Introduction to Womens Access
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Part I of this article focuses on these barriers to abortion access while Part II considers the significant new challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic for women’s access to reproductive health services.
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Determinants of gender inequality have been identified, the main of which are the gender wage gap, gender structure of employment imbalance, inequality of women’s access to decent work due to gender stereotypes, and imperfect control mechanisms for gender-sensitive statistics.
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Patriarchy remains a pervasive feature in Pakistan and limits women’s access to patronage networks.
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The analysis identifies that disparities in household phone ownership and women’s access to phones create inequities in the population eligible to receive Kilkari, and that among enrolled Kilkari subscribers, marginalised caste groups and those without education are under-represented.
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Women’s access to educational resources appears to be a key factor, especially when it comes to fertility planning, as well as the rejection of male violence.
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Integrated work is necessary to build up women’s access to education and to get information all through the maternal continuum of care.
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The economic changes promoted by the Law on the Con scation of Civic and Ecclesiastical Rural and Urban Farms, written in June 1856 by the Minister of the Treasury, Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, transformed women’s access to property, however, it did not completely brake the limits to the exercise of this right.
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To promote women empowerment, entrepreneurship provide economic power meant to increase women’s access to economic resources in the households.
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However, the implications of these reforms on women’s access to and use of health services, as well as their health outcomes, is uncertain.
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There are multiple factors that restrict Saudi women’s access to sexual and reproductive health information and services, impacting their overall wellbeing.
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Improving women’s access to health facilities, promoting field workers’ visit, and media exposure targeting uneducated, unemployed, and rural resident women of RAG will be a gateway to promote health insurance coverage.
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Historians of Sudan have documented many cases of Sudanese women, who struggled against colonialism even before the beginning of women’s access to primary formal education in the early twentieth century.
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The expansion of HE all over the country (Angola) through the creation of new public and private higher education institutions (HEIs), as well as the creation of internal and external scholarships, have been some of the policies aimed at increasing access to HE, especially the increase in women’s access to HE.
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The strongest aspects of male engagement programming were those that sought to engage men as advocates for women’s access to and use of FP services, and improve their knowledge and attitudes related to contraception and reproduction.
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To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this document analyses the gender disparity in the Latin American equity crowdfunding market, shedding light on women’s access to crowdfunding financing for the first time.
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This study was conducted to assess the general understanding of TB and for women’s access to healthcare, as a first step towards implementation of a gender responsive TB program in Tando Allahyar, a rural district of Pakistan.
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The onset of COVID-19 has raised concerns that it may compromise women’s access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
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The study offers novel evidence on the “glass ceiling” in Japanese businesses by investigating whether women’s access to management positions corresponds to effective decision power.
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According to the report’s authors, a number of reforms could be considered by the authorities to bridge the economic gender gap and facilitate the inclusion of women, starting with legal reforms to facilitate women’s access to employment, assets, and other productive resources.
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Encompassing such as areas as women’s access to managerial positions, positions within trade unions, inequality, family life, role in family businesses and entrepreneurship, it is a remarkable collection and a vital business reference source.
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In this paper, we report three of the factors that arose while studying rural Bangladeshi women’s access to ICT: stigma, rumor, and superstition.
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Enhancing girls’ and women’s access to education operates through a number of pathways to improve birth outcomes and reduce LBW in LMICs.
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Registration and availability of medical abortion as an over-the-counter product would likely increase women’s access to safe abortion.
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Interventions to empower women would not only expand women’s access to economic services and opportunities, but should also collaborate with men and women to tackle men’s livelihoods, male gender stereotypes, and masculinity norms.
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The research defines the forceful implementation of compulsory hijab as a case of spatial injustice, since it regulates, bars, and controls women’s access to public spaces.
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Policies in these areas can affect women’s access to skilled immigration status or other visas, accreditation issues upon arrival, skills recognition and their overall capacity for human mobility.
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However, there is a lack of research exploring the link between women’s access to decent work and various household and individual-level characteristics.
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To address these concerns, this article sets out standards for regulating ASM to guarantee women’s access to services and information and women’s decision-making and representation; to address the specific risks women face in the sector; and to provide access to effective remedies.
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The GSMA connected women Global development Alliance (2015) reported that GSMA connected woman works with partners to deliver socio economic benefits to women and the broader mobile ecosystem through greater inclusion of women across the industry the programme is focused on increasing women’s access to and use of mobile phone as well as closing the digital skill gender gap, attracting and retaining female talent and encouraging female leadership in technology on a global basic.
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Byllye Avery, cofounder of the Black Women’s Health Imperative, speaks to historian Susan Reverby about her activist work, beginning in the 1970s, to increase women’s access to abortion.
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Focusing on cultural restrictions on women’s access to the garbhagriha in specific Hindu temples in India, this paper attempts to contextualize the wider debates around gender in faith-based practices and the confrontation between the ‘right to pray’ movement and its opponents.
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Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) based approaches to social justice have attracted increasing attention among scholars and development-based organisations as a means of improving women’s access to economic resources and increasing women’s empowerment.
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Introduction: Since women’s access to the required reproductive health care reduces
maternal and foetal deaths and postpartum complications for both, this study
examined the role of poverty and residence on the model where empowerment
played a mediating role between education and women’s access to reproductive
health care.
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Financial development negatively impacts mineral resource rents, while women’s access to finance supports the mineral resource agenda.
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Design The IRIS study is a mixed-methods, community-based, qualitative evaluation of recently arrived im/migrant women’s access to sexual and reproductive care.
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Four underpinning themes explain how: peer supporters were resourceful in adapting their services (‘ adapting and modifying the support’ ); BPS organisations worked to enable women’s access to supportive breastfeeding environments, but did not necessarily focus service development on the needs of women living in areas of deprivation (‘ supporting women’s journeys to access’ ); the BPS-professional connections for supporting access and how BPS could result in more supportive community environments (‘ embedding within healthcare practice’ ); and how management practices precluded meaningful use of data to provide context led service development (‘ ways of using knowledge’ ).
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It is recommended that more efforts should be put to economic empowerment as a process of increasing women’s access to economic resources and opportunities including jobs, financial services, property and other productive assets, skills development and market information.
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We examine women’s access to campaign resources using data from all 960 candidates competing in Chile’s 2017 legislative elections.
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Following this subjectivity, representation, aesthetics, approaches to documentary practice and questions of women’s access to their subjects and funding are examined.
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Objective: To implement a training protocol on intrauterine device (IUD) insertion for resident physicians to improve women’s access to this method.
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We note the diverse and contradictory nature of gendered narratives and practices across the sectors and argue that it still predominantly shapes women’s access to social policy.
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The perceptions of key stakeholders on the use of skilled care will provide a broad understanding of factors that need to be addressed to increase women’s access to skilled pregnancy care.
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This paper analyses women’s access and security to land under customary land governance in Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Northern Ghana through document analyses and surveys of 312 land right holders and tenants from 13 communities.
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Findings underscore the need for contextualisation of collective regulation in opportunity structures and the ongoing frailty of women’s access to gender equality.
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The analysis indicates that diversification in agriculture, an improvement in women’s literacy levels and women’s access to household resources has had a significant impact on the nutritional situation in Bihar.
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Women’s participation in tax rulemaking would address the concerns raised by the BPfA which highlighted inequalities in economic structures and policies in all forms of productive activities and urged governments to facilitate women’s access to trade and markets.
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Rural education is the foundation and key to solve Chinese equal education in the future, and the development and improvement of rural women’s access to higher education is more related to rural gender equity, education harmony and new rural construction.
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To improve women’s access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in family planning (FP) clinics, we examined readiness to provide PrEP, and barriers and facilitators at the clinic level to integrate PrEP services into Title X-funded FP clinics across the Southern US.
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This paper presents the study results and makes recommendations on how the Government of Jordan, donors and NGOs can encourage the redistribution of unpaid care work and improve women’s access to livelihood opportunities.
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The current study proposes a model to analyze the factors that facilitate or impede women’s access to management positions in the hospitality industry, including individual-level (perception of women’s leadership skills and experience), institutional-level (organizational misconceptions of women, stereotypes and organizational cultural barriers) and interactional-level (work-life balance).
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