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Depth–Sequential Investigation of Major Ions, δ18o, δ2h and δ13C in Fractured Aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada) Using Passive Samplers

Groundwater flow velocities in a fractured carbonate aquifer-type: Implications for contaminant transport.

The occurrence and distribution of strontium in U.S. groundwater

Groundwater of carbonate aquifers

Tracing groundwater circulation in a valuable mineral water basin with geochemical and isotopic tools: the case of FERRARELLE, Riardo basin, Southern Italy

Origin of water masses in Floridan Aquifer System revealed by 81Kr

Specifying of aquifer characteristics using forward and inverse modeling of DC-resistivity and TEM methods

Nested Recharge Systems in Mountain Block Hydrology: High-Elevation Snowpack Generates Low-Elevation Overwinter Baseflow in a Rocky Mountain River

Modeling of karst aquifers

Eogenetic Karst in Florida

The Origin of Major Ions of Groundwater in a Loess Aquifer

Karst conduit contribution to spring discharge and aquifer cross-sectional area

Geochemical evaluation of carbonate aquifers in Ngbo and environs, Ebonyi State, southeastern, Nigeria

Integrating hydrogeological and microbiological data and modelling to characterize the hydraulic features and behaviour of coastal carbonate aquifers: A case in western Cuba

Hydrogeological characterization of the aquifers of the Salitre region through stable isotopes (δD and δ18O) and geochemistry

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Carbonate Aquifers 碳酸盐含水层

Carbonate Aquifers 碳酸盐含水层
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