Introduction to Womens Engagement
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This paper aims to investigate whether women’s engagement in the public sphere is linked to social expectations.
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Moving beyond such dichotomies, this paper explores women’s activism in unions to address three issues: the nature of women’s engagement with labour politics; their negotiations with their own family and the social limits of gendered behaviour; and their response to the political mainstreaming of trade unions in India.
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ConclusionMaternity services and health professionals that provide flexible, adaptable women-centred care and support through pregnancy and early motherhood will assist young women’s engagement in antenatal care.
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The increase in women’s engagement with jihadi groups around the globe fueled debates regarding women’s incorporation into jihadi organizations.
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Typically assembled according to the logic of ‘risk’ and ‘exposure’, this extensive work tends to operate within a negative paradigm whereby women’s engagement with the digital produces harmful outcomes for wellbeing.
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Conclusion Maternity services and health professionals that provide flexible, adaptable women-centred care and support through pregnancy and early motherhood will assist young women’s engagement in antenatal care.
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Lady Anne Southwell’s two diverse manuscript collections include a defence of poetry and many profoundly critical poems which reveal the range and depth of early modern women’s engagement with traditions of criticism and with questions of theory, style, and gender.
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However, less has been documented on how digitalization addresses the gender constraints to enhance women’s engagement in rural entrepreneurship.
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Women’s engagement in rural land sales has been a significant aspect of land tenure dynamics with varied implications to their livelihoods and wellbeing.
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Women’s engagement in gardening activities was also reflected by estimating yields.
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We focus on women’s engagement with religious cultural practices and the ways in which religion and gender are restructured through the process of migration and reverse migration.
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narcissism, self-efficacy, body attitudes and internalization of beauty ideals) as antecedents to young college women’s engagement in both general (non-risky) and risky appearance management behaviours.
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Also, socio-cultural and traditional practices, norms and beliefs inhibit women’s engagement in housing developments processes.
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The introduction of lay Catholic women into modern Irish history is long overdue, and Delay’s work prompts its readers to question how we view women’s engagement with religion and society during such a consequential period in modern Irish history.
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This article explores the agency of Brahetrolleborg’s social hostess, Sybille Reventlow, and her sister, Charlotte Schimmelmann, focusing on the politically charged years of 1789–90 and the two women’s engagement in the political project of their court faction, the ‘reform circle’.
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Background Women’s engagement in healthcare decision-making during childbirth has been increasingly emphasised as a priority in maternity care, since it increases satisfaction with the childbirth experience and provides health benefits for women and newborns.
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The critical role of the facilitator ‘crafting’ the women’s engagement with the visual art and the research process is highlighted, emphasising the need to work reflexively and with flexibility.
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While the anonymity of this particular collector adds to the emphasis on the non-human, the collector of another such album of botanical specimens highlights women’s engagement with natural history and knowledge production across these islands.
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malleable) trait undermine women’s engagement in STEM.
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Second, there are gendered obstructions to recovering and representing histories of women’s engagement in violent extremism that make learning about the extent of the relevant behavior difficult at best.
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Method Custom-created survey of maternity staff at 7 Sydney hospitals, with questions about women’s engagement with decision making, indications for planned birth, timing of birth and readiness for change.
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This desk report explores how West African community-based armed groups (CBAGs) facilitate women’s engagement with politics, create avenues for female expressions of anger, commitment to community values and national identity, and enable women to push for change in their communities by opening spaces for female participation.
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This project trained 4-6 Kayapo women in introductory audiovisual production and editing and is the first project to focus exclusively on Kayapo women’s engagements with digital technology.
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While audiences primarily observe Belarda manufacturing or selling perfumes or other products capable of transforming the buyer and/or wearer as just one of many subplots of the comedia’s frame, close study of this character within her historical context allows us to comment more broadly on Spanish women’s engagement with “making” as tied to an array of contemporary chemical and alchemical practices, both literary and historical.
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One of the most intriguing discussions follows the women’s engagements with feminism.
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Australian women’s engagement with the ICW and IWSA was enthusiastically championed by some but was hindered by debates over federation and whether the states or the nation should be the platform for internationalism.
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