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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Single Tuition Fee
This study discusses the problem of effectiveness and contribution of single tuition fees at the State University of Malang to Blu's income.
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Kata Kunci: biaya, kuliah, diploma This single tuition fee is used as the basis for determining fees charged to the community and government.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Paying Tuition Fee
There are cost factors (difficulty paying tuition fees / UKT and demands to return the scholarship), study conditions (difficulty consulting with supervisors/promoters and unable to find references in the library), and personal problems (conflicts with friends or with a partner and less comfortable boarding/house conditions).
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The Committee on Education for Russian students in Czechoslovakia (CERSC) and the Committee on Higher Education for Russian youth abroad ("Fedorov Committee") contributed to the organization of student education by providing scholarships, by exempting them from paying tuition fees, and providing a dorm.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Pay Tuition Fee
Students are to use the proposed payment system to pay tuition fees and other student fees to their respective higher educational institution.
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The major concern for many students (40%) was the inability to pay tuition fees due to the financial implication caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Student Tuition Fee
Tuition Fee sentence examples within Different Tuition Fee
Finally, I focus exclusively on the instrument of subsidized tuition and simulate the introduction of different tuition fee schemes with income-contingent loans.
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In this paper we use a theoretical model of effort optimization on the part of university students to simulate the effects of different tuition fees schemes.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Lower Tuition Fee
For University students, the prolonged distance learning has caused dissatisfaction in education quality which led them to demand lower tuition fees.
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If the university continues online English learning, the learning management should be explained in details including with providing facilitators of learning and lower tuition fees.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Affordable Tuition Fee
Dayah BULISC has good resources and is supported by cheap and affordable tuition fees for the community.
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The results of the study confirm that higher quality education program, affordable tuition fees, and a higher standard environment are the key motivational factors attracting Korean students to study in Malaysia.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within Low Tuition Fee
There are clear advantages to this form when compared with traditional face-to-face classroom instruction including: the accessibility of education to a wide audience; the possibility to earn a degree irrespective of place of residence; variability of learning time selection; relatively low tuition fees.
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The most popular reasons were good reputation of the universities, convenient campus location, and comparatively low tuition fees for the programme.
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Tuition Fee sentence examples within tuition fee payment
The tuition fee payment system is a mechanism for transferring funds charged to students for educational institutions to expedite the lecture process in terms of learning and teaching.
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This study aims to identify and analyze accounting information systems Flow of Tuition Fee Payment during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the University of Technology Sumbawa.
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Tuition fees of full-time MBA programs with similar structure can vary greatly from around USD $20,000 to USD $220,000.
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governmental allocation and tuition fee, is inevitable.
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0), with no difference between geographic regions, but with higher values in medical schools with no tuition fees.
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The obstacles that detected are followed up by helping lecturers and students, providing quota assistance for students, tuition fees were paid with lenient payments, providing assistance from alumni and other assistance to support the students.
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As a result of calculations - with a high level of teacher qualifications and a rating from Shanghai Transport University, the rise of tuition fee does not significantly affect the number of future students.
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The current pricing model is analogous to a university invoicing all graduating students for both the costs of their study program and the tuition fees of their peers who dropped out along the way.
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The major satisfaction issues found were the university’s environment, education system, facilities, tuition fee, and education standard.
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It discusses Indonesia’s education problems, including well-trained teacher’s deployment, student’s tuition fee, class size, and school facilities and access, then further explores Finland's success story in the educational sector as a role model.
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The SMK Kinali 1 Vocational School Committee is an organization engaged in the management of school committee money payments consisting of payment of tuition fees and payment of development money which is managed directly by committee treasurers and data processing has not yet used a computerized system so that less time is needed in processing payment data SPP money and development money payments.
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The study showed that in the class C school, school positive discipline practices were found to be relatively less effective mainly due to the stress families felt towards university admission trying to secure a chance at public universities because they cannot afford private and international universities’ tuition fees.
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The results of the study show that the service quality of the Ikor study program in financing is very good, it is known that the tuition fees are 26.
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These findings indicate that higher education institutions must take into account the tuition fees charged to students.
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Both vocational secondary and higher education are in demand in the country, despite the decline in real incomes of the population and an increase in tuition fees.
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The variables used are the image of the study program, educational facilities, interests and talents, tuition fees, prospects for study programs, and social factors.
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Meanwhile, the obstacles are inadequate infrastructure and limited funds because there are still few students and tuition fee is still in the third category in the Ministry of Religion's General Cost Standards (SBU).
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The inhibiting factors are the late payment of tuition fees, the uncertainty of parents' income, the late disbursement of the government's school operational assistance (BOS) funds and the foundation's compulsory funds, the complexity of the foundation's centralized system, and the lack of online learning facilities.
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And with the motivation and aptitude test hopefully can reduce the tuition fee of the scholar.
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In relation to accessing funding, the tuition fees of students can be financed by crowdsourcing approaches through “crowd tuition” and even “crowdfunding” can be used to procure laboratory and classroom content or the learning stays of students abroad.
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Based on factor analysis through statistical tests, it shows several factors that are considered by parents in choosing private universities, namely academic (product), promotion, registration and lecture processes, tuition fees (economy), campus location, and lecturer reputation.
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This study aims to identify and analyze accounting information systemsFlow of Tuition Fees during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the University of TechnologySumbawa.
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But, the students choose An Accounting study program because the reputation of the study program at the campus is "good”, the tuition fees in the study program are available and affordable, and a college education scholarship in a study program or college is available.
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It is also reviewed that financing of higher education in Ukraine is characterized by decentralization and diversification, which are characterized by an increase in the share of local budgets in the structure of higher education funding in Ukraine and the use of extra-budgetary sources of funding, in the form of tuition fees.
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