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Exploiting marker genes for robust classification and characterization of single-cell chromatin accessibility

An Analysis of Manufacturing Precision of Involute Worms Using a Kinematical Model

Study of the Site Class Index Chart of Larch Plantation Based on the Mitscherlich Model1

Aortic valve neocuspidization with autologous pericardium in adult patients: UK experience and meta-analytic comparison with other aortic valve substitutes.

Is behavioral activation an effective and acceptable treatment for co-occurring depression and substance use disorders? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Cadaveric Costal Cartilage Grafts in Rhinoplasty and Septorhinoplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Patient-Reported Functional Outcomes and Complications

Halal Food benefits and challenges: A Mobile Application based technical Review

Long-term outcomes of maxillary single-tooth implants in relation to timing protocols of implant placement and loading: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struck by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake. Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthened conditions

The hidden cost of the edge: a performance comparison of edge and cloud latencies

Trial sequential analysis of EUS-guided gallbladder drainage versus percutaneous cholecystostomy in patients with acute cholecystitis.

Large-Scale Object Monitoring in Internet-of-Things: Energy-Efficient Perspectives

Hemodynamics and reverse remodeling associated with Mosaic, Perimount and Trifecta aortic bioprostheses.

Effect of Chaplaincy Visits in an Elder Care Setting: A Pilot Analysis of Existing Data

Safety climate and safety outcomes: A meta-analytic comparison of universal vs. industry-specific safety climate predictive validity

Effects of cannabinoid administration for pain: A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

Neural correlates of explicit and implicit memory at encoding and retrieval: A unified framework and meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies

Can fMRI discriminate between deception and false memory? A meta-analytic comparison between deception and false memory studies


Making Study Populations Visible through Knowledge Graphs

Intermediate efficiency of some weighted goodness-of-fit statistics

Fact or Factitious? Contextualized Opinion Spam Detection

Virtual Surgical Planning for Mandibular Reconstruction With the Fibula Free Flap

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