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Cartilage Model sentence examples within Vivo Cartilage Model

Raman Needle Arthroscopy for In Vivo Molecular Assessment of Cartilage

Raman Needle Arthroscopy for In Vivo Molecular Assessment of Cartilage.

Cartilage Model sentence examples within Articular Cartilage Model

Three-dimensional porous gas-foamed electrospun nanofiber scaffold for cartilage regeneration.

Effect of Synovial Fluid Pressurization on the Biphasic Lubrication Property of Articular Cartilage

Comparison of cartilage and bone morphological models of the ankle joint derived from different medical imaging technologies.

Comprehensive description of T2 value spatial variations in non-osteoarthritic femoral cartilage using three-dimensional registration of morphological and relaxometry data.

Imaging and Biomechanics

The combined impact of tissue heterogeneity and fixed charge for models of cartilage: the one-dimensional biphasic swelling model revisited

Learn more from Cartilage Model 软骨模型

Cartilage Model 软骨模型

Cartilage Model 软骨模型
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