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Aging Caused sentence examples within Skin Aging Caused

(−)-Loliolide Isolated from Sargassum horneri Abate UVB-Induced Oxidative Damage in Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Subside ECM Degradation

Applicability of photoacoustic microscopy to quantitative photoaging evaluation

Aging Caused sentence examples within Thermal Aging Caused

Study on melting characteristics of crystals in thermal aged XLPE cable insulation at elevated temperature

Evolution of Impact Properties of 16MND5 Forgings for Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel during Thermal Aging at 500°C

Aging Caused sentence examples within Accelerated Aging Caused

Decreased Mortality in 1-Year Survivors of Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant vs. Matched Related or Matched Unrelated Donor Transplant in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies.

Melatonin Prevents the Development of Age-Related Pathology in Male Rats during Accelerated Aging Caused by Impaired Photoperiodism

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Aging Caused sentence examples within Premature Aging Caused

Literatur Review Formulasi Sediaan Body Scrub Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomea Batatas (L.)) sebagai Antioksidan

[Cockayne Syndrome].

Aging Caused sentence examples within aging caused significant

Human kallikrein overexpression alleviates cardiac aging by alternatively regulating macrophage polarization in aged rats

Effects of four-mode hydrothermal aging on three-way catalysts for passive selective catalytic reduction to control emissions from lean-burn gasoline engine

Aging Caused sentence examples within aging caused major

Processing of leafy vegetables matters: Damage and microbial community structure from field to bag

Effects of Oral Anticoagulants on Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Aged 90 Years and Older: Comparison Among Direct Oral Anticoagulant, Warfarin Anticoagulant, and Nonanticoagulation.

Research on Environmental Issue and Sustainable Consumption of Online Takeout Food—Practice and Enlightenment Based on China’s Meituan

Aging of Polyethylene of Raised Temperature Resistance Pipe Liner After a Four-Year Service in a Crude Oil Gathering System

Properties of Dry Hopped Dark Beers with High Xanthohumol Content

Resistive Response of Carbon Nanotube-Based Composites Subjected to Water Aging

Microstructure and biodegradation of long-established Salix psammophila sand barriers on sand dunes

A Swept source optical coherence tomography angiography study: Imaging artifacts and comparison of non-perfusion areas with fluorescein angiography in diabetic macular edema

Protective effects of LPL-EPS-02 on human dermal fibroblasts damaged by UVA radiation

Characterization of changes in structural, physicochemical and mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane building insulation after thermal aging in air and seawater

Evaluation of anti-tyrosinase activity and mechanism, anti-oxidation and UV filter properties of theaflavin.

Design Criteria Study for Underactuated Symmetric Pinching Mechanism of Pinch Roll Machine in High-Speed Wire Rod Product Line

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Shifting the Focus of Dementia Prevention: Ethical Considerations

The Influence of the Body Image Presented Through TikTok Trend-Videos and Its Possible Reasons

Investigation of Stray Radiation Suppression in Infrared Imaging System Using a Novel Broadband and High-Absorption Ceramic Coating

Exploring patients’ perceptions and experiences of treatments for the prevention of variceal bleeding: a qualitative study

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Effects of ultraviolet exposure on physicochemical and mechanical properties of bio-modified rubberized bitumen: Sustainability promotion and resource conservation

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Estimations of fluorine-18 production yields from 13-MeV proton bombardment of enriched water target

Spermidine induces cytoprotective autophagy of female germline stem cells in vitro and ameliorates aging caused by oxidative stress through upregulated sequestosome-1/p62 expression

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Increased intrinsic excitability and decreased synaptic inhibition in aged somatosensory cortex pyramidal neurons

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Protective Effects of Astaxanthin Supplementation against Ultraviolet-Induced Photoaging in Hairless Mice

Glycolic acid attenuates UVB-induced aquaporin-3, matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression, and collagen degradation in keratinocytes and mouse skin.

Thermal Analyses of Electrically Aged Silicone

Classification and Visualization of Alzheimer’s Disease using Volumetric Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning

Precise in vivo genome editing via single homology arm donor mediated intron-targeting gene integration for genetic disease correction

Effects of Turbidity and Acidity on Predator-Prey Interactions

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Anti-photoaging effect of skin cream manufactured with ziyuglycoside I isolated from Sanguisorba officinalis on ultraviolet B-induced hairless mice

[A case of cerebral salt wasting syndrome caused by minor head injury].

Application of selected life cycle occupational safety methods to the case of electricity production from pyro-oil

Differential effect of high fat diet (HFD) on the cardiac muscle of adult and aged female mice and the possible protective role of artichoke treatment: Histomorphometric and ultrastructural study

Disturbance Reducing Method for Target Imaging and Detection on Moving Platform

More Aging Caused 老化引起 sentence examples

Lindane and hexachlorobenzene sequestration and detoxification in contaminated sediment amended with carbon-rich sorbents.

Multiple massive intratumoral hemorrhages of metastatic brain melanoma after ventriculoperitoneal shunt

Development of food packaging materials containing calcium hydroxide and porous medium with carbon dioxide-adsorptive function

Overexpressed vascular endothelial growth factor in adipose derived stem cells attenuates fibroblasts and skin injuries by ultraviolet radiation

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Aging Caused 老化引起

Aging Caused 老化引起
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