Introduction to Two Phase Stratified
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We consider nonparametric estimation of a distribution function when data are collected from two-phase stratified sampling without replacement.
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We suggest a new class of difference-type estimators under two-phase stratified sampling when using information from two auxiliary variables including their distribution functions.
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Two-phase stratified sampling is a flexible approach to perform such sub-sampling, but literature on stratification variables to be used in the sampling and power evaluation is lacking especially for survival data.
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In the petrochemical industry, multiphase flow, including oil–water two-phase stratified laminar flow, is more common and can be easily obtained through mathematical analysis.
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The effect of inclination on instability of two-phase stratified flow in inclined rectangular ducts is studied for the first time via a rigorous linear stability analysis that accounts for all possible infinitesimal three-dimensional disturbances.
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This study aims to investigate the initial corrosion behavior in aqueous solution of 20# seamless steel under (CO2/aqueous solution) gas–liquid two-phase stratified flow conditions.
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Two-phase stratified flow is ubiquitous in industrial processes, monitoring its phase interface is important for improving the safety and efficiency of process.
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