Algorithm Model
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within convolutional neural network
The advantages and disadvantages of each of the four convolutional neural networks VGG16, ResNet50, DenseNet201, and DWA algorithm models are analyzed and given by comparing and investigating each model.
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Firstly, we use artificial neural network (ANN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) as ML algorithm models with the database established by the two-dimensional finite element method.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within particle swarm optimization
Based on the analysis of quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO) and support vector machine (SVM), the kernel parameter g and penalty coefficient C in support vector machine (SVM) are optimized by using QPSO to improve the diagnostic accuracy of the algorithm model, and a fault classification method based on QPSO-SVM is proposed.
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Simulations for hypothetical four reservoir system have proven that JA is a better solution for a number of Function Evaluations when compared with the results obtained by means of other evolutionary methods such as Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, Elitist Mutated Particle Swarm Optimization, and Weed Optimization Algorithm models reported in previous studies.
对假设的四个储层系统的模拟已经证明,与通过遗传算法、粒子群优化、精英突变粒子群优化和杂草优化等其他进化方法获得的结果相比,JA 是许多功能评估的更好解决方案先前研究中报告的算法模型。
对假设的四个储层系统的模拟已经证明,与通过遗传算法、粒子群优化、精英突变粒子群优化和杂草优化等其他进化方法获得的结果相比,JA 是许多功能评估的更好解决方案先前研究中报告的算法模型。
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within support vector machine
Once the algorithm model was put to a test as a function of the Mat lab (Support Vector Machines (SVM)), the identification of patterns with people was achieved in four ways, when a person is upright.
一旦算法模型作为 Mat 实验室(支持向量机 (SVM))的功能进行测试,当一个人直立时,可以通过四种方式识别人的模式。
一旦算法模型作为 Mat 实验室(支持向量机 (SVM))的功能进行测试,当一个人直立时,可以通过四种方式识别人的模式。
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Due to the great accuracy in small sample numbers and binary classification, we implement Support-vector machine to be the machine learning algorithm model in our system.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within neural network model
The algorithm models the stock tick and balance data parameters using KPCA Trans-formation and Artificial neural network model.
该算法使用 KPCA 变换和人工神经网络模型对股票报价和余额数据参数进行建模。
该算法使用 KPCA 变换和人工神经网络模型对股票报价和余额数据参数进行建模。
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RMSE and DC were used as evaluation indexes to compare the LSTM neural network model with the traditional BP (Back Propagation) algorithm model.
以RMSE和DC作为评价指标,将LSTM神经网络模型与传统的BP(Back Propagation)算法模型进行比较。
以RMSE和DC作为评价指标,将LSTM神经网络模型与传统的BP(Back Propagation)算法模型进行比较。
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within convolution neural network
In view of the problem that the convolution neural network research of facial expression recognition ignores the internal relevance of the key links, which leads to the low accuracy and speed of facial expression recognition, and can't meet the recognition requirements, a series cascade algorithm model for expression recognition of educational robot is constructed and enables the educational robot to recognize multiple students' facial expressions simultaneously, quickly and accurately in the process of movement, in the balance of the accuracy, rapidity and stability of the algorithm, based on the cascade convolution neural network model.
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The algorithm model of this method consists of three parts: segmented convolution neural network model, parallel-series shallow convolution neural network model and key point aggregation.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within aided cervical cancer
We reviewed literatures of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening, described its progress of AI algorithm models, human screening and AI-aided screening interactive models in the cervical cytology; described the Prons and Cons of different machine and deep learning algorithms based on the bright and dark rules; analyzed available results of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening, and diacussed problems and challenges in exploring and applying of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening products.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within facial expression recognition
The construction of video big sensor data security application and intelligent algorithm model has become a hot and difficult topic in related fields based on facial expression recognition.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Genetic Algorithm Model
We present a dual genetic algorithm model in which viruses fighting for survival and policy measures aiming at minimising infection rates in the population competitively evolve.
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In this paper, we try to apply the genetic algorithm model in the field of artificial intelligence to establish a set of solutions for the continuous iterative optimization of financial model parameters, and preliminarily verify its effectiveness, and discuss its possible shortcomings and development direction.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Learning Algorithm Model
Proposing another classification task that performs talent identification in sport, particularly focusing on the case study of table tennis, we show that networks metrics based on centrality are strong signal for talent and can be used for training a machine learning algorithm model for this task too.
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In order to solve the problem that there is a serious lack of operation data set for analyzing various variable conditions or accident conditions, this paper uses the maximum likelihood estimation and the least square estimation to prove that, when the simulation data of nuclear power plant and the operation data with different noise terms are used as the training data samples to train the machine learning algorithm models respectively, the difference between the two algorithms at each moment is only related to the mean of noise distribution.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Proposed Algorithm Model
Based on the proposed algorithm model, we have built a test system with the maximum number of virtual machines to demonstrate the effectiveness in applying game theory in managing and distributing resources for transactions in the blockchain network.
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0072) of the proposed algorithm model is smaller than the average absolute error of the noise reconstruction BP network model based on wavelet decomposition (0.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Network Algorithm Model
The coefficient of determination and coefficient of variation were applied to verify the validity of the simulation results for each neutral network algorithm model.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Classification Algorithm Model
This paper studies a garbage classification algorithm model based on deep learning convolutional neural network Efficientnet to help identify garbage classification.
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Using a decision tree classification algorithm model is excepted effectively judge users’ current stage and whether they can move to the next stage.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Detection Algorithm Model
In order to adapt to the real network environment, based on the ELM, we propose an improved particle swarm optimized online regularized extreme learning machine (IPSO-IRELM) intrusion detection algorithm model.
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Traditional network anomaly detection algorithm models mainly use manual selection methods, and the accuracy and efficiency of classification problems are not high.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Clustering Algorithm Model
A deep fuzzy K-means clustering algorithm model with adaptive loss function and entropy regularization (DFKM) is proposed by combining automatic encoder and clustering algorithm.
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Fuzzy clustering algorithm modelling of the data stream mining based on particle swarm optimization and GA is designed and implemented in this manuscript.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Two Algorithm Model
Algorithm Model sentence examples within Optimization Algorithm Model
Due to the high cost of raw materials (polyester and Alumina Trihydrate filler), the Whale Optimization Algorithm model was used to predict the best concentration of Alumina Trihydrate filler to give the best value of flashover voltage.
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The realized CNN optimization algorithm model has improved the prediction effect, and the accuracy rate of medical consultation reaches 90.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Forest Algorithm Model
On this basis, the random forest algorithm modeling can effectively characterize the complex relationship between gas content and logging curve response.
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In this paper, we mainly studies the basic principle and algorithm knowledge of data mining, and applies ridge regression and random forest algorithm model in real estate price forecasting.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Analysi Algorithm Model
In order to solve the above problems, a prediction and trend analysis algorithm model of ARIMA is proposed to predict the change trend of driving current, realize the prediction of driving current in the next 8 hours, and analyze whether there is a growth trend of driving current by using the change rate.
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Then, the norovirus infection trend was warned based on the wavelet analysis algorithm model.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Existing Algorithm Model
The current challenge of pose estimation is that, when objects are textureless, occluded, or scene-cluttered, the detection accuracy is reduced, and most of the existing algorithm models are large and cannot accommodate real-time requirements.
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The current challenge of pose estimation is that when the object texture-less, occluded and scene clutter, the detection accuracy will be reduced, and most of the existing algorithm models are large and cannot take the real-time requirements.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Training Algorithm Model
Four major aspects of the artificial training algorithm model discuss the optimization effect of artificial intelligence on the algorithm in order to provide some guidance for the sustainable and healthy development of mobile short video.
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By preprocessing the electrocardiogram data from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, the experimental dataset training algorithm model is obtained, and the algorithm model is migrated into the project.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Intelligence Algorithm Model
In view of the broad application prospects of nano-sulfides in the field of nano-biomedicine, in the image reconstruction stage, before starting to use artificial intelligence algorithm models, first explore the application of iterative optimization algorithms in the process of magnetic resonance image reconstruction.
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Besides, the area under the two-dimensional receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the BPNN artificial intelligence algorithm model classification was always greater than the area under the curve of manual segmentation, and the segmentation accuracy was 90.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within New Algorithm Model
Furthermore, a new algorithm model of BP neural network based on support vector machines (SVMBP) is proposed.
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The aim of this research was to develop a new algorithm model for a Decision Support System software to give diagnosis support in dentistry.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Fuzzy Algorithm Model
Thus predictions with fuzzy algorithm models are considered quite accurate.
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This paper also introduces the method of fuzzy algorithm model to evaluate the performance of teachers and tries to put forward an improvement scheme for the traditional performance evaluation system of teachers.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within An Algorithm Model
An algorithm model is innovatively proposed based on back propagation neural network (BPNN) and reinforcement learning (Q-Learning) by combining the motion space, selective strategy, and reward function design.
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An algorithm model for assessing clinical outcome in breast cancer patients with tamoxifen therapy Hui Pang1*, Na Yan2*, Jidong Lang2, Yuebin Liang2, Guoqiang Zhang1, Chaoyang Deng2, Geng Tian2, Li Cai1 and Dawei Yuan2** 1*Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital.
An algorithm model for assessing clinical outcome in breast cancer patients with tamoxifen therapy Hui Pang1*, Na Yan2*, Jidong Lang2, Yuebin Liang2, Guoqiang Zhang1, Chaoyang Deng2, Geng Tian2, Li Cai1 and Dawei Yuan2** 1*Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital.
An algorithm model for assessing clinical outcome in breast cancer patients with tamoxifen therapy Hui Pang1*, Na Yan2*, Jidong Lang2, Yuebin Liang2, Guoqiang Zhang1, Chaoyang Deng2, Geng Tian2, Li Cai1 and Dawei Yuan2** 1*Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Intelligent Algorithm Model
This paper proposes an intelligent algorithm model based on Back-Propagation (BP) neural network.
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The construction of video big sensor data security application and intelligent algorithm model has become a hot and difficult topic in related fields based on facial expression recognition.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Pso Algorithm Model
The developed PSO algorithm model is accurate for prediction of experimental data with an average R2 value of 0.
所开发的 PSO 算法模型可准确预测平均 R2 值为 0 的实验数据。
所开发的 PSO 算法模型可准确预测平均 R2 值为 0 的实验数据。
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The LBFGS-PSO algorithm model solves the problems of slow calculation speed and large errors of the traditional quasi-Newton algorithm and particle swarm algorithm.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Ai Algorithm Model
Based on the above problem, we use the real open-source data “Sogou CS” as the research object of this paper to carry out related work, test the accuracy of multiple AI algorithm models, use models with good prediction results, and calculate weights based on the accuracy of each model to form a composite model, named WNTC model.
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We reviewed literatures of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening, described its progress of AI algorithm models, human screening and AI-aided screening interactive models in the cervical cytology; described the Prons and Cons of different machine and deep learning algorithms based on the bright and dark rules; analyzed available results of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening, and diacussed problems and challenges in exploring and applying of the AI-aided cervical cancer screening products.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Bp Algorithm Model
The galloping prediction models are constructed using six algorithms, with the GA-BP algorithm model and the SVM algorithm model having better prediction effects based on performance metrics.
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WPA-BP hybrid algorithm has both the adaptive ability of BP algorithm and the global optimization ability of WPA algorithm, which can improve the existing problems of BP algorithm model.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within 5 Algorithm Model
Postoperative death model results for liver cancer patients in the test group: of the 5 algorithm models, the highest accuracy rate was that of forest (0.
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Results of the total death model for liver cancer patients in test group: among the 5 algorithm models, the highest accuracy rate was that of gbm (0.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Prediction Algorithm Model
Combining the advantages of ARIMA model and SVM model in short-term time series prediction, a combined prediction algorithm model based on ARIMA and SVM is designed.
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And use machine learning prediction algorithm model to establish a quaternary model of reed creep.
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Algorithm Model sentence examples within Colony Algorithm Model
An improved hybrid genetic artificial bee colony algorithm model is proposed to solve the multi-task model.
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