Discover more insights into Channel State 通道状态

Channel State sentence examples within massive multiple input

Binary Neural Network Aided CSI Feedback in Massive MIMO System

Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning-based Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO System

Channel State sentence examples within multiple input multiple

Enhanced Precoder for Secondary User of MIMO Cognitive Radio in the Presence of CSIT Uncertainties in the Desired and Interference Links

Machine Learning for 5G MIMO Modulation Detection

Channel State sentence examples within closed form expression

Massive MIMO under Double Scattering Channels: Power Minimization and Congestion Controls

On Performance of Energy Harvested Cooperative NOMA Under Imperfect CSI and Imperfect SIC

Channel State sentence examples within orthogonal frequency division

Robust Resource Allocation for Two-Tier HetNets: An Interference-Efficiency Perspective

Joint Offloading Decision and Resource Allocation in MEC-enabled Vehicular Networks

Channel State sentence examples within channel estimation error

On Spectral Efficiency for Multiuser MISO Systems Under Imperfect Channel Information

Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for NOMA-Enabled Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing

Channel State sentence examples within reconfigurable intelligent surface

Secrecy rate analysis for reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted mimo communications with statistical CSI

Statistical CSI-Based Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems With Direct Links

Channel State sentence examples within frequency division duplexing

CAnet: Uplink-aided Downlink Channel Acquisition in FDD Massive MIMO using Deep Learning

Compressive Sampled CSI Feedback Method Based on Deep Learning for FDD Massive MIMO Systems

Channel State sentence examples within frequency division duplex

MRFNet: A Deep Learning-Based CSI Feedback Approach of Massive MIMO Systems

Experimental Investigation of Frequency Domain Channel Extrapolation in Massive MIMO Systems for Zero-Feedback FDD

Channel State sentence examples within intelligent reflecting surface

Low-to-Zero-Overhead IRS Reconfiguration: Decoupling Illumination and Channel Estimation

Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enabled Random Rotations Scheme for the MISO Broadcast Channel

Channel State sentence examples within multiuser multiple input

Tomlinson-Harashima Precoded Rate-Splitting With Stream Combiners for MU-MIMO Systems

On the Sum-Rate of RIS-Assisted MIMO Multiple-Access Channels over Spatially Correlated Rician Fading

Channel State sentence examples within non orthogonal multiple

Cognitive Non-ideal NOMA Satellite-Terrestrial Networks with Channel and Hardware Imperfections

Secure Transmission for NOMA-Based Cognitive Radio Networks With Imperfect CSI

Channel State sentence examples within received signal strength

Exploiting Fingerprint Correlation for Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization: A Deep Learning Based Approach

Extreme Learning Machine and AdaBoost-Based Localization Using CSI and RSSI

Channel State sentence examples within deep neural network

Device-free Pedestrian Count Estimation Using Wi-Fi Channel State Information

Physical Tampering Detection Using Single COTS Wi-Fi Endpoint

Channel State sentence examples within minimum mean square

Low-Complexity Linear MIMO-OTFS Receivers

Robust MMSE Precoding and Power Allocation for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

Channel State sentence examples within bit error rate

Deep Transfer Learning for Signal Detection in Ambient Backscatter Communications

Manchester Encoding for Non-Coherent Detection of Ambient Backscatter in Time-Selective Fading

Channel State sentence examples within physical layer security

Artificial-Noise-Aided Space–Time Line Code for Enhancing Physical Layer Security of Multiuser MIMO Downlink Transmission

Improvement of Radio Frequency Fingerprint Portability for Wi-Fi Adaptor Identification

Channel State sentence examples within human activity recognition

Multimodal CSI-based Human Activity Recognition using GANs

Wi-Sense: a passive human activity recognition system using Wi-Fi and convolutional neural network and its integration in health information systems

Channel State sentence examples within imperfect successive interference

NOMA Based Cooperative Relaying Strategy for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Under Imperfect SIC and Imperfect CSI: A Comprehensive Analysis

Joint Effects of Imperfect CSI and SIC on NOMA Based Satellite-Terrestrial Systems

Channel State sentence examples within multi user multiple

Partial Perturbation to Alleviate the Performance Degradation of Vector Perturbation With Inaccurate Power Scaling Factors

Distributed Precoding Using Local CSIT for MU-MIMO Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

Channel State sentence examples within massive multi input

Analysis of the Maximum Ratio Transmission Precoding under Imperfect Channel State Information with Hardware Impairments in Correlated Channels

Large System Analysis of the Maximum Ratio Transmission Precoding Under Imperfect Channel State Information With Hardware Impairments

Channel State sentence examples within resource allocation problem

Joint Transmission Reception Point Selection and Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient Millimeter-Wave Communications

Robust Energy-Efficient Optimization for Secure Wireless-Powered Backscatter Communications With a Non-Linear EH Model

Channel State sentence examples within successive interference cancellation

DRL-Assisted Resource Allocation for NOMA-MEC Offloading with Hybrid SIC

Outage Probability and Ergodic Capacity of User Clustering and Beamforming MIMO-NOMA Relay System With Imperfect CSI Over Nakagami-$m$ Fading Channels

Channel State sentence examples within power allocation strategy

On the Secrecy-Reliability Performance Trade-off for NOMA-enabled 5G mmWave Networks

Modeing and Robust Continuous Power Allocation Strategy with Imperfect Channel State Information in Cognitive Radio Networks

Channel State sentence examples within power allocation algorithm

Power Allocation Algorithm based on $N^{th}$ order Fibonacci Polynomial for Multi-User NOMA

Energy-efficient resource allocation for multi-RAT networks under time average QoS constraint

Channel State sentence examples within device free localization

AF-DCGAN: Amplitude Feature Deep Convolutional GAN for Fingerprint Construction in Indoor Localization Systems

IEEE 802.11 CSI randomization to preserve location privacy: An empirical evaluation in different scenarios

Channel State sentence examples within power allocation problem

Shallow Reinforcement Learning for Energy Harvesting Communications With Imperfect Channel Knowledge

Exploiting Deep Learning for Secure Transmission in an Underlay Cognitive Radio Network

Channel State sentence examples within channel distribution information

Covert Wireless Communications Under Quasi-Static Fading With Channel Uncertainty

Optimal Detection in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Jamming

Channel State sentence examples within convolutional neural network

CSI-Based Localization with CNNs Exploiting Phase Information

High Accuracy WiFi-Based Human Activity Classification System with Time-Frequency Diagram CNN Method for Different Places

Channel State sentence examples within time varying channel

Joint Channel Estimation and Generalized Approximate Messaging Passing-Based Equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communications

Supervised-Learning for Symbol Detection in Time Varying Channels

Channel State sentence examples within fast time varying