Introduction to Womens Roles
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Women’s roles in political violence and terrorism have largely been examined through the agent/victim dichotomy.
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” We draw on the concept of “state ibuism,” previously used to describe the gender ideology of the authoritarian Suharto regime, which emphasised women’s roles as mothers (ibu) and aimed to domesticate them politically.
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It investigates how the impact of immigration is presented in the regional media, and how Russian-speaking immigrant women’s roles as “agents of development” can be interpreted on the basis of their interviews.
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Undertaking a case study analysis of an advertising campaign of the brand IWC, a luxury brand for watches, and applying a feminist critical discourse perspective (Lazar, 2005, 2007), which shows the gender asymmetries in discourse, it is argued that advertising perpetuates misbeliefs about women’s roles in society and reinforces demeaning female stereotypes in the collective imaginary about the understanding of gender equality.
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The aim of this study is to explore women’s roles in supporting the economic needs in fishermen's families in Dewantara Aceh Utara, focusing on two questions.
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Labor migration of husbands has increased household wealth and redefined women’s roles, which have both positively and negatively impacted the health of wives “left behind”.
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This work proposes two questions: How does witchcraft reflect women’s roles and social expectations in medieval society? Did the practice of heresy arouse feminine consciousness in the Middle Ages? This work chooses The Hammer of Witches by the 15th-century Dominican friars Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer as primary sources to analyze and found that hatred and loss of possession are the main motivations for women to involve with witchcraft.
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The results confirm earlier work in the region on women’s roles in marketing but contrast to those on crop gendering.
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The study results that GESI-style learning is applied in learning by paying attention to students’ various needs and abilities, especially students with special needs, without differentiating between men’s and women’s roles.
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PurposeThis study aims to investigate elementary students’ perceptions about women’s roles throughout US history, and the extent to which these perceptions can be challenged or expanded by interactive read-alouds.
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These lived realities and experiences are partly associated with gendered public policy practices, linked to the broader socio-cultural norm that confine women’s roles to the private/domestic spheres, while men are free to pursue higher aspirations and opportunities.
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Nonetheless, the proposed approach should be favoured to better respond to the highly masculinised nature of the sector and the differentiated impacts of ASM on men and women while recognising women’s roles as beneficiaries and productive agents of the sector.
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This paper studies the national projects defended by Spanish political parties on the basis of the image they project in relation to women’s roles.
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The LN’s and FPÖ’s long-term preoccupations with Ital- ian and Austrian women’s roles in worklife, family and reproduction are likely to bring about changes in the conceptions of female migrants in the care sector.
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The third investigates changes in women’s roles within the jute value chain in the Southern Delta region of Bangladesh as household members migrate out of the study area and the availability of male labor declines.
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The study examines the portrayal of women’s roles in the marriage from the Islamic classical book Iḥyā’‘Ulūm al-Dīn written by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali which is widely taught at Pesantrens in Central Java, Indonesia.
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While studied articles on Islamic websites confine women’s roles to family caretakers and to wives, selected ethno-nationalist articles present women in relation to their national belonging and war victimization.
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Important elements of the narratives such as journey through the unknown, exile, and life in the forest or other worlds leave scope for the examination of women’s roles, their heroic personality, and also their enduring legacy.
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It emphasises the need for equid welfare organisations to understand women’s roles in their target communities and recognise what prevents women from accessing educational resources.
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When it comes to women’s roles outside the home, the interviewed male teachers wanted these roles to be in conformity with the traditional Filipino culture where women stay in the house and take care of the babies, and do most of the household works.
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In prehistoric and precolonial times, only glimpses of women’s roles in food production and gathering can be seen, drawing on evidence from historical linguistics, ethnography, anthropology, and archaeology.
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Gender studies and feminist approaches initially focused on the reinterpretation of women’s roles in ancient religions and especially since the 1990s they addressed gender as a socially constructed category.
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Based on content analysis, we established the categories of products and services, age, body parts, women’s roles, clothes, and locations.
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We discuss how these representations can be related to rising neoliberal ideas, values, and identities among the new Chinese middle classes, which, in these instances, are used to create a rather overdetermined stance against more traditional Confucian women’s roles with an emphasis on caring, knowing one’s position, and kinship obligations.
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Although generalization of the study needs careful consideration, it is important to reconsider issues surrounding birth preparedness as women’s roles both in the family and society, are more, especially in urban settings.
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It is expected that the finding of this research will help policymakers to take a useful initiative to improve the women’s roles in participating in increase their family welfare and as the actor in the fishery community.
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The research shows how these transitions have transformed the image of women in Kazakh literature, as a reflection of changes in ruling ideologies and women’s roles in society.
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” Religion/spirituality also served as meaning-making frameworks that provided purpose both to the self and to each of the women’s roles, while religion/spirituality also pervaded every aspect of the self, coloring women’s experience and driving their decisions.
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However, exclusion of the human factor is considered a limitation of restoration theory and practice, and recognition of men’s and women’s roles in restoring landscapes is largely neglected.
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In addition, despite an overall increase in the contribution of women to the field of POS, the increase was significant in all American journals; it was not significant in most leading European journals perhaps due to conservative cultural views of women’s roles in European society [3].
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Although there is a body of scholarship concerning women’s roles in the British media industries, few studies have analysed how women’s career paths within these industries have changed over time.
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Nevertheless, as women have started to exercise religious authority with men in the Diyanet’s enduring male-dominated structure, the recognition for their expertise, professional commitment, and the potential impact of their work have reinforced the social significance of women’s roles.
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I demonstrate that African women’s roles as economic providers for their families and children in other sectors, such as university students and company executives, provide evidence of the continued “matricentric” nature of African households that rely on women’s economic productivity.
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While both men and women contribute significantly to palm cattle integration, rural women’s roles in production activities and technology transfer are not fully documented.
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Starting with Faustina the Younger, whose fecundity and imperial ties suggest her as a model imperial woman, this chapter explores the imperial domus—house, household, family—and women’s roles within it from Augustus through the Severans.
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In addition, I urge that we bring new perspective to these institutions by paying attention to the customary associations’ informal arenas where women’s roles become more visible, and that we avoid conflating customary networks with party-political networks.
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Women’s roles in controlling infectious diseases in school should therefore receive special attention and support.
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During Mohamed Ali’s time, women’s roles and status started to flourish again in all domains.
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This data incorporates the perspectives of the arguments put forward by some actors that allow us to explain women’s roles in the political life of Oaxaca’s indigenous communities.
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It is mainly caused by some aspects, such as religions, lifestyles, which weaken the communal attachment , and the increase of women’s roles within the family.
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While the themes of gender stereotypes, women’s roles in political and social movements, and contemporary challenges are the book’s three strongest thematic strengths, there are many others, including women’s economic roles.
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In American silent film, during the 1910s to 1930s, women’s roles and social statuses changed, and this transition was represented by films, both in in front of camera and behind of camera.
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Joe William Trotter, Jr ’s sweeping yet concise book, Workers on Arrival: Black Labor in the Making of America, presents a compelling, highly readable case that African American workers—far from being a burden or a threat to the body politic—have been assets and contributors to global capitalist development, urbanization, community development, and political transformation from the transatlantic slave trade to the present millennium [ ]of Black Milwaukee’s initial publication, the “working class” as a general social category had long since lost currency in U S Cold War politics and culture as officials and commentators recast the nation as a prosperous “middle class” republic against the backdrop of mid-century economic expansion (At a popular level, one of the many accomplishments of the “Occupy Wall Street” insurgency of the 2010s was reasserting class conflict as a defining feature of U S life ) Then, too, the Black working class had been further obscured in the discourse of the “underclass,” an emergent category of the 1970s that removed displaced Black workers from any structural relations of production Channeling insights from scholars like Darlene Clark Hine, Jacqueline Jones, Victoria Wolcott, Leslie Brown, LaShawn Harris, and Marne L Campbell, Trotter argues that women were crucial actors in the internal migration of black workers, and they often circulated in and out of industrial work themselves, as well as continued to carve out employment opportunities for themselves, and others, in underground ventures [ ]these activities—and women’s roles therein—were central to the “upbuilding” of vibrant Black urban public spheres that flourished on the margins of teeming industrial economies and racially restrictive housing markets “The explosion of postwar government-funded housing, health, education, and transportation projects created a ‘golden age’ for building and construction workers, bankers, and contractors,” Trotter summarizes, “but black workers received few of the employment benefits of this expansive economic growth” (p 142).
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