Introduction to Womens Movement
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These include the challenge to mind-body dualism, phenomenology and a better understanding of embodied knowledge; Nelson Goodman’s work on worldmaking and Thomas Kuhn’s on paradigms; and consciousness-raising through the civil rights and women’s movements.
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Strengthening women’s movements through collective action and learning is a key strategy in achieving such change.
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The article discusses the content and the history of modern women’s movement in the USA.
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Organized popular women in Medellín, Colombia, have exerted lasting influence on the city’s women’s movement by centering a gender-class approach to women’s issues and thus contributing to long-standing forms of popular feminism in Latin America.
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The marriage system polygamy has pervaded discourse among social activist and women’s movements.
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Women’s movements are faced with multiple ’masculinist restoration’ strategies.
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Moreover, the GPS tracking feature of apps is undergirded in the misogynistic logic that women’s movements are to be controlled.
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This article offers a genealogy of the battered women’s movement in the U.
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While several women’s movements that aimed to modify their relationship with public space were taking place across the world, in 1956, the Mexican Social Security Institute founded the program Casa de la Asegurada, the subject of this study, as a tool for improving the social security of Mexican families through the input of cultural, social, artistic, and hygienic knowledge for women.
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Policies, programs and actions were instituted and commitments between managers of the three spheres of government were established to respond to changes in the epidemiological situation and to the demands of the women’s movement for the humanization of childbirth.
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This was made possible by the action of feminist and women’s movements.
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The essay examines women’s political participation at the intersection of the labour, nationalist and women’s movements in Bengal.
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Also, it aims to advocate against the gender blindness of history and to investigate the meaning of feminism in the context of the women’s movement in Sudan within the framework of nationalism.
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The aftermath of protests triggered by a brutal gang-rape in New Delhi in December 2012 was archetypal of the broader women’s movement in post-independence India.
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This essay looks at the intersection of media, transnationalism, and women’s movements from a spatial feminist approach, and examines the opportunities and challenges faced by Arab women’s activism in counterpublic, mediated, and transnational spaces.
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The introductory essay tracks the limits and possibilities of women’s agency and gendered citizenship in these spheres to historicise the women’s movement during the post-Independence decades, and to examine its fraught relationship with feminism, patriarchal society and state politics.
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This article is an ethnographic exploration of a women’s sharia court in Mumbai, a part of a network of such courts run by women qazi (Islamic judges) established across India by members of an Islamic feminist movement called the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (Indian Muslim Women’s Movement).
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Books Reviewed:
Faith and Feminism in Pakistan: Religious Agency or Secular Autonomy? By Afiya Zia (Sussex Academic Press, 2018)
The Women’s Movement in Pakistan: Activism, Islam and Democracy by Ayesha Khan (I.
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Using a combination of network analysis, computational text analysis, and qualitative interpretation, the author examines women’s movement discourses across the first and second waves of activism and between two sites, New York City and Chicago.
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Rather than surrendering to patriarchal cynicism, she capitalised on the socio-political volatilities of colonial India to further the nascent women’s movement.
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First, Taiwan’s political democratization, the women’s movement and gender equality movement will be set out in order to answer the question of what were the conditions for Taiwan to become one of the most LGBT friendly countries in Asia? Second, the Wu-Wu trans marriage case will be analyzed to demonstrate the limits of the current binary male-female legal categories and explore whether the legal recognition of two trans persons’ marriage adequately encompasses their genderqueer identity.
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It delineates the 1983–1985 Canadian Fraser Committee’s liberal-conservative compromise, which rejected the women’s movement’s evidence-based demands that called for a civil rights approach like that endorsed by the U.
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Second, the chapters on the kurdish and women’s movements are loosely connected to the book’s central debate.
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The text is introduced by the Preface, explaining the role of Kolomyja in the 2nd half of 19th century as well as the history of the weekly and local women’s movement.
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The chapter observes that, while some of the barriers to women’s inclusion in peace negotiations remain the same as the barriers to their inclusion in high-level political positions, including norms and customs that have kept women subordinate to men, there are other more mundane reasons, such as: lack of information about the timing and location of formal and informal negotiations, particularly closed door negotiations that excluded women; difficulties in obtaining visas to attend negotiations; national laws or traditions that restrict women’s movements; and a lack of access to communication technologies and networks.
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, that traces the history of the battered women’s movement in the U.
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Although European feminist and women’s movements have been highly diverse (and even divisive) in their aims and politics, they have always been outspoken and highly visible.
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It argues that the Kurdish Women’s Movement (KWM) has functioned as a powerful process of learning for both men and women in the Kurdish community and in the larger society.
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As such, this article scrutinises the ways in which Victorian popular drama influenced the period’s ideal of femininity by using stock characters inspired by real women’s movements.
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At each juncture, women’s movements capitalized on political openings to advance constitutional reforms that are unmatched on a global scale.
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Yet these paradoxes and ambiguities enable the reader to appreciate how uncovering nineteenth-century convent lives can be every bit as enthralling as tracing the secular activism of the early women’s movement.
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Using the concept of “trafficking history,” this article analyzes the novel and associates the two historical contexts with the innovative virtual women’s movement and its recent “real” iterations.
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After describing the origins of NiUnaMenos, we illustrate the mobilizing force of femicide in a context of technopolitical use of social media by women’s movements.
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A major thread linking the institution of the Commonwealth and the women’s movement is a shared, uncompromising objective of achieving universal equality for women and banishing harmful and unacceptable gender-based discrimination.
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The political occupation restricted women’s movement and access to support services, whilst the concomitant lack of police protection left providers and women feeling exposed to acts of family retaliation.
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The Dalit movement and the women’s movement that consider Dalit women’s issues—especially caste-based sexual violence, important to their politics, generally designate secondary positions to Dalit women and their issues (Rege, 1998).
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As more sexually and gender minority people felt increasingly vulnerable to an escalating pandemic, they repurposed lessons from the US Civil Rights and Women’s movements, as well as Gay Liberation to challenge researchers and public health officials to rethink traditional ways of conducting clinical trials and engaging at risk stakeholders [4].
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The stability of breast plays an important role in the comfort of women’s movement.
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The designation of the years 1975-1985 as the International Decade for Women was certainly a stimulus to this agenda; subsequent conferences successively mirror the growing activism and vitality of the international women’s movement, in particular the growth and impact of Southern feminisms (which includes Africa) and their concerns around substantive equality issues (in addition to formal equality matters).
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In part, this paradox has been explained by the existence of strong, feminist victimand women’s movements, which have turned our focus to sexual crimes and paved the way for the Nordic #metoo.
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A new moment in this history comes with the women’s movement’s discovery of the annexation of amniocentesis testing for sex determination of the foetus and its subsequent normalisation through pre-natal ultrasound as part of ordinary maternal care during a pregnancy.
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Building upon an ethnographic exploration of the pedagogy and alternative dispute resolution activities of an Islamic feminist movement in India called the Indian Muslim Women’s Movement (Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan), this article speaks to the tension between Saba Mahmood’s influential account of religion and gendered agency, and a liberal feminist conception of gender equality.
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Finally, we point out a link to Austria’s early liberal women’s movement.
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Throughout her career, she has worked on the topics of women’s political representation, gender quota systems and social movements including the history of Women’s Movements.
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The authors, born in the 1960s and self-identified feminists, became voices of the women’s movement in post-1989 Poland.
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In her essays and speeches, Clara Zetkin argues that the workers’ movement and the women’s movement are co-dependent, and that it is only if male and female workers cooperate that they will be able to overcome economic and social injustices and inequalities.
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When the global women’s movement provided inspiration, queen mothers joined together to reclaim their authority.
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The anti-rape and battered women’s movements of the 1970s and 1980s grew out of the women’s liberation movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
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This paper identifies family planning as a key arena of women’s movement activity during the 1950s and early 1960s.
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It presents an NGO-centered framework to challenge the Western and state-centered lenses that have been used to frame and assess the development of NGOs, civil society, and the women’s movement in China.
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