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Broad Resistance to Post-Harvest Fruit Rot in USVL Watermelon Germplasm Lines to isolates of Phytophthora capsici from across USA.

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Natural variation in a short region of the Acidovorax citrulli type III-secreted effector AopW1 is associated with differences in cytotoxicity

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Components of rhizospheric bacterial communities of barley and their potential for plant growth promotion and biocontrol of Fusarium wilt of watermelon

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Fumigation coupled with bio-organic fertilizer for the suppression of watermelon Fusarium wilt disease re-shapes the soil microbiome

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Relative susceptibility of commercial watermelon varieties to powdery mildew

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Managing Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon with Delayed Transplanting and Cultivar Resistance.

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Watermelon Caused