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The need for synergy between biological and behavioral approaches to address accelerated weight gain during the summer in children

Title: efficacy of a food parenting intervention for mothers with low income to reduce preschooler’s solid fat and added sugar intakes: a randomized controlled trial

Three-Dimensional Graphene-Supported Ni3Fe/Co9S8 Composites: Rational Design and Active for Oxygen Reversible Electrocatalysis.

Coaction Between Physical Activity and Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Racially Diverse, Obese Adults

More Balance Behavior 平衡行为 sentence examples

Causes of Particle Trajectory Fluctuation on the Rotating Chute in Circumferential Direction at Bell-less Top with Parallel Type Hoppers

Sex-Specific Dependence of Linear and Nonlinear Postural Control Metrics on Anthropometrics During Clinical Balance Tests in Healthy Young Adults.

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Balance Behavior 平衡行为

Balance Behavior 平衡行为
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