Biosphere Reserve
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within stain negative aerobic
Cells of bacterial strains G9T and 7MK23T, isolated from forest soil samples collected from the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Guangdong Province, PR China, were Gram-stain-negative, aerobic and rod-shaped.
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区采集的森林土壤样品中分离出的菌株 G9T 和 7MK23T 的细胞呈革兰氏染色阴性、好氧和杆状。
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区采集的森林土壤样品中分离出的菌株 G9T 和 7MK23T 的细胞呈革兰氏染色阴性、好氧和杆状。
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Three Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, motile and rod-shaped bacterial strains, 7Q-K02T, DHF22T and DHOM02T, were isolated from forest soil sampled at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Guangdong Province, China.
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区的森林土壤中分离出三种革兰氏染色阴性、需氧、运动和杆状细菌菌株,7Q-K02T、DHF22T 和 DHOM02T。
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区的森林土壤中分离出三种革兰氏染色阴性、需氧、运动和杆状细菌菌株,7Q-K02T、DHF22T 和 DHOM02T。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Unesco Biosphere Reserve
The transdisciplinary project KlimaRhön aims at assessing water-related risks and developing adaptation measures in water management in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Rhön in Central Germany.
跨学科项目 KlimaRhön 旨在评估与水相关的风险,并在德国中部的联合国教科文组织生物圈保护区 Rhön 制定水管理适应措施。
跨学科项目 KlimaRhön 旨在评估与水相关的风险,并在德国中部的联合国教科文组织生物圈保护区 Rhön 制定水管理适应措施。
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This method is illustrated through its application to a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in central Spain.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
<p>The Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve is situated near Kolkata in the western part of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta.
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We focus on the Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve (SBR), India within the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta.
我们专注于恒河-布拉马普特拉-梅格纳三角洲内的印度孙德尔本斯生物圈保护区 (SBR)。
我们专注于恒河-布拉马普特拉-梅格纳三角洲内的印度孙德尔本斯生物圈保护区 (SBR)。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Devus Biosphere Reserve
BackgroundThe present study exhibited forest structure, plant species composition and regeneration pattern in temperate zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR), western Himalaya along the different altitudinal gradient (2600 to 3600 m asl).
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Part of the area belongs to Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve which is completely protected from human interventions.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve
A novel bacterial strain, designated K2CV101002-2T, was isolated from forest soil collected at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Guangdong Province, PR China.
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区采集的森林土壤中分离出一株新菌株,命名为 K2CV101002-2T。
从中国广东省鼎湖山生物圈保护区采集的森林土壤中分离出一株新菌株,命名为 K2CV101002-2T。
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The Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, a subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, is a suitable study area due to its warm and humid climate (compared with other regions within the same latitude), consequently playing a role in the carbon cycle in the region.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within World Biosphere Reserve
Jiuzhaigou County in Sichuan, China is renowned for its beautiful natural scenery, recognized as a World Heritage Site and World Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO.
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ABSTRACT Lotus eremiticus is an endemic species from La Palma World Biosphere Reserve.
摘要 Lotus eremiticus 是拉帕尔马世界生物圈保护区的特有物种。
摘要 Lotus eremiticus 是拉帕尔马世界生物圈保护区的特有物种。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Horn Biosphere Reserve
Here, we document the current distribution and ecological interactions with native biota of the relatively recently introduced wasp, Vespula vulgaris, in the southern part of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve.
在这里,我们记录了在合恩角生物圈保护区南部相对最近引入的黄蜂 Vespula vulgaris 的当前分布和与本地生物群的生态相互作用。
在这里,我们记录了在合恩角生物圈保护区南部相对最近引入的黄蜂 Vespula vulgaris 的当前分布和与本地生物群的生态相互作用。
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The distribution encompasses the South Shetland Islands (Maritime Antarctic), South Georgia (sub-Antarctic), and parts of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR, southern Chile).
分布范围包括南设得兰群岛(南极海洋)、南乔治亚岛(亚南极)和合恩角生物圈保护区(智利南部的 CHBR)的部分地区。
分布范围包括南设得兰群岛(南极海洋)、南乔治亚岛(亚南极)和合恩角生物圈保护区(智利南部的 CHBR)的部分地区。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Forest Biosphere Reserve
Integrating vegetables into the multi-storey cropping system of the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve could improve nutritional health while reducing pressure on natural habitats in the biodiversity hotspot.
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This study aimed to evaluate land use/land cover changes (1987–2017), prediction (2032–2047), and identify the drivers of Majang Forest Biosphere Reserves.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Marine Biosphere Reserve
Our data indicate that the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve in Abu Dhabi is broadly coincident with the foraging areas of turtles offering substantial protection from fishery activities and that the marine protected area in Ras Al Khaimah would be more effective in protecting green sea turtles if it extended offshore and along the coast.
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Although initially developed for four marine biosphere reserves and protected areas in SE Asia, the generic nature of the evidence included suggests that the matrix constitutes a valuable baseline for marine ecosystem service assessments within SE Asia and provides a robust foundation for development in future work.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Deltum Biosphere Reserve
The current study aims to present possible ways for the recycling and reuse of silico-manganese slag landfilled in Tulcea, City on the Danube River close to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in order to save the natural resources raw of manganese.
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The present research aims to assess heavy metal pollution in the Lower Danube surface sediments collected along the Danube course (between 180 and 60 km) up to the point where the Danube River flows into the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization—UNESCO, protected area).
本研究旨在评估沿多瑙河河道(180 至 60 公里)收集的多瑙河下游表层沉积物中的重金属污染,直至多瑙河流入多瑙河三角洲生物圈保护区(联合国教育、科学和文化组织——教科文组织,保护区)。
本研究旨在评估沿多瑙河河道(180 至 60 公里)收集的多瑙河下游表层沉积物中的重金属污染,直至多瑙河流入多瑙河三角洲生物圈保护区(联合国教育、科学和文化组织——教科文组织,保护区)。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Natural Biosphere Reserve
The data on the fauna and biotopic distribution of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the yew-boxwood grove of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve are presented.
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Astafyev (KRAS), the “Sayano-Shushensky” State Natural Biosphere Reserve (SSHZ) and the “Azas” State Nature Reserve, clarified information on the distribution of rare plant species in the Upper Yenisei basin.
Astafyev (KRAS)、“Sayano-Shushensky”国家自然生物圈保护区 (SSHZ) 和“Azas”国家自然保护区阐明了关于上叶尼塞盆地稀有植物物种分布的信息。
Astafyev (KRAS)、“Sayano-Shushensky”国家自然生物圈保护区 (SSHZ) 和“Azas”国家自然保护区阐明了关于上叶尼塞盆地稀有植物物种分布的信息。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Nilgirus Biosphere Reserve
These unique ecosystems act as the home for many of the floral and faunal endemic species and also serve as the water reservoir for the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
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Mature leaves of twenty-five woody tree species from tropical dry thorn (DT), dry deciduous (DD), and montane evergreen (ME) forests of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, southern India, were screened for the presence of minor species of fungal endophytes (colonization frequency of < 5%).
对来自印度南部 Nilgiri 生物圈保护区的热带干刺 (DT)、干落叶 (DD) 和山地常绿 (ME) 森林的 25 种木本树种的成熟叶子进行筛选,以确定是否存在次要种类的内生真菌(定殖频率 < 5%)。
对来自印度南部 Nilgiri 生物圈保护区的热带干刺 (DT)、干落叶 (DD) 和山地常绿 (ME) 森林的 25 种木本树种的成熟叶子进行筛选,以确定是否存在次要种类的内生真菌(定殖频率 < 5%)。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Centla Biosphere Reserve
In this article, the geomorphological and hydro climatological characterization of the Pantanos Centla Biosphere Reserve, Tabasco, Mexico, is shown.
本文展示了墨西哥塔巴斯科的 Pantanos Centla 生物圈保护区的地貌和水文气候特征。
本文展示了墨西哥塔巴斯科的 Pantanos Centla 生物圈保护区的地貌和水文气候特征。
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The systematic list of fish collected during 2014 and 2015 in the Pantanos de Centla Biosphere Reserve registered a 25% increase in the previous diversity records, mainly due to the presence of diadromous fish.
2014 年和 2015 年在 Pantanos de Centla 生物圈保护区收集的鱼类系统清单比之前的多样性记录增加了 25%,这主要是由于存在溯河鱼类。
2014 年和 2015 年在 Pantanos de Centla 生物圈保护区收集的鱼类系统清单比之前的多样性记录增加了 25%,这主要是由于存在溯河鱼类。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Maya Biosphere Reserve
This paper focuses upon the organizational governance of community forest enterprises (CFEs) in the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR) of Northern Guatemala.
本文重点关注危地马拉北部玛雅生物圈保护区 (MBR) 社区林业企业 (CFE) 的组织治理。
本文重点关注危地马拉北部玛雅生物圈保护区 (MBR) 社区林业企业 (CFE) 的组织治理。
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Using an ordered logistic regression and an instrumental variable method, we analyze a household-level survey of forest-dwelling residents living in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in northern Guatemala.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
An isolated population of several hundred Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) inhabits the Gerês-Xurés Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (GXTBR) in north-western Iberian Peninsula, in partial sympatry with tens of thousands domestic goats (Capra hircus).
数百只伊比利亚高地山羊 (Capra pyrenaica) 居住在伊比利亚半岛西北部的 Gerês-Xurés 跨界生物圈保护区 (GXTBR),与数以万计的家山羊 (Capra hircus) 部分同居。
数百只伊比利亚高地山羊 (Capra pyrenaica) 居住在伊比利亚半岛西北部的 Gerês-Xurés 跨界生物圈保护区 (GXTBR),与数以万计的家山羊 (Capra hircus) 部分同居。
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The Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Ibérica (BRMI; Portugal-Spain) is one of the most relevant reserves for wildlife in Europe.
Meseta Ibérica 跨界生物圈保护区(BRMI;葡萄牙-西班牙)是欧洲与野生动物最相关的保护区之一。
Meseta Ibérica 跨界生物圈保护区(BRMI;葡萄牙-西班牙)是欧洲与野生动物最相关的保护区之一。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Seaflower Biosphere Reserve
Serranilla is a protected island of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, far from dense human population.
Serranilla 是一个受保护的 Seaflower Biosphere Reserve 岛屿,远离密集的人口。
Serranilla 是一个受保护的 Seaflower Biosphere Reserve 岛屿,远离密集的人口。
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In this paper we summarize the list of echinoderms in the SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve (SFBR) and their distribution patterns, including shallow and deep species.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Nature Biosphere Reserve
The purpose of the research is to study the parasite fauna of the common frog (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting the vicinity of the Visim Nature Biosphere Reserve.
该研究的目的是研究居住在 Visim 自然生物圈保护区附近的普通青蛙 (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) 的寄生虫动物群。
该研究的目的是研究居住在 Visim 自然生物圈保护区附近的普通青蛙 (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) 的寄生虫动物群。
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New data are presented on the biotopic distribution of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) at the plain (Yaksha) site of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Biosphere Reserve.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Manantlan Biosphere Reserve
In this work we document a case of mass swarming of the Mexican soldier beetle Chauliognathus vestitus Champion, 1914 from El Terrero locality, within the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve, in Colima, Mexico.
在这项工作中,我们记录了 1914 年在墨西哥科利马的 Sierra de Manantlan 生物圈保护区内的 El Terrero 地区大规模蜂拥而至的墨西哥士兵甲虫 Chauliognathus vestitus Champion 的案例。
在这项工作中,我们记录了 1914 年在墨西哥科利马的 Sierra de Manantlan 生物圈保护区内的 El Terrero 地区大规模蜂拥而至的墨西哥士兵甲虫 Chauliognathus vestitus Champion 的案例。
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The Cuzalapa painting corresponds to a pictorial map that serves as the primary title of this indigenous community of the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve, in southern Jalisco.
Cuzalapa 画与一幅图画地图相对应,该地图是哈利斯科州南部塞拉德马南特兰生物圈保护区土著社区的主要名称。
Cuzalapa 画与一幅图画地图相对应,该地图是哈利斯科州南部塞拉德马南特兰生物圈保护区土著社区的主要名称。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
Research Highlights: Reciprocal altitudinal transplants of Abies religiosa seedlings within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) allow prediction of the impacts of climatic change, because they grow in sites with a climate that differs from that of their origin.
研究亮点:帝王蝶生物圈保护区 (MBBR) 内的印度冷杉幼苗的相互高度移植可以预测气候变化的影响,因为它们生长的地点气候与其原产地不同。
研究亮点:帝王蝶生物圈保护区 (MBBR) 内的印度冷杉幼苗的相互高度移植可以预测气候变化的影响,因为它们生长的地点气候与其原产地不同。
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pseudostrobus provenances in a rain exclusion field test at the border of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR) in Mexico.
在墨西哥帝王蝶生物圈保护区 (MBBR) 的边界进行的雨水排除现场测试中的 pseudostrobus 种源。
在墨西哥帝王蝶生物圈保护区 (MBBR) 的边界进行的雨水排除现场测试中的 pseudostrobus 种源。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Pendjarus Biosphere Reserve
Thus, this study aimed at analysing use knowledge patterns and threat factors of termites within the local communities around Pendjari biosphere reserve (PBR).
因此,本研究旨在分析 Pendjari 生物圈保护区 (PBR) 当地社区内白蚁的使用知识模式和威胁因素。
因此,本研究旨在分析 Pendjari 生物圈保护区 (PBR) 当地社区内白蚁的使用知识模式和威胁因素。
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We assessed the diversity of ant species associated with Acacia species in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in the Dahomey Gap, and their impacts on elephant damage.
我们评估了达荷美峡谷 Pendjari 生物圈保护区中与金合欢物种相关的蚂蚁物种的多样性,以及它们对大象伤害的影响。
我们评估了达荷美峡谷 Pendjari 生物圈保护区中与金合欢物种相关的蚂蚁物种的多样性,以及它们对大象伤害的影响。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Similipal Biosphere Reserve
We studied the variation in structural diversity and regeneration potential of tree species in three different tropical forest types, namely: Dry Deciduous forest (DDF), Moist Deciduous forest (MDF) and Semi-evergreen forest (SEF) of Similipal Biosphere Reserve (SBR), Eastern India.
我们研究了三种不同热带森林类型的树种结构多样性和再生潜力的变化,即:Similipal生物圈保护区(SBR)的干燥落叶林(DDF)、潮湿落叶林(MDF)和半常绿林(SEF) ,东印度。
我们研究了三种不同热带森林类型的树种结构多样性和再生潜力的变化,即:Similipal生物圈保护区(SBR)的干燥落叶林(DDF)、潮湿落叶林(MDF)和半常绿林(SEF) ,东印度。
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Using econometric tools, this study evaluates the forest dependence of people residing in and around the Similipal Biosphere Reserve in India, constructs an index, and determines key factors affecting the extent of the forest dependence.
本研究使用计量经济学工具评估居住在印度 Similipal 生物圈保护区及其周边地区的人们对森林的依赖程度,构建了一个指数,并确定了影响森林依赖程度的关键因素。
本研究使用计量经济学工具评估居住在印度 Similipal 生物圈保护区及其周边地区的人们对森林的依赖程度,构建了一个指数,并确定了影响森林依赖程度的关键因素。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Tuxtla Biosphere Reserve
I evaluated habitat use and selection by Collared Forest-Falcons (Micrastur semitorquatus) in the fragmented rainforest of the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, state of Veracruz, Mexico.
我评估了墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州洛斯图斯特拉斯生物圈保护区支离破碎的雨林中 Collared Forest-Falcons (Micrastur semitorquatus) 的栖息地使用和选择。
我评估了墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州洛斯图斯特拉斯生物圈保护区支离破碎的雨林中 Collared Forest-Falcons (Micrastur semitorquatus) 的栖息地使用和选择。
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In Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve (TBR) in Mexico, the mantled howler monkeys ( Alouatta palliata mexicana ) and the black-handed spider monkeys ( Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus ) have historically coexisted with Popoluca Indigenous Peoples.
在墨西哥的洛斯图斯特拉斯生物圈保护区 (TBR),披风吼猴 (Alouatta palliata mexicana) 和黑手蜘蛛猴 (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) 在历史上与波波卢卡原住民共存。
在墨西哥的洛斯图斯特拉斯生物圈保护区 (TBR),披风吼猴 (Alouatta palliata mexicana) 和黑手蜘蛛猴 (Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus) 在历史上与波波卢卡原住民共存。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Azule Biosphere Reserve
In three forest fragments within the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, southern Mexico, we investigated the effect of seed passage through the gut of howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) on the germination rate and maximum germination (%) of native, large-seeded species.
在墨西哥南部 Montes Azules 生物圈保护区内的三个森林碎片中,我们研究了种子通过吼猴 (Alouatta pigra) 肠道对本地大种子物种的发芽率和最大发芽率 (%) 的影响。
方法 在墨西哥南部 Montes Azules 生物圈保护区内的三个森林碎片中,我们研究了种子通过吼猴 (Alouatta pigra) 肠道对本地大种子物种的发芽率和最大发芽率 (%) 的影响。
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This summer, a small team of archaeologists, guides, and observers trekked into the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve in southern Mexico in search of a lost city.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Jano Biosphere Reserve
Here, we investigated the risk factors associated with CDV exposure in domestic and wild carnivores from the Janos Biosphere Reserve (JBR), Mexico.
在这里,我们调查了与墨西哥亚诺斯生物圈保护区 (JBR) 的家养和野生食肉动物接触 CDV 相关的风险因素。
在这里,我们调查了与墨西哥亚诺斯生物圈保护区 (JBR) 的家养和野生食肉动物接触 CDV 相关的风险因素。
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Sixty-five wild carnivores and twenty free-roaming dogs from the Janos Biosphere Reserve (JBR), northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, were inspected for ticks which were tested by molecular assays to identify Borrelia and Rickettsia infections.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve
The Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve, Mexico (TCBR) is the southernmost arid or semi-arid zone with the highest biodiversity in North America and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
墨西哥 Tehuacán-Cuicatlán 生物圈保护区 (TCBR) 是北美最南端的干旱或半干旱地区,生物多样性最高,是联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
墨西哥 Tehuacán-Cuicatlán 生物圈保护区 (TCBR) 是北美最南端的干旱或半干旱地区,生物多样性最高,是联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
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Three species of mephitids coexist in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán biosphere reserve (TCBR) and belong to a guild of mammalian carnivores that feed mainly on invertebrates.
Tehuacán-Cuicatlán 生物圈保护区 (TCBR) 共存了三种 mephitids,属于主要以无脊椎动物为食的哺乳动物食肉动物行会。
Tehuacán-Cuicatlán 生物圈保护区 (TCBR) 共存了三种 mephitids,属于主要以无脊椎动物为食的哺乳动物食肉动物行会。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Ba Biosphere Reserve
This study developed comparisons of human-intervened and naturally restored forests in Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam in order to gain a better understanding of restoration options for the dual objectives of biodiversity conservation and forest cover.
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The Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve is internationally renowned for its spectacular karst landscape.
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Luki Biosphere Reserve
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes active fires from 2001 to 2019 in and around the Luki Biosphere Reserve, western DR Congo to assess fire risks.
摘要 本文分析了 2001 年至 2019 年刚果民主共和国西部卢基生物圈保护区及其周边地区的活跃火灾,以评估火灾风险。
摘要 本文分析了 2001 年至 2019 年刚果民主共和国西部卢基生物圈保护区及其周边地区的活跃火灾,以评估火灾风险。
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Conclusions: Our study took place in the Luki Biosphere reserve and showed that the different soils under litter are polluted by very toxic and persistent heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, aluminum, arsenic and nickel.
结论:我们在 Luki 生物圈保护区进行的研究表明,枯枝落叶下的不同土壤受到镉、铅、铝、砷和镍等剧毒和持久性重金属的污染。
结论:我们在 Luki 生物圈保护区进行的研究表明,枯枝落叶下的不同土壤受到镉、铅、铝、砷和镍等剧毒和持久性重金属的污染。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve
cyanea with radio-telemetry for an average of 68 ± 16 days per individual, between 21 October 2017 and 8 June 2019 in the dry evergreen forest of the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve (SBR).
在 2017 年 10 月 21 日至 2019 年 6 月 8 日期间,在 Sakaerat 生物圈保护区 (SBR) 的干燥常绿森林中,使用无线电遥测技术对每个人进行平均 68 ± 16 天的蓝藻。
在 2017 年 10 月 21 日至 2019 年 6 月 8 日期间,在 Sakaerat 生物圈保护区 (SBR) 的干燥常绿森林中,使用无线电遥测技术对每个人进行平均 68 ± 16 天的蓝藻。
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We set out to explore the space use and habitat selection of Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) in a heterogenous, agricultural landscape within the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, northeast Thailand.
我们着手在泰国东北部 Sakaerat 生物圈保护区内的异质农业景观中探索缅甸蟒(Python bivittatus)的空间利用和栖息地选择。
我们着手在泰国东北部 Sakaerat 生物圈保护区内的异质农业景观中探索缅甸蟒(Python bivittatus)的空间利用和栖息地选择。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve
La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve (REBIEN) and Puerto Arista Estuarine System (SEPA) are natural protected areas and Ramsar sites in Chiapas, Mexico.
La Encrucijada 生物圈保护区 (REBIEN) 和 Puerto Arista 河口系统 (SEPA) 是墨西哥恰帕斯州的自然保护区和拉姆萨尔湿地。
La Encrucijada 生物圈保护区 (REBIEN) 和 Puerto Arista 河口系统 (SEPA) 是墨西哥恰帕斯州的自然保护区和拉姆萨尔湿地。
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We compiled information on negative interactions between people and the spectacled caiman Caiman crocodilus and American crocodile Crocodylus acutus from the Worldwide Crocodilian Attack Database for 1993–2018, and we investigated interactions in greater depth, through interviews with people in La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve.
我们从 1993 年至 2018 年的全球鳄鱼攻击数据库中收集了有关人与戴眼镜的凯门鳄 Caiman crocodilus 和美洲鳄鱼 Crocodylus acutus 之间负面互动的信息,并通过采访 La Encrucijada 生物圈保护区的人们,更深入地调查了互动。
我们从 1993 年至 2018 年的全球鳄鱼攻击数据库中收集了有关人与戴眼镜的凯门鳄 Caiman crocodilus 和美洲鳄鱼 Crocodylus acutus 之间负面互动的信息,并通过采访 La Encrucijada 生物圈保护区的人们,更深入地调查了互动。
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Biosphere Reserve sentence examples within Island Biosphere Reserve
As such, it is an important resource within the Pacific Islands Biosphere Reserve, with many management concerns.
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Methods: The specimens were collected on Rhizophora mangle bark in the Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico, in 2019, and were deposited in the herbarium ENCB of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico.
方法:标本于2019年在墨西哥金塔纳罗奥州科苏梅尔岛生物圈保护区的Rhizophora mangle树皮上采集,并存
方法:标本于2019年在墨西哥金塔纳罗奥州科苏梅尔岛生物圈保护区的Rhizophora mangle树皮上采集,并存