfall in Baja California Sur, México

Assessment of hydrogeochemical characteristics and saltwater intrusion in selected coastal aquifers of southwestern India.

Vulnerability assessment of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers of southern Bangladesh: Water quality appraisals

Simulating Future Groundwater Recharge in Coastal and Inland Catchments

Observing tidal and storm generated wave height impact on groundwater levels in a tropical delta (the Sundarbans)

Hydrostatic Densitometer for Monitoring Density in Freshwater to Hypersaline Water Bodies

Identification of freshwater - saltwater interface in coastal areas using combination of geophysical and geochemical methods: A case study in Mekong Delta, Vietnam

A density-dependent multi-species model to assess groundwater flow and nutrient transport in the coastal Keauhou aquifer, Hawai‘i, USA

Finite element modelling to assess the submarine groundwater discharge in an over exploited multilayered coastal aquifer

Groundwater age distribution in a highly dynamic coastal aquifer

Tidal monitoring on sandy beaches using perpendicular time-lapse photography

Heat Dissipation Test With Fiber‐Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Estimate Groundwater Flux

Delineating the characteristics of saline water intrusion in the coastal aquifers of Tamil Nadu, India by analysing the Dar-Zarrouk parameters

Seawater intrusion analysis in the coastal region of Banda Aceh by using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Evaluation of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Irrigational Purposes in a Coastal Alluvial Aquifer using Multivariate Statistical Approach: A Case Study from West Godavari Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India