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Circumferential Sh sentence examples within circumferential sh wave

Circumferential SH Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Curved Plate

Asymptotic Analytical Solution of Circumferential SH Wave in Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shell and Cylinder

A sheath of motile cells supports collective migration in of the Zebrafish posterior lateral line primordium under the skin

Modified friction stir clinching with protuberance-keyhole levelling: A process for production of welds with high strength

Monolithic zirconia crowns – wall thickness, surface treatment and load at fracture

More Circumferential Sh 周向Sh sentence examples

Coronary Arteries and Heart

A Flexible and Modular Receiver Coil Array for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Noise reduction of axial-flux motors by combining various pole-arc coefficients and circumferential shifting of permanent magnets: analytical approach

Three-dimensional analysis of the thoracic aorta microscopic deformation during intraluminal pressurization

Characterizing the Collagen Network Structure and Pressure-Induced Strains of the Human Lamina Cribrosa

Seamless Tube-Type Heater with Uniform Thickness and Temperature Distribution Based on Carbon Nanotubes Aligned by Circumferential Shearing

Circumferential Shaving of the Cavity in Breast-Conserving Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Unique microstructure and simultaneous enhancements of strength and ductility in gradient-microstructured Cu sheet produced by single-roll angular-rolling

High-dose intramyocardial HMGB1 induces long-term cardioprotection in sheep with myocardial infarction

More Circumferential Sh 周向Sh sentence examples

Local liquid film behavior of annular two-phase flow on rod-bundle geometry – II. Modeling and verification

Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic function in neonatal calves with naturally occurring sepsis or septic shock due to diarrhea.

Effect of exfoliated few-layered graphene on corrosion and mechanical behaviour of the graphitized Al–SiC surface composite fabricated by FSP

Skin grafting the vascular pedicle: a useful technique to avoid microvascular collapse in free tissue transfer for limb salvage

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Circumferential Sh 周向Sh

Circumferential Sh 周向Sh
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