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Basement Aquifers sentence examples within Crystalline Basement Aquifers

Application of geoelectrical resistivity for delineating crystalline basement aquifers in Basiri, Ado-Ekiti, Southwestern Nigeria

Hydraulic characteristics of a fractured crystalline basement aquifer in Nzhelele area, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Basement Aquifers sentence examples within Fractured Basement Aquifers

Geophysics and remote sensing applications for groundwater exploration in fractured basement: A case study from Abha area, Saudi Arabia

Factors affecting groundwater quality in the area between Safaga and El Quseir, Eastern Desert, Egypt

Estimation of aquifer hydraulic parameters and protective capacity in basement aquifer of south-western Nigeria using geophysical techniques

Caractérisation Des Propriétés Hydrodynamiques Des Aquifères Du Socle Dans Quelques Localités Du Nord De La Côte d’Ivoire

Potential Groundwater Recharge Sites Mapping in a Typical Basement Terrain: a GIS Methodology Approach

Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater in the southeastern part of the Plateaux Region, Togo

Preface: Groundwater in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Basement Aquifers 地下含水层

Basement Aquifers 地下含水层
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