Angle Sensor
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Steering Angle Sensor
In this paper, a fault-tolerant control method for SBW is proposed to mitigate the adverse influence of front wheel steering angle sensor faults based on the Kalman filtering technique.
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In this regard, one of the most attractive solutions to increase the positioning accuracy is to fuse the information from multiple on-board sensors, such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), odometers and steering angle sensors.
在这方面,提高定位精度最有吸引力的解决方案之一是融合来自多个车载传感器的信息,例如全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS)、惯性测量单元 (IMU)、里程表和转向角传感器。
在这方面,提高定位精度最有吸引力的解决方案之一是融合来自多个车载传感器的信息,例如全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS)、惯性测量单元 (IMU)、里程表和转向角传感器。
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Wheel Angle Sensor
The smart system consists of a self-powered steering-wheel angle sensor (SSAS) and a signal processing unit.
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When steering wheel angle sensor and motor angular velocity sensor in steering system failed, permanent faults are recovered by using a Deep Learning-based sensor Fail-safe algorithm.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Optical Angle Sensor
A reference artefact is newly employed as the datum for angle measurement, and the apex angle of a target prism is measured by detecting its deviation from that of the reference artefact by using a pair of optical angle sensors.
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A new method for measurement of the pitch deviation of a scale grating by an optical angle sensor based on the laser autocollimation is proposed.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Rotation Angle Sensor
Problems of interaction with peripheral devices (buttons, sliders, rotation angle sensor - encoder) are solved in hardware.
与外围设备(按钮、滑块、旋转角度传感器 - 编码器)的交互问题在硬件中得到解决。
与外围设备(按钮、滑块、旋转角度传感器 - 编码器)的交互问题在硬件中得到解决。
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In this study, we developed a rotation angle sensor using the polycrystalline magnetostrictive alloy Terfenol-D, an SmCo permanent magnet, and a commercial dial gauge.
在这项研究中,我们使用多晶磁致伸缩合金 Terfenol-D、钐钴永磁体和商用千分表开发了一种旋转角度传感器。
在这项研究中,我们使用多晶磁致伸缩合金 Terfenol-D、钐钴永磁体和商用千分表开发了一种旋转角度传感器。
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Joint Angle Sensor
The modulation is based on tracking error feedback between the CPG output and joint angle sensory feedback of the hexapod robot.
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However, there are some challenges such as unmeasurable transformation of body structure and muscle path, and difficulty in measuring own motion because of lack of joint angle sensor.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Tilt Angle Sensor
Through defining the format of machine datagram, the subprogram of tilt angle sensor is optimized, and the software execution environment is realized.
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This paper presents a design optimization and validation of a two-axis cylindrical capacitive tilt angle sensor.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Absolute Angle Sensor
The angle trajectories of the hip and knee joints measured by the absolute angle sensor are the same as those obtained by the dynamic attitude analysis system.
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By applying an eccentric structure to a magnetic encoder, the authors developed an absolute angle sensor with a simple configuration and high accuracy.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Knee Angle Sensor
This paper also investigates whether inclusion of a complementary knee angle sensor improves estimation accuracy.
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Gait phase identification system based on knee angle sensor, inertial measurement units mounted on thigh connector and shank and force transducer embedded in shank was proposed.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Pitch Angle Sensor
When simulating the climb flight using our model, it is easy to see that the airplane might lose height in case the data provided by the pitch angle sensor are wrong.
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When simulating the climb flight using our model, it is easy to see that the airplane might lose height in case the data provided by the pitch angle sensor are wrong.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Magnetic Angle Sensor
Customized magnetic angle sensors were integrated at each joint with a carefully designed sensor communication network to achieve rapid joint feedback.
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The two-phase stepper motor drive controller adopts the architecture of MCU combined with Universal high voltage driver of two-phase bipolar stepper motor, interacts with external control unit through RS-485 communication bus, and uses Hall magnetic angle sensor to perform the position closed loop control of the stepper motor, thereby achieving high precision positioning of the deep-sea electric Pan&Tilt under water.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Printed Angle Sensor
Reproducibility of a printed angle sensor behavior is reported for the first time, with three prototypes of each pattern (2degree standard deviation).
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
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Reproducibility of a printed angle sensor behavior is reported for the first time, with three prototypes of each pattern (2degree standard deviation).
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within Nanoparticle Angle Sensor
Silver nanoparticle angle sensors are inkjet printed on a flexible PET substrate and implemented as pairs of compression and tension side folding individuals into a rigid experimental setup.
银纳米粒子角度传感器喷墨打印在柔性 PET 基板上,并作为一对压缩和拉伸侧折叠个体实施到刚性实验装置中。
银纳米粒子角度传感器喷墨打印在柔性 PET 基板上,并作为一对压缩和拉伸侧折叠个体实施到刚性实验装置中。
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Silver nanoparticle angle sensors are inkjet printed on a flexible PET substrate and implemented as pairs of compression and tension side folding individuals into a rigid experimental setup.
银纳米粒子角度传感器喷墨打印在柔性 PET 基板上,并作为一对压缩和拉伸侧折叠个体实施到刚性实验装置中。
银纳米粒子角度传感器喷墨打印在柔性 PET 基板上,并作为一对压缩和拉伸侧折叠个体实施到刚性实验装置中。
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within angle sensor system
We fabricated the circuit of a rotation angle sensor system using a fan-type and coaxial variable capacitor.
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This large number of DoF and the nonlinearity of the system obscure the view on how to optimize such angle sensor systems.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within angle sensor installed
The variable stiffness of the skeleton is realized by the negative pressure tightening of the external vacuum bag, and the angle sensor installed in the skeleton can detect the bending angle of the soft joint.
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The turning angle of the target can be obtained by using an angle measurement or compass application installed in a mobile phone or a steering wheel angle sensor installed in a vehicle.
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Angle Sensor sentence examples within angle sensor behavior
Reproducibility of a printed angle sensor behavior is reported for the first time, with three prototypes of each pattern (2degree standard deviation).
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
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Reproducibility of a printed angle sensor behavior is reported for the first time, with three prototypes of each pattern (2degree standard deviation).
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
首次报告了印刷角度传感器行为的可重复性,每种模式具有三个原型(2 度标准偏差)。
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This paper proposes a novel signal conditioning circuit for half-bridge topology based Tunneling Magneto-Resistance (TMR) angle sensor.
本文针对基于隧道磁阻 (TMR) 角度传感器的半桥拓扑结构提出了一种新型信号调理电路。
本文针对基于隧道磁阻 (TMR) 角度传感器的半桥拓扑结构提出了一种新型信号调理电路。
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Additionally, a triangle sensory test showed no significant differences between regular milk and FO concentrated milk diluted to single strength.
此外,三角感官测试表明,普通牛奶和稀释为单一浓度的 FO 浓缩牛奶之间没有显着差异。
此外,三角感官测试表明,普通牛奶和稀释为单一浓度的 FO 浓缩牛奶之间没有显着差异。
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Use of multi-angle sensors, which can perform ground observations in different view directions, provides an important technical means to acquire more comprehensive and detailed remote sensing infor.
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The vertical position can be determined by combining the information from angle sensors with geometric information.
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Through the angle sensor, on-line monitoring of the angle data of the solar panel, according to the intelligent control optimization algorithm, combined with single-chip microcomputer control technology, a more optimized control scheme is proposed.
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In this work, using polyimide films as substrates and Pt as the constituent material of serpentine structures, flexible temperature and angle sensors were designed that can be attached to the surface of an object or the human body for monitoring purposes.
在这项工作中,使用聚酰亚胺薄膜作为基板和 Pt 作为蛇形结构的组成材料,设计了可以附着在物体或人体表面进行监测的柔性温度和角度传感器。
在这项工作中,使用聚酰亚胺薄膜作为基板和 Pt 作为蛇形结构的组成材料,设计了可以附着在物体或人体表面进行监测的柔性温度和角度传感器。
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There is a long history of using angle sensors to measure wavefront.
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This is generally accomplished with angle sensors at individual joints that simplify control but can complicate mechanical design and robustness.
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The GS-based methods were implemented to calibrate two Chinese large-view-angle sensors: the Gaofen-1 first wide-field-of-view (WFV1) camera and Gaofen-4 panchromatic multispectral sensor (PMS) with Landsat-8/Operational Land Imager (OLI) as references.
实施基于 GS 的方法来校准两个中国大视角传感器:高分一号首个宽视场 (WFV1) 相机和高分四号全色多光谱传感器 (PMS) 与 Landsat-8/Operational Land Imager (OLI) 作为参考。
实施基于 GS 的方法来校准两个中国大视角传感器:高分一号首个宽视场 (WFV1) 相机和高分四号全色多光谱传感器 (PMS) 与 Landsat-8/Operational Land Imager (OLI) 作为参考。
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We present a novel design for an angle sensor based on photon coupling to internal optical modes of a two dimensional photonic crystal.
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This paper proposes a methodology for feature extraction techniques and discriminates objects for different softness using adaptive robotic grippers, which are equipped with force and angle sensors in each four fingers of an underactuated robot hand.
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This paper presents a new linearizing digital front-end for magneto-resistive (MR) angle sensor having sine and/or cosine transfer-characteristics.
本文提出了一种新的线性化数字前端,用于具有正弦和/或余弦传递特性的磁阻 (MR) 角度传感器。
本文提出了一种新的线性化数字前端,用于具有正弦和/或余弦传递特性的磁阻 (MR) 角度传感器。
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Yet, many studies lacked the appropriate controls to disentangle sensory adaptation from prediction error.
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The device measured the axial deflection angle of the trunk of the human body using a built-in angle sensor.
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Owing to the multi-angle sensors used to obtain multi-angle images, there are major differences in the spatial and spectral information between each angle in these images.
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The information and measurement system made it possible to provide information on 2 parameters: the distance between the sensor and the measured surface, as well as the angle of turning determined by the angle sensor from the zero point.
信息和测量系统可以提供有关 2 个参数的信息:传感器与被测表面之间的距离,以及角度传感器从零点确定的转动角度。
信息和测量系统可以提供有关 2 个参数的信息:传感器与被测表面之间的距离,以及角度传感器从零点确定的转动角度。
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Numerous BRDF studies are focus on sensors onboard polar-orbiting satellites such as POLDER and MODIS based on multi-angle sensors or accumulative observations through multiple days.
许多 BRDF 研究都侧重于基于多角度传感器或多天累积观测的极轨卫星上的传感器,例如 POLDER 和 MODIS。
许多 BRDF 研究都侧重于基于多角度传感器或多天累积观测的极轨卫星上的传感器,例如 POLDER 和 MODIS。
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A multi-sensor integrated device that can measure two kinds of shape errors simultaneously was developed based on laser displacement sensor, two-dimensional position-sensitive detector, angle sensor, and laser distance sensor.
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Two accelerometers integrated near the front axle, an angle sensor and the electronic control unit (ECU) were used to detect the collision or accident.
集成在前轴附近的两个加速度计、一个角度传感器和电子控制单元 (ECU) 用于检测碰撞或事故。
设计/方法/方法 集成在前轴附近的两个加速度计、一个角度传感器和电子控制单元 (ECU) 用于检测碰撞或事故。
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By analyzing the mirror shape error of the Linear Fresnel system, the installation error of the secondary mirror (CPC), the errors of the north-south layout of the mirror field, the deviation of the primary mirror rotation axis and the deviation of the temperature drift of the angle sensor, and the factors were calculated by MATLAB simulation.
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Angle sensors were used to track and capture knee joint angle data, and the mapping relationship model between voltage amplitude and gait parameters was established.
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This method uses an angle sensor in the form of a variable resistor for elevation and a rotary encoder as an azimuth angle sensor.
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The proposed phase-chronometric system consists of an angle sensor of position (incremental encoder), system of information collection and defining of time intervals and personal computer with application software.
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In this case series, we present “True Muscle Transplantation"––a simple technique––to manage large-angle sensory exotropia as a possible alternative.
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This article through to in the production of rubber used for rubber machine control, PLC and inverter as the core, combined with the Angle sensor, based on the fuzzy PID control algorithm for extruder for the easy to the problems that arise when a feed control system design, the control system for the glue supply machine, can make the continuous, rapid and stable feeding of the extruder.
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FLC receives inputs from distance and angle sensors, and the output is robot navigation presented by PWM motor controlling the velocity and orientation of the robot, both leader and followers.
FLC 接收来自距离和角度传感器的输入,输出是由 PWM 电机提供的机器人导航,控制机器人的速度和方向,包括领导者和跟随者。
FLC 接收来自距离和角度传感器的输入,输出是由 PWM 电机提供的机器人导航,控制机器人的速度和方向,包括领导者和跟随者。
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To this end, this paper proposes a real-time position calculation method for large-diameter radio telescope panel using the angle sensor.
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Thus, in this study, a return controller is developed to improve the returnability of an electric power steering vehicle without an angle sensor.
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The aim was to disentangle sensory‐specific networks so as to derive a potential (amodal) common source of multisensory integration (MSI) and to investigate differences in brain networks with sensory processing in individuals with ASD.
目的是解开感觉特定的网络,以便获得多感觉整合 (MSI) 的潜在(非模态)共同来源,并研究 ASD 患者大脑网络与感觉处理的差异。
目的是解开感觉特定的网络,以便获得多感觉整合 (MSI) 的潜在(非模态)共同来源,并研究 ASD 患者大脑网络与感觉处理的差异。
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Conventional measurement methods include the use of angle sensors or multiple video recording of markers.
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In this paper, a simplified linearizer for Tunneling Magneto-Resistance (TMR) angle sensor (SLTA) is presented.
本文介绍了一种用于隧道磁阻 (TMR) 角度传感器 (SLTA) 的简化线性化器。
本文介绍了一种用于隧道磁阻 (TMR) 角度传感器 (SLTA) 的简化线性化器。
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In this study, a measurement system, mainly composed of a self-developed micro-angle sensor and an L-shape standard piece, is proposed.
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The actuator scheme adopts the stepping motor, angle sensor, ball screw and worm gear.
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We propose that a basic form of foresight, the ability to predict the outcomes of one's own actions, is at the heart of such behavioral flexibility, and that the evolutionary roots of such outcome expectation are found in the need to disentangle sensory input that is predictable from self-generated motion versus input generated by changes in the outside world.
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The proposed ball transmission contributes to simplify a control system since it needs no angle sensor and complicated calculations for cooperative motor control.
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The steering system of unmanned vehicles is composed of active disturbance rejection controller, angle sensor, motor driver and steering bridge mechanism.
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