Introduction to Upper Mantle
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within mid ocean ridge
The presence of Pacific-type and Indian-type mid-ocean ridge (MORB) isotopic source domains in the upper mantle is a clear manifestation of global-scale mantle compositional heterogeneities.
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The geochemistry of the 85°E Ridge can be explained by mixing of Indian-type plume material with Indian mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) and detached continental lithospheric (mantle and/or lower crustal) material in the upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within mantle transition zone
Olivine, a ferromagnesian orthosilicate, is the most
abundant mineral in Earth's upper mantle and is stable down to the
olivine–wadsleyite phase transition, which defines the 410 km depth mantle
transition zone.
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The results show that a large-scale high-velocity anomaly or lithospheric delamination can completely destroy upper mantle discontinuities or erase the phase boundary of olivine, which is a very important finding and can be used to assess stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone globally.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within & # 160
<p>    The presence of Pacific-type and Indian-type mid-ocean ridge (MORB) isotopic source domains in the upper mantle is a clear manifestation of global-scale mantle compositional heterogeneities.
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<p>              The mid-lithosphere discontinuity (MLD) and the lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary (LAB) are two well-known seismic discontinuities in the continental upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within shear wave splitting
Seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the northwest Himalaya and eastern part of the Ladakh-Karakoram zone has been investigated using shear-wave splitting of core-mantle refracted SKS waveforms from 94 teleseismic earthquakes recorded at 28 broadband seismic stations.
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The observed backazimuthal variations in the shear-wave splitting of core-refracted shear waves (SK(K)S-phases) at the Black Forest Observatory (BFO, SW Germany) indicate small-scale lateral and (partly) vertical variations of the elastic anisotropy in the upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within brittle upper crust
Here we present a series of 3D brittle-viscous analogue models to test the interaction between differently oriented weaknesses located in the brittle upper crust and/or upper mantle.
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It is well established that faults are highly localized within the cold and brittle upper crust, but less is known about fault and shear zone structure in the warmer, more ductile, lower crust and in the upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Depleted Upper Mantle
Upper Mantle sentence examples within Primitive Upper Mantle
Our results reveal that the nephelinites and basanites are characterized by unfractionated platinum-group element (PGE) patterns normalized to primitive upper mantle (PUM) (e.
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5% of correlation lines between the estimated Primitive Upper Mantle (PUM) composition and the least radiogenic sample in each suite.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Deep Upper Mantle
We suggest that recycled sedimentary calcium carbonate could influence the evolution of the mantle oxidation state by efficiently increasing the ferric iron content in the deep upper mantle.
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We investigated the likelihood of radial anisotropy in the shallow and deep upper mantle, including the mantle transition zone (MTZ) under the Indian Ocean.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Shallow Upper Mantle
) implies that the solidus of the shallow upper mantle ( In old continents pargasite breaks down at the sub-solidus pargasite dehydration boundary at ~3 GPa and liberates ‘water’-rich fluids.
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In this study we will investigate the effect of 3-D variations in the shallow upper mantle viscosity on GIA in Southeast Alaska.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Slow Upper Mantle
By integrating this database with seismic tomographic models, we show that intraplate volcanism is concentrated in regions characterized by slow upper mantle shear-wave velocities and by thin lithosphere (i.
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By integrating this database with seismic tomographic models, we show that intraplate volcanism is concentrated in regions characterized by slow upper mantle shear-wave velocities and by thin lithosphere (i.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Sublithospheric Upper Mantle
The main objective of the program is to provide seismological constraints on the structure of the lithospheric crust and mantle as well as the sublithospheric upper mantle.
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The main objective of the program is to provide seismological constraints on the structure of the lithospheric crust and mantle as well as the sublithospheric upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Cratonic Upper Mantle
The remarkable similarity between the velocity structure of the western BoB and the adjoining Indian craton, which could be fortuitous, however, suggests the untested possibility that the fracture plane mediating the initial break-up of India from Antarctica might have been inclined towards the former creating asymmetrically spreading oceanic crust over a cratonic upper mantle.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Convecting Upper Mantle
Upper Mantle sentence examples within American Upper Mantle
Upper Mantle sentence examples within Enriched Upper Mantle
It is concluded that the Longsheng mafic-ultramafic suite was originated from partial melting of the enriched upper mantle (EM-I type) due to asthenospheric underplating and lithospheric extension during the incipient Rodinia breakup, and that the magmas were contaminated with crustal material during ascent.
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They are associated with multiphase plutons of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks that are related to a low-degree partial melting of metasomatically-enriched upper mantle, followed by amphibole fractionation in a deep (lower crustal ?) magma chamber and then by magma fractionation and emplacement at shallower crustal levels.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within Viscosity Upper Mantle
The predictions based on the high-viscosity upper mantle (5x10<sup>20</sup> Pa s) show high uplift rates (~ +4.
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Indeed, the Antarctic ice sheet lies on a solid Earth that displays large spatial variations in rheological properties, with a thin lithosphere and low-viscosity upper mantle beneath West Antarctica and an opposing structure beneath East Antarctica (Morelli & Danesi, 2004; Lloyd et al.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle beneath
Seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the northwest Himalaya and eastern part of the Ladakh-Karakoram zone has been investigated using shear-wave splitting of core-mantle refracted SKS waveforms from 94 teleseismic earthquakes recorded at 28 broadband seismic stations.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle structure
Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle depth
The Common reflection surface stack images of the present study reveal hitherto unknown details along with a unique south-dipping reflection fabric extending from the surface to upper mantle depth.
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Our novel thermopetrological models show that the present-day global water retention in subducting plates beyond mid-upper mantle depths barely exceeds the estimations of mantle degassing, and thus quantitatively support the steady-state sea level scenario over geological times.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle seismic
Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle rock
The processes of diamond crystallization in the metamorphic deeply subducted rocks and upper mantle rocks, which are carried to the surface as xenoliths by kimberlite melts, have much in common.
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To explore the role of the olivine grain size and crystal preferred orientation (CPO), on the evolution of the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of upper mantle rocks up to large strains, we performed axial extension experiments at 1200 °C, 300 MPa confining pressure, and constant displacement rate leading to strain rates ~10−5 s−1 on three natural peridotites: a fine-grained mylonitic harzburgite with a weak olivine CPO and two coarse-grained well-equilibrated dunites with olivine CPO of variable intensity.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle material
The geological setting, phase relationships, and experimental data indicate that the garnet-bearing carbonatites in the Tromsø area were formed in relation to the carbonatization and melting of upper mantle material at high pressures during the collision of the Baltica and Laurentia plates in the course of the Caledonian orogenesis, with subsequent intrusion and crystallization of silicate–carbonate magmas.
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At magma-poor margins, a phase of tectonic opening without accretion of a typical oceanic crust often follows initial rupture, leading to exhumation of serpentinized upper mantle material.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle heterogeneity
The geochemical and petrological diversity of diamond inclusions reflects either pre-metasomatic upper mantle heterogeneity or metasomatism coeval with diamond formation.
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To compare the crustal and upper mantle heterogeneities reflected in different geophysical fields, we have analyzed seismic tomographic sections based on volumetric seismotomographic models geoelectric and velocity sections along profiles across the main tectonic elements of the study area.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle convection
Two almost symmetric upper mantle convection cells dominate in the whole Mediterranean Basin: the downwellings are found in the center of the Mediterranean with opposite direction and are associated with the descent of the Tyrrhenian and Hellenic slabs.
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The static topographic difference of ~2 km is mainly resulted from the lithospheric isostasy, while the dynamic one of ~2 km is contributed by the uprising of the accumulated material in the lower crust beneath the Songpan-Ganzi block and the downward drag force caused by the upper mantle convection under the Sichuan Basin.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle deformation
This implies that the seismogenic thickness increases in EARS when we go from north to south which is in agreement with rift age, magmatism and influence of the African Super plume on the crust and upper mantle deformation in EARS.
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<p>Shear-wave splitting observations of SKS and SKKS phases have been used widely to map azimuthal anisotropy, and to constrain the dominant mechanism of upper mantle deformation.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle viscosity
We show that the influence of applying a spatially variable Earth structure is significant, particularly in the regions of West Antarctica where upper mantle viscosities are lower and the elastic lithosphere is thinned.
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In this study we will investigate the effect of 3-D variations in the shallow upper mantle viscosity on GIA in Southeast Alaska.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle shear
By integrating this database with seismic tomographic models, we show that intraplate volcanism is concentrated in regions characterized by slow upper mantle shear-wave velocities and by thin lithosphere (i.
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By integrating this database with seismic tomographic models, we show that intraplate volcanism is concentrated in regions characterized by slow upper mantle shear-wave velocities and by thin lithosphere (i.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle mineral
We present a new force constants approach that combines experimental and theoretical data to constrain the reduced partition function ratio (β\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\beta$$\end{document}-factor) of tetrahedrally coordinated silicon (IV\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$^{IV}$$\end{document}Si) in the crust and upper mantle minerals.
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Using experimental partition coefficients for major upper mantle minerals, our equilibrium melting models are not able to explain the data.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle anisotropy
To evaluate lateral and vertical variations in the upper mantle anisotropy and thus underlying geodynamic processes, we apply teleseismic shear wave splitting (e.
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Upper mantle anisotropy investigated using 172 core-refracted (SKS, SKKS) seismic phases along a ~660 km long profile at 10 to 20 km intervals from the west to the east coast of South India reveals significant lateral variations in its magnitude and direction.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle temperature
They are directly proportional to the lithospheric thickness and inversely proportional to average upper mantle temperatures, but the relationship with the intensity of long-wavelength satellite magnetic anomalies and crustal thickness is poor.
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The mantle potential temperature derived from the estimated primary magma compositions revealed anomalously hot mantle source regions compared to the known ambient upper mantle temperatures during Paleoproterozoic, thus implying the possible involvement of thermal plumes in their genesis.
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Upper Mantle sentence examples within upper mantle conductor