Behavior Within
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Human Behavior Within
However, the inherent variability of human behavior within and across individuals makes it challenging to predict how identified states influence human performance outcomes of relevance to military operations and other high-stakes domains.
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This Non-verbal language subsequently becomes the basis of verbal communication that lays the foundation of Human Behavior within a particular spatial order.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Flow Behavior Within
The conducted single-phase flow experiments enabled direct observation of polymer molecules’ flow behavior within the hosting phase.
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It was verified by physical measurements of temperature and flow behavior within a commercial conference room containing a large external window and that was conditioned by an active chilled beam.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Consumer Behavior Within
Prior research has employed diverse theoretical perspectives to understand and explain consumer behavior within s-commerce but has also produced inconsistent results.
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The outcomes of this study are both theoretical, as they advance an understanding of sport consumer behavior within soccer supporters’ groups, and methodological, as they illustrate the unique value of employing egocentric network analysis in sport fan research.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Thermal Behavior Within
Furthermore, the complex thermal behavior within the moving droplets is considered using a parabolic temperature profile and an effective thermal conductivity approach.
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This paper presents a numerical study on the thermal behavior within a phase change material PCM (Rubitherm GmbH; RT-27) filling up a rectangular capsule, with and without adding a mid-separating fin with varying the inclination angle (0°, 45°, and 90°).
本文介绍了相变材料 PCM (Rubitherm GmbH; RT-27) 填充矩形胶囊的热行为的数值研究,添加和不添加具有不同倾斜角(0°、45°)的中间分离翅片和 90°)。
本文介绍了相变材料 PCM (Rubitherm GmbH; RT-27) 填充矩形胶囊的热行为的数值研究,添加和不添加具有不同倾斜角(0°、45°)的中间分离翅片和 90°)。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Social Behavior Within
However, little attention has been given to how the Freedmen's Bureau and Black Codes in post-Civil War Reconstruction shaped and impacted social behavior within the nursing profession.
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Environmental variables possibly correlated with social behavior within the preschool context were analyzed.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Cell Behavior Within
Despite progress in many aspects of controlling cell behavior within synthetic three-dimensional hydrogels, approaches to cryopreserve these systems – encompassing the protection of both encapsulated cell viability and network bioactive functions – are lacking.
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This first report of physical densification using fs lasers can be potentially extended for investigating cell behavior within other photosensitive hydrogels.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within System Behavior Within
The results indicate that the method can provide a model to represent the system behavior within the existing uncertainties.
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It is shown that using OpenFOAM\(^{\textregistered }\) is preferable for numerical simulations with FSI problems similar to the ones presented here, in which the investigation of system behavior within a wide range of parameters is required.
结果表明,使用 OpenFOAM\(^{\textregistered }\) 更适用于具有类似于此处介绍的 FSI 问题的数值模拟,其中需要在广泛的参数范围内研究系统行为。
结果表明,使用 OpenFOAM\(^{\textregistered }\) 更适用于具有类似于此处介绍的 FSI 问题的数值模拟,其中需要在广泛的参数范围内研究系统行为。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Normal Behavior Within
The snake had mild lethargy and weakness immediately after the procedure but returned to normal behavior within 2 wk.
蛇在手术后立即出现轻度嗜睡和虚弱,但在 2 周内恢复正常行为。
蛇在手术后立即出现轻度嗜睡和虚弱,但在 2 周内恢复正常行为。
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In this paper, I develop an unsupervised learning approach to monitor the normal behavior within the CAN bus data and detect malicious traffic.
在本文中,我开发了一种无监督学习方法来监控 CAN 总线数据中的正常行为并检测恶意流量。
在本文中,我开发了一种无监督学习方法来监控 CAN 总线数据中的正常行为并检测恶意流量。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Feeding Behavior Within
Mosquitoes exhibited multiple blood feeding behavior within a gonotrophic cycle, with predominantly non-human hosts in the bloodmeal.
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Mosquitoes exhibited multiple blood feeding behavior within a gonotrophic cycle, with predominantly non-human hosts in the bloodmeal.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Anomalou Behavior Within
We find that the fracture toughness, fracture energy, mechanical reversibility, and creep compliance exhibit an anomalous behavior within a compositional window at the vicinity of the isostatic threshold.
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In this article, we address the issue of anomalous behavior within cellular networks that occurs during crowded events.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Prosocial Behavior Within
Direct and indirect reciprocity are two fundamental mechanisms that promote prosocial behavior within groups and across societies.
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These results support the hypothesis that sharing a painful experience triggers emotional resonance between pairs of individuals through brain-to-brain synchronization of neuronal α-oscillations recorded over the sensorimotor cortex, and this emotional resonance further strengthens social bonds and motivates prosocial behavior within pairs of individuals.
这些结果支持这样的假设,即分享痛苦的经历会通过感觉运动皮层上记录的神经元 α 振荡的脑对脑同步触发个体之间的情感共鸣,这种情感共鸣进一步加强了社会纽带并激发了个体之间的亲社会行为。个人。
这些结果支持这样的假设,即分享痛苦的经历会通过感觉运动皮层上记录的神经元 α 振荡的脑对脑同步触发个体之间的情感共鸣,这种情感共鸣进一步加强了社会纽带并激发了个体之间的亲社会行为。个人。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Linear Behavior Within
Since the behavior of the electricity price time sequence signal is highly non-linear and seasonal, deep neural network is the best model for learning the non-linear behavior within the data and for the purpose of forecasting.
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The axial dispersion coefficients obtained in both systems have a positive linear behavior within the operating range, which is uncannily marked in the carbon-water-air system, and it is an order of magnitude less than the alginate–water–air system.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Unethical Behavior Within
Although research suggests that moral objection plays a critical role in reducing unethical behavior within organizations, moral objectors often face retaliation, in part because they are viewed as.
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The need for behavioral business ethics research remains ever-present, as evidenced by the sustained number of scandals and unethical behavior within and by organizations.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Propagation Behavior Within
Optical topological transition of iso-frequency surfaces strongly modifies the propagation behavior within media.
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Solitary wave propagation behavior within a granular crystal chain is fundamentally important for impact wave mitigation.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Cellular Behavior Within
Its methodologies are based on a good understanding and control of cellular behavior within in-vivo tissues, and this represents an important challenge.
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Ultimately, we argue that strategic modulation of microscopic cellular behavior within a macroscopic framework of functional circuitry re-establishment should provide the foundation for most neural restoration strategies, and the early involvement of neurosurgeons in the process will be crucial to successful clinical translation.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Ethical Behavior Within
We integrate this literature with Bandura's (1991, 2002, 2008) theory of moral thought and action, coupled with the social functional account of emotions (Keltner & Haidt, 1999) to examine how team norms are connected, through their influence on individual team members' moral emotions, to ethical behavior within team contexts.
我们将这些文献与班杜拉 (Bandura) (1991, 2002, 2008) 的道德思想和行为理论以及情绪的社会功能解释 (Keltner & Haidt, 1999) 相结合,通过团队规范对单个团队成员的影响来检验团队规范如何相互关联'道德情感,团队环境中的道德行为。
我们将这些文献与班杜拉 (Bandura) (1991, 2002, 2008) 的道德思想和行为理论以及情绪的社会功能解释 (Keltner & Haidt, 1999) 相结合,通过团队规范对单个团队成员的影响来检验团队规范如何相互关联'道德情感,团队环境中的道德行为。
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Today’s leaders need to be equipped with strategies and instruments that ensure ethical behavior within their organizations.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Violent Behavior Within
Sixty recruited patients were aged ≥20 years, diagnosed with schizophrenia for >2 years, had repetitive violent behavior within one year, and were psychiatrically hospitalized.
60 名招募的患者年龄≥20 岁,被诊断患有精神分裂症 > 2 年,一年内有反复的暴力行为,并在精神病院住院。
60 名招募的患者年龄≥20 岁,被诊断患有精神分裂症 > 2 年,一年内有反复的暴力行为,并在精神病院住院。
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AIMS: The study aims were to determine the relationship between BVC scores and incidence of violent behavior within 24 hours, to compare scores among those requiring high-level nursing interventions for violence, and to investigate the impact of scores on length of stay (LOS) and 30 day-readmission rates.
目的:本研究旨在确定 BVC 评分与 24 小时内暴力行为发生率之间的关系,比较需要高级护理干预暴力的患者的评分,并调查评分对住院时间 (LOS) 的影响和 30 天的再入院率。
目的:本研究旨在确定 BVC 评分与 24 小时内暴力行为发生率之间的关系,比较需要高级护理干预暴力的患者的评分,并调查评分对住院时间 (LOS) 的影响和 30 天的再入院率。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Buying Behavior Within
After the Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) outbreak, the Whole world witnessed the strangest buying behavior within the customers.
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For example, by understanding the culture – consumer buying behavior within this setting, marketers or school administrators can identify exactly, which behaviors could be changed and by which mechanism i.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Suicidal Behavior Within
Patients from a psychiatric outpatient department in a general hospital in Taiwan with a history of ≥2 episodes of suicidal behavior within the previous year and who scored >40 on the Borderline Symptom List were invited to participate in this trial.
邀请台湾某综合医院精神科门诊在过去一年内有≥2 次自杀行为史且边缘症状列表得分>40 分的患者参与本试验。
邀请台湾某综合医院精神科门诊在过去一年内有≥2 次自杀行为史且边缘症状列表得分>40 分的患者参与本试验。
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Exploratory analyses suggest adolescents with suicidal behavior within the month after discharge experienced higher NSSI levels reported daily over the same period (Hedge's g=1.
探索性分析表明,在出院后一个月内有自杀行为的青少年在同一时期每天报告的 NSSI 水平较高(Hedge 的 g=1.
探索性分析表明,在出院后一个月内有自杀行为的青少年在同一时期每天报告的 NSSI 水平较高(Hedge 的 g=1.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Material Behavior Within
The results showed that based on the proposed optimization criterion, a properly trained neural network can predict polymeric material behavior within the experimental error.
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It considers that the use of three configurations of the Brinell hardness test is enough to represent the material behavior within the boundaries of the plastic deformation experienced by it.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Employee Behavior Within
Employee behavior within the organization is governed by organizational culture, which includes values, beliefs, stories, and symbols.
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Further, it is one of the few papers that highlights the positive effect of legal dimension of CSR on employee behavior within the context of the tourism and hospitality sector.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Individual Behavior Within
Using a laboratory experiment, I observe individual behavior within one of three voting systems -- plurality, instant runoff voting (IRV), and score then automatic runoff (STAR).
通过实验室实验,我观察了三种投票系统之一中的个人行为——复数、即时径流投票 (IRV) 和评分然后自动径流 (STAR)。
通过实验室实验,我观察了三种投票系统之一中的个人行为——复数、即时径流投票 (IRV) 和评分然后自动径流 (STAR)。
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Social norms theory, which examines the informal rules governing individual behavior within groups, has been a useful framework for understanding and developing interventions against GBV globally.
社会规范理论研究了管理群体内个人行为的非正式规则,它是一个有用的框架,可用于在全球范围内理解和制定针对 GBV 的干预措施。
社会规范理论研究了管理群体内个人行为的非正式规则,它是一个有用的框架,可用于在全球范围内理解和制定针对 GBV 的干预措施。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Transport Behavior Within
This work presents a new platform to provide highly resolved spatial and temporal insight into electrolyte reactions and transport behavior within porous electrodes.
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Despite the importance of these phenomena, there is no comprehensive theory that describes the complex and diverse transport behavior within porous environments.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Arrheniu Behavior Within
The calculated rate constants for HOSO • + NH 2 • reaction shows an anti Arrhenius behavior within the temperature range of 213 to 400 K and at 298 K, it was found to be ∼ 1.
计算出的 HOSO • + NH 2 • 反应的速率常数在 213 至 400 K 的温度范围内显示出反阿累尼乌斯行为,在 298 K 的温度范围内,发现其为 ∼ 1。
计算出的 HOSO • + NH 2 • 反应的速率常数在 213 至 400 K 的温度范围内显示出反阿累尼乌斯行为,在 298 K 的温度范围内,发现其为 ∼ 1。
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The ionic conductivity versus temperature plots suggests the Arrhenius behavior within the electrolyte compositions.
离子电导率与温度的关系图表明了电解质组合物中的 Arrhenius 行为。
离子电导率与温度的关系图表明了电解质组合物中的 Arrhenius 行为。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Voting Behavior Within
The changes in voting behavior within individuals due to social mobility are immediate and mainly consistent with the same cleavage.
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Using the 2SMV mechanism, the paper provides a methodology for identifying voter preferences and voting behavior within a staged multivoting system.
使用 2SMV 机制,该论文提供了一种在分阶段的多票系统中识别选民偏好和投票行为的方法。
使用 2SMV 机制,该论文提供了一种在分阶段的多票系统中识别选民偏好和投票行为的方法。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Innovative Behavior Within
We combine network structure and accessibility factors to explore the association between innovative behavior within the street network, and the relationships with the commercial activity in a city.
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Open innovation ecosystems play an important role in corporate and product innovation and contribute to the success of economic development at the municipal level, yet there is little research on the factors driving innovative behavior within a municipal innovation ecosystem (MIE).
开放式创新生态系统在企业和产品创新中发挥着重要作用,并有助于市政层面经济发展的成功,但对推动市政创新生态系统 (MIE) 内创新行为的因素的研究很少。
开放式创新生态系统在企业和产品创新中发挥着重要作用,并有助于市政层面经济发展的成功,但对推动市政创新生态系统 (MIE) 内创新行为的因素的研究很少。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Dynamical Behavior Within
Yet, their structural and dynamical behavior within nucleosome core particles has just begun to be investigated, and show dramatic differences with the one of abasic sites in B-DNA.
然而,它们在核小体核心颗粒中的结构和动力学行为才刚刚开始被研究,并显示出与 B-DNA 中的无碱基位点之一的巨大差异。
然而,它们在核小体核心颗粒中的结构和动力学行为才刚刚开始被研究,并显示出与 B-DNA 中的无碱基位点之一的巨大差异。
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Apurinic/apyrimidinic sites are the most common forms of DNA damage under physiological conditions, yet their structural and dynamical behavior within nucleosome core particles has just begun to be investigated and is dramatically different from that of abasic sites in B-DNA.
无嘌呤/无嘧啶位点是生理条件下最常见的 DNA 损伤形式,但它们在核小体核心颗粒中的结构和动力学行为才刚刚开始研究,并且与 B-DNA 中的无碱基位点有很大不同。
无嘌呤/无嘧啶位点是生理条件下最常见的 DNA 损伤形式,但它们在核小体核心颗粒中的结构和动力学行为才刚刚开始研究,并且与 B-DNA 中的无碱基位点有很大不同。
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Consumption Behavior Within
Using the network study design, we calculated alcohol consumption behavior within villages and social networks.
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With this epistemology at hand, thepresent paper situated itself within the context of consumption studies paradigmsto explain contemporary Iranians’ consumption behavior within the cyberspaceknown as “virtual consumption”, which is of cultural and ideological significancefor cultural analysts.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Entrepreneurial Behavior Within
This study aims to examine how colonization affects entrepreneurial behavior within countries that were colonized by the Europeans.
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This is how education plays a fundamental role for the development of entrepreneurial behavior within his/her socialization process.
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Behavior Within sentence examples within Collective Behavior Within
Phase synchronization has proven paradigmatic to study emergent collective behavior within a network.
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Further, we find changes in network structure predict shifts in cognitive and affective processes, execution of new transactions, and local optimality of transactions better than prices, revealing the important predictive relationship between network structure and collective behavior within a social network.
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