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Versus Enhanced sentence examples within Intervention Versus Enhanced

A collaborative, computer-assisted, psycho-educational intervention for depressed patients with chronic disease at primary care: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

A case study of ascertainment bias for the primary outcome in the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) trial

Versus Enhanced sentence examples within versus enhanced usual

A collaborative, computer-assisted, psycho-educational intervention for depressed patients with chronic disease at primary care: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

A case study of ascertainment bias for the primary outcome in the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) trial

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Evaluating an enhanced quality improvement intervention in maternity units: PReCePT trial protocol

A Cyberbullying Media-Based Prevention Intervention for Adolescents on Instagram: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

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Immunogenicity of standard, high-dose, MF59-adjuvanted, and recombinant-HA seasonal influenza vaccination in older adults

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Comparing models of delivery for cancer genetics services among patients receiving primary care who meet criteria for genetic evaluation in two healthcare systems: BRIDGE randomized controlled trial

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Recorded Business Meetings and AI Algorithmic Tools: Negotiating Privacy Concerns, Psychological Safety, and Control

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A collaborative, computer-assisted, psycho-educational intervention for depressed patients with chronic disease at primary care: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

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A case study of ascertainment bias for the primary outcome in the Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (STRIDE) trial

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Robust modelling to address UPH19 to predict future hydrological responses for water resources adaptation under climate change

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The authors reply

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The influence of the HEART Camp intervention on physical function, health-related quality of life, depression, anxiety and fatigue in patients with heart failure

Glucose Control Using a Standard Versus an Enhanced Hybrid Closed Loop System: A Randomized Crossover Study.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Body Image and Self-Care (CBT-BISC) Among Sexual Minority Men Living with HIV: Skills-Based Treatment Mediators

Distress intolerance moderation of motivated attention to cannabis and negative stimuli after induced stress among cannabis users: an ERP study

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Efficacy of the Home-Based Mental Health Evaluation (HOME) Program for Engaging Patients in Care After Hospitalization.

Using synovial volume measurement by MRI to evaluate the effect of 32P Radiation synovectomy on hemophilic arthropathy patients.

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Blended Collaborative Care to Treat Heart Failure and Comorbid Depression: Rationale and Study Design of the Hopeful Heart Trial

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Improving risk factor identification for opioid overdose deaths in Tennessee

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Time-domain based feature space at FLUXNET sites for vegetation patterns identification

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Versus Enhanced