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Safe decision making for risk mitigation of UAS

Autonomous task planning and acting for micro aerial vehicles

Behavior Tree sentence examples within behavior tree framework

Behavior-Tree-Based Person Search for Symbiotic Autonomous Mobile Robot Tasks

Integrating Vision, Lidar and GPS Localization in a Behavior Tree Framework for Urban Autonomous Driving

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Learning Behavior Trees with Genetic Programming in Unpredictable Environments

On the Implementation of Behavior Trees in Robotics

Automatic Modular Design of Behavior Trees for Robot Swarms with Communication Capabilites

An Expressiveness Hierarchy of Behavior Trees and Related Architectures

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Productive Multitasking for Industrial Robots*

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RobLab: A Testbed for Integrated Perception, Planning, and Control

Optimized Execution of PDDL Plans using Behavior Trees

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An Integrated Dynamic Method for Allocating Roles and Planning Tasks for Mixed Human-Robot Teams

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To Resume or Not to Resume: A Behavior Tree Extension

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Reactive Task and Motion Planning under Temporal Logic Specifications

DSD - Dynamic Stack Decider

Cognitive architecture for intuitive and interactive task learning in industrial collaborative robotics

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Multi-modal Proactive Approaching of Humans for Human-Robot Cooperative Tasks

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A Drone Patrol System for Target Object Counting and Geolocalization *

Building the Foundation of Robot Explanation Generation Using Behavior Trees

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Analysis and Exploitation of Synchronized Parallel Executions in Behavior Trees

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Villanelle: An Authoring Tool for Autonomous Characters in Interactive Fiction

Onboard Evolution of Understandable Swarm Behaviors

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A Behavior Tree Cognitive Assistant System for Emergency Medical Services

Robots Meet Children, Development of Semi-Autonomous Control Systems for Children-Robot Interaction in the Wild

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Representing Robot Task Plans as Robust Logical-Dynamical Systems

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Application of Non-player Character Simulation Technology in Union Dispatcher Training Simulator of Multi-level Dispatching and Control System

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Application of behavior tree in AI design of MOBA games

Conditional Behavior Trees: Definition, Executability, and Applications

Ontology Based Reasoning Rules for Target Tracking in WSNs

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Introduction to Behavior Algorithms for Fighting Games

Uma proposta conceitual para o estudo comportamental do desenvolvimento e criatividade individual: A árvore de comportamentos

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Research progress and Application of Behavior Tree Technology

Simulating Behavior Trees : A Behavior Tree/Planner Hybrid Approach

Towards Blended Reactive Planning and Acting using Behavior Trees

Simulation and real time analysis of network protection tripping strategy based on behavior trees

Learning Behavior Trees From Demonstration

Self-Reactive Planning of Multi-Robots with Dynamic Task Assignments

Real-World Behavior Trees in Script

An Autonomous Task Algorithm Based on Behavior Trees for Robot

Learning Swarm Behaviors using Grammatical Evolution and Behavior Trees

IKBT: Solving Symbolic Inverse Kinematics with Behavior Tree

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Behavior Tree 行为树

Behavior Tree 行为树
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