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Appropriate Model sentence examples within random effect model

The effect of business regulation on social progress

Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kemiskinan

Appropriate Model sentence examples within fixed effect model


The Effect of Educational Technology Development and Economic Growth on Open Unemployment in Indonesia

Appropriate Model sentence examples within integrated moving average

Tuberculosis Forecasting and Temporal Trends by Sex and Age in a High Endemic City in Northeast Brazil: Where Were we Before the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Tuberculosis forecasting and temporal trends by gender and age in a high endemic city of Northeast Brazil: Are we achieving the disease elimination stage?

Appropriate Model sentence examples within help researchers choose

Modeling approaches for cross-sectional integrative data analysis: Evaluations and recommendations.

Mapping flows on hypergraphs

Appropriate Model sentence examples within weighted word vector

A sentiment classification algorithm of Bi-LSTM model fused with weighted word vectors

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Develop Appropriate Model

Small Airway Susceptibility to Chemical and Particle Injury.

Switching Dynamics of Ag-Based Filamentary Volatile Resistive Switching Devices—Part I: Experimental Characterization

Appropriate Model sentence examples within An Appropriate Model

Influence of natural weather variability on the thermal characterisation of a building envelope

Estimating the spectrum of leak noise in buried plastic water distribution pipes using acoustic or vibration measurements remote from the leak

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Selecting Appropriate Model

Development of a new quantitative structure–activity relationship model for predicting Ames mutagenicity of food flavor chemicals using StarDrop™ auto-Modeller™

A sentiment classification algorithm of Bi-LSTM model fused with weighted word vectors

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Culturally Appropriate Model

Latinos understanding the need for adherence in diabetes (LUNA-D): a randomized controlled trial of an integrated team-based care intervention among Latinos with diabetes.

Towards a Model of Muslim Women’s Management Empowerment: Philosophical and Historical Evidence and Critical Approaches

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Developing Appropriate Model

An integrated modeling framework for active traffic management and its applications in the Washington, DC area

Autistic Cognition: Charting Routes to Anxiety

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Identify Appropriate Model

How good does Automatic Model Structure Identification work? A Benchmark Study with 6915 Model Structures.

Experimental validation of finite element models representing stacked concrete beams with unbonded surface contacts

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Choose Appropriate Model

Effectiveness of Joint Species Distribution Models in the Presence of Imperfect Detection

Modeling approaches for cross-sectional integrative data analysis: Evaluations and recommendations.

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Require Appropriate Model

Deep Learning-Based Phenological Event Modeling for Classification of Crops

Impact modeling and reactionless control for post-capturing and maneuvering of orbiting objects using a multi-arm space robot

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Finding Appropriate Model

Bond strength prediction of spliced GFRP bars in concrete beams using soft computing methods

A Flexible and Robust Approach to Analyze Survival Systems in the Presence of Extreme Observations

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Applying Appropriate Model

Application of smart nanoparticles as a potential platform for effective colorectal cancer therapy

Evaluation of GBLUP and Bayes-Alphabet Based on Different Marker Density For Genomic Prediction in Alpine Merino Sheep

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Select Appropriate Model

Palette: Towards Multi-source Model Selection and Ensemble for Reuse

Extending full-plate tectonic models into deep time: Linking the Neoproterozoic and the Phanerozoic

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Use Appropriate Model


Accounting for year effects and sampling error in temporal analyses of invertebrate population and biodiversity change: a comment on Seibold et al. 2019

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Developmentally Appropriate Model

Acceptance and commitment therapy for young brain tumour survivors: study protocol for an acceptability and feasibility trial

“It’s Our Duty to Give Them a Voice” Participation of Children and Adolescents in College Courses

Appropriate Model sentence examples within With Appropriate Model

Low-cost, handheld near-infrared spectroscopy for root dry matter content prediction in cassava

Recent advances in voxel-based targeted radionuclide therapy dosimetry.

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Propose Appropriate Model

Boron coordination and B/Si ordering controls over equilibrium boron isotope fractionation among minerals, melts, and fluids

Search for the Optimal Model of Institutional Capacity to Counteract Infectious Threats in the Modern World

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Identifying Appropriate Model

Learning from Failure: Big Data Analysis for Detecting the Patterns of Failure in Innovative Startups

Challenges and next steps in the advancement of immunotherapy: summary of the 2018 and 2020 National Cancer Institute workshops on cell-based immunotherapy for solid tumors

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Find Appropriate Model

3D models of the dynamics of cancer cells under external pressure.

Dynamic track-soil interaction—calculations and measurements of slab and ballast tracks

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Formulate Appropriate Model

Influence of a synchronized human dynamic load on vibrations of machine structures

Empowerment model of seed breeders in the supplying sustainable rice seeds in North Sumatra Province

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Choosing Appropriate Model

Visualizing Examples of Deep Neural Networks at Scale

Comparative analysis of alternative random parameters count data models in highway safety

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Employing Appropriate Model

Investigation of pollutants formation in a diesel engine using numerical simulation

Investigation of Pollutants Formation in a Diesel Engine Using Numerical Simulation

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Particularly Appropriate Model

Drivers and Distribution of Henipavirus-Induced Syncytia: What Do We Know?

Drivers and Distribution of Henipavirus-Induced Syncytia: What Do We Know?

Appropriate Model sentence examples within Highly Appropriate Model

La importancia de las diferencias institucionales entre países en el nivel de consecución de los ODS: un estudio empírico a escala mundial

Upregulated Chemokine and Rho-GTPase Genes Define Immune Cell Emigration into Salivary Glands of Sjögren’s Syndrome-Susceptible C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 Mice

Appropriate Model sentence examples within appropriate model system

Imaging meningeal inflammation in CNS autoimmunity identifies a therapeutic role for BTK inhibition.

Investigation of the Stem Cells Used in Modeling Human Placental Trophoblast

Appropriate Model sentence examples within appropriate model parameter

A sentiment classification algorithm of Bi-LSTM model fused with weighted word vectors

Comparison of damped least-squares inversion and particle swarm optimization (PSO) on magnetic data

Appropriate Model sentence examples within appropriate model selection

Selecting Hydrological Models for Developing Countries: Perspective of Global, Continental, and Country Scale Models over Catchment Scale Models

A practical guide to selecting models for exploration, inference, and prediction in ecology

Appropriate Model sentence examples within appropriate model structure