Behavior Patterns
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within User Behavior Patterns
In this paper, we take UNO!, a mobile card game with hundreds of millions of users, as our research object, and propose an improved time series similarity measurement via the smoothed sequence Euclidean distance to realize clustering analysis of user behavior patterns.
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Therefore, an identity management system based on user behavior patterns can be used to further validate the authorized user of the cloud services.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Consumer Behavior Patterns
Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Health Behavior Patterns
Background: Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to a significant decrease in physical activity, an increase in sedentary behavior, and thus also such things as screen time or a change in health behavior patterns.
背景:与 COVID-19 大流行相关的限制可能导致身体活动显着减少、久坐行为增加,从而导致屏幕时间或健康行为模式改变等。
背景:与 COVID-19 大流行相关的限制可能导致身体活动显着减少、久坐行为增加,从而导致屏幕时间或健康行为模式改变等。
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Evaluating health behavior patterns and knowledge regarding food and nutrients after diagnosis may help improve the management of dyslipidemia.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Human Behavior Patterns
In this article, we propose an efficient solution for discovering and ranking human behavior patterns based on network motifs by exploring a user’s query in an intelligent way.
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Modeling human behavior patterns for detecting the abnormal event has become an important domain in recentyears.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Different Behavior Patterns
The main research question addressed in this paper considers the pro-environmental behavior of Generation Z representatives, due to the fact that this age group is believed to display different behavior patterns.
本文讨论的主要研究问题考虑了 Z 世代代表的环保行为,因为据信这个年龄段的人表现出不同的行为模式。
本文讨论的主要研究问题考虑了 Z 世代代表的环保行为,因为据信这个年龄段的人表现出不同的行为模式。
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However, these kinds of methods usually encounter two problems: (i) since anomalies usually have different behavior patterns or the internal mechanisms that produce anomalies are complex and diverse, a few labeled anomalies cannot cover all anomaly types; and (ii) the amount of unlabeled data in the training set is substantially greater than the amount of labeled data, which leads to that unlabeled data with contamination often dominates the training process.
然而,这些方法通常会遇到两个问题:(i)由于异常通常具有不同的行为模式或产生异常的内部机制复杂多样,因此少数标记的异常并不能涵盖所有异常类型; (ii) 训练集中未标记数据的数量远远大于标记数据的数量,这导致带有污染的未标记数据通常在训练过程中占主导地位。
然而,这些方法通常会遇到两个问题:(i)由于异常通常具有不同的行为模式或产生异常的内部机制复杂多样,因此少数标记的异常并不能涵盖所有异常类型; (ii) 训练集中未标记数据的数量远远大于标记数据的数量,这导致带有污染的未标记数据通常在训练过程中占主导地位。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Abnormal Behavior Patterns
This paper proposes a novel method to discover abnormal behaviors and judge abnormal behavior patterns using mobility trajectory data.
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Prenatal stress (PS) induces cognitive deficits, abnormal behavior patterns and physical impairments in offspring, which disturbs the developmental process.
产前压力 (PS) 会导致后代出现认知缺陷、异常行为模式和身体损伤,从而扰乱发育过程。
产前压力 (PS) 会导致后代出现认知缺陷、异常行为模式和身体损伤,从而扰乱发育过程。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Student Behavior Patterns
At the same time, learning analytics research has demonstrated that the large volume of learning data collected by modern e-learning systems could be used to recognize student behavior patterns and could be used to connect these patterns with measures of student performance.
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The developed system utilizes educational analytics methods which are widely used in online education for student behavior patterns evaluation and education results improvement.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Social Behavior Patterns
Online Games are especially useful for studying social behavior patterns of collaborative teams.
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It is worth noting that, despite the restrictions imposed, the social behavior patterns of a significant part of citizens have not changed significantly, but have only been transformed into hybrid social practices.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Daily Behavior Patterns
Objective and reliable measurements to investigate daily behavior patterns in people with stroke could help therapeutic interventions after a stroke.
背景 客观和可靠的测量来调查中风患者的日常行为模式可以帮助中风后的治疗干预。
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These data are relevant to those attempting to breed this pelican, who wish to know more about the daily behavior patterns of this species across the season and physiological state, and who wish to understand pelican social structure, which is useful to the planning and implementation of bird moves or changes to the social environment of the flock.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Feeding Behavior Patterns
05) daily variances in bunk visit frequency and head down duration compared with NON steers, suggesting that feeding behavior patterns were associated with the HPT-responsive phenotype.
05) 与非阉牛相比,上铺访问频率和低头持续时间的每日差异,表明摄食行为模式与 HPT 反应表型相关。
05) 与非阉牛相比,上铺访问频率和低头持续时间的每日差异,表明摄食行为模式与 HPT 反应表型相关。
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05) daily variances in bunk visit frequency and head down duration compared with NON steers, suggesting that feeding behavior patterns were associated with the HPT-responsive phenotype.
05) 与非阉牛相比,上铺访问频率和低头持续时间的每日差异,表明摄食行为模式与 HPT 反应表型相关。
05) 与非阉牛相比,上铺访问频率和低头持续时间的每日差异,表明摄食行为模式与 HPT 反应表型相关。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Travel Behavior Patterns
Each segment has markedly different travel behavior patterns with differences in demographic and migration characteristics also apparent.
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To achieve this, we conduct an extensive analysis of spatio-temporal travel behavior patterns using smart card data from the Greater Sydney area (Opal card), and then develop a Hybrid Neural Network to utilize spatial and temporal dependencies in the dataset.
为了实现这一点,我们使用来自大悉尼地区的智能卡数据(Opal 卡)对时空旅行行为模式进行了广泛的分析,然后开发了一个混合神经网络来利用数据集中的空间和时间依赖性。
为了实现这一点,我们使用来自大悉尼地区的智能卡数据(Opal 卡)对时空旅行行为模式进行了广泛的分析,然后开发了一个混合神经网络来利用数据集中的空间和时间依赖性。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Eating Behavior Patterns
We aimed to investigate the predictors of sleep quality, including eating behavior patterns, body mass index, self-efficacy, and coping strategies among university students.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Changing Behavior Patterns
It is important to note that the impact of this phenomenon is not solely limited to the changing behavior patterns of hydro-climatic variables since it can also affect the other pillars of the WEF nexus both directly and indirectly.
值得注意的是,这种现象的影响不仅限于水文气候变量的变化行为模式,因为它还可以直接和间接地影响 WEF 关系的其他支柱。
值得注意的是,这种现象的影响不仅限于水文气候变量的变化行为模式,因为它还可以直接和间接地影响 WEF 关系的其他支柱。
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As a matter of fact, it is possible that changing behavior patternsdepending on the pandemic conditions will also affect tourism behavior.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Online Behavior Patterns
The aim of the study is to determine the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) in students with various online behavior patterns according to a simple visual-motor reaction.
该研究的目的是根据简单的视觉运动反应确定具有各种在线行为模式的学生的中枢神经系统 (CNS) 的功能状态。
该研究的目的是根据简单的视觉运动反应确定具有各种在线行为模式的学生的中枢神经系统 (CNS) 的功能状态。
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The rapid development of Internet provides many high quality data sets for understanding human online behavior patterns.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Dynamic Behavior Patterns
The results show that the non-ideal mixing parameter n (the fraction of the feed entering the perfect mixing zone) determines the variation between six classified regions and dominates the dynamic behavior patterns in the steady-state response diagram.
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The simulation results show that in the edge dynamics behavior patterns, compared with the myopic rule, the imitate rule plays a leading role in promoting the group to achieve a high level of cooperation, even when the temptation to defect is relatively large.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Analyze Behavior Patterns
The reported proof of concept system retrieves multimodal data, represents every human behavior annotations as an RDF knowledge graph (KG), and exploits the KG to analyze behavior patterns.
报告的概念证明系统检索多模态数据,将每个人类行为注释表示为 RDF 知识图 (KG),并利用 KG 分析行为模式。
报告的概念证明系统检索多模态数据,将每个人类行为注释表示为 RDF 知识图 (KG),并利用 KG 分析行为模式。
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This study aims to analyze behavior patterns and factors that probability influence customers to switch away from halal cosmetic products.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Sexual Behavior Patterns
Conclusions The result provides a picture of romantic and sexual behavior patterns among both gender of very young adolescents in China.
结论 该结果提供了中国非常年轻的青少年男女之间的浪漫和性行为模式的图片。
结论 该结果提供了中国非常年轻的青少年男女之间的浪漫和性行为模式的图片。
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This study tested adolescent sexual behavior patterns at age 14, their association with mental health at age 17 (psychological well-being, substance use, and self-harm attempts), and the influence of early life adversities upon this association.
这项研究测试了 14 岁时的青少年性行为模式、它们与 17 岁时的心理健康(心理健康、物质使用和自残企图)的关联,以及早期生活逆境对这种关联的影响。
这项研究测试了 14 岁时的青少年性行为模式、它们与 17 岁时的心理健康(心理健康、物质使用和自残企图)的关联,以及早期生活逆境对这种关联的影响。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within These Behavior Patterns
These behavior patterns have been observed for microswimmers such as bacteria in microfluidic experiments, where Gaussian noise assumptions are insufficient to explain the data.
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These behavior patterns reflect incorrect cultural beliefs about health along with geographical and economic barriers.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Driver Behavior Patterns
Driver behavior patterns over time while driving on the curves and the statistical characteristics of different groups are examined.
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To demonstrate the fidelity of the proposed modeling framework, game theoretical driver models are compared with real human driver behavior patterns extracted from traffic data.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Repetitive Behavior Patterns
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex diagnosis characterized primarily by persistent deficits in social communication/interaction and repetitive behavior patterns, interests, and/or activities.
自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 是一种复杂的诊断,其主要特征是社会交流/互动和重复的行为模式、兴趣和/或活动的持续缺陷。
自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 是一种复杂的诊断,其主要特征是社会交流/互动和重复的行为模式、兴趣和/或活动的持续缺陷。
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Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by impairments in social communication, interaction, and restricted and repetitive behavior patterns or stereotyped behavior (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
自闭症是一种发育障碍,其特征是社交交流、互动以及受限和重复的行为模式或刻板行为的障碍(美国精神病学协会,2013 年)。
自闭症是一种发育障碍,其特征是社交交流、互动以及受限和重复的行为模式或刻板行为的障碍(美国精神病学协会,2013 年)。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Specific Behavior Patterns
The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of how to design advertising messages concerning health, so that they increase the awareness of the recipients’ responsibility for their own health and induce specific behavior patterns aimed at supporting health-related initiatives, e.
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The research shows that human social group behavior shows some specific behavior patterns, and there are many corresponding structures and changes within the group.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Individual Behavior Patterns
However, existing prediction algorithms are mainly based on the historical data of all users at an aggregated level and ignore the heterogeneity of individual behavior patterns.
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Individual behavior patterns are an indicator of differences in personality and a measure of welfare.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Typical Behavior Patterns
Based on the robot kinematic model built, this paper studies the interfering objects four typical behavior patterns, establishes a social force model to guide the robot behavioral decision-making under dynamic obstacles.
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Literary, musical, and social reminiscences in the works of emigrant fiction serve consequently as signals of belonging personages to their former motherland and often mark their nostalgia, and/or typical behavior patterns transferred to the new land.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Stereotyped Behavior Patterns
Children with autism may have some specific needs for support because of their difficulties in social communication, stereotyped behavior patterns, and other specificities brought about by autism.
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Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by the impairment of socio-communicative skills and the presence of restricted and stereotyped behavior patterns.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Extract Behavior Patterns
In order to extract behavior patterns from the aggregated data, we use four different Latent Variable Analysis (LVA) methods - Independent Component Analysis (including FastICA and Spatial colored ICA), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and Sparse Principal Component Analysis (SPCA) to analyze mobile statistics data of the disaster-affected area.
为了从聚合数据中提取行为模式,我们使用了四种不同的潜在变量分析 (LVA) 方法——独立分量分析(包括 FastICA 和空间彩色 ICA)、非负矩阵分解(NMF)和稀疏主成分分析( SPCA) 分析受灾地区的移动统计数据。
为了从聚合数据中提取行为模式,我们使用了四种不同的潜在变量分析 (LVA) 方法——独立分量分析(包括 FastICA 和空间彩色 ICA)、非负矩阵分解(NMF)和稀疏主成分分析( SPCA) 分析受灾地区的移动统计数据。
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We used 3 analytic methods: (1) statistical analysis to provide an overview of loneliness in college students, (2) data mining using the Apriori algorithm to extract behavior patterns associated with loneliness, and (3) machine learning classification to infer the level of loneliness and the change in levels of loneliness using an ensemble of gradient boosting and logistic regression algorithms with feature selection in a leave-one-student-out cross-validation manner.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Detect Behavior Patterns
In this research, we apply the recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) model and data modeling techniques to detect behavior patterns for a customer.
在这项研究中,我们应用新近度、频率和货币 (RFM) 模型和数据建模技术来检测客户的行为模式。
在这项研究中,我们应用新近度、频率和货币 (RFM) 模型和数据建模技术来检测客户的行为模式。
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Conclusions: The MMPI-2 has been proved to detect behavior patterns of offenders and their reluctance to readapt to civil society.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Identify Behavior Patterns
This paper describes the application of Data Science and Educational Data Mining techniques to data from 4529 students, seeking to identify behavior patterns and generate early predictive models at the Universidad de la República del Uruguay.
本文描述了数据科学和教育数据挖掘技术对来自 4529 名学生的数据的应用,旨在识别行为模式并在乌拉圭共和国大学生成早期预测模型。
本文描述了数据科学和教育数据挖掘技术对来自 4529 名学生的数据的应用,旨在识别行为模式并在乌拉圭共和国大学生成早期预测模型。
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Similar Behavior Patterns
Among them, the last one is presented here to cluster records with similar behavior patterns into a group more accurately.
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Typical ship trajectory is a representative trajectory model in ship shipping process, which describes similar behavior patterns of ship groups and is of great significance in characterizing massive trajectory features, analyzing group motion behavior and detecting abnormal ship behavior.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Customer Behavior Patterns
In order to remain effective in spending resources on promotion, companies will need to better reflect changes in customer behavior patterns in the future.
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Customer research is one of the important aspects of understanding customer behavior patterns with business enterprises and predicate how consumer satisfaction is achieved.
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Behavior Patterns sentence examples within Fmy Behavior Patterns
We identified four behavior patterns from the transactions by manual analysis, which can be used to distinguish the difference between different types of contracts.
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In the survey consumers’ attitudes in four behavior patterns were tested.