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Tourism Firms sentence examples within top level supportive

The role of top-level supportive leadership: A multilevel, trickle-down, moderating effects test in Chinese hospitality and tourism firms

Tourism Firms sentence examples within Small Tourism Firms

Organisational effectiveness for ethical tourism action: a phronetic perspective

“From pluri-activity to entrepreneurship: Swedish inshore commercial fisheries navigating in the service-oriented economy”

Tourism Firms sentence examples within Wine Tourism Firms

The Impact of Social Media on the Behavior of Wine Tourists: A Typology of Power Sources

Winey Kids: Promoting Wine Tourism to People with Children

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Tourism Firms sentence examples within Listed Tourism Firms

Short-selling deregulation and corporate social responsibility of tourism industry in China

Corporate governance, technical efficiency and financial performance: Evidence from Chinese listed tourism firms

Tourism Firms sentence examples within tourism firms understand

Sustainability in the wine-tourism sector – an analysis of perceived understanding and practices implemented by firms

The co-creation of diverse values and paradigms in small values-based tourism firms

Tourism Firms sentence examples within tourism firms located

Market Orientation on Tourism Service Performance: The Mediating Role of E-Marketing

Tourism employee pro-environmental behavior: An integrated multi-level model

Research on the Sustainable Operation of Low-Carbon Tourism Supply Chain under Sudden Crisis Prediction

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Improving Tourism Entrepreneur’s Competition during the COVID 19 Pandemic – A Case Study in Tourism Industry in Vietnam

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Recontextualising gender in entrepreneurial leadership

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Technology assessment: Enabling Blockchain in hospitality and tourism sectors

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Millennials’ support for tourism development: the effect of market orientation by governments

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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Economy

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Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on tourism: transformational potential and implications for a sustainable recovery of the travel and leisure industry

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Social capital and innovativeness in firms in cultural tourism destinations: Divergent contingent factors

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Kyoto Sightseeing Map 2.0 for User-Experience Oriented Tourism

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Compositional DuPont Analysis. A Visual Tool for Strategic Financial Performance Assessment

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Socially responsible behaviour of Kazakhstani consumers

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Exploring relationship between sustainability and firm performance in travel and tourism industry: a global evidence

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How do executive pay and its gap with employee pay influence corporate performance? Evidence from Thailand tourism listed companies

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A Conceptual Characterization of Value Creation in Hospitality and Tourism Firms from a Complexity Perspective

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International strategies of Chinese tourism MNEs: the impact of the belt and Road Initiative and state ownership

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Innovation capability and pioneering orientation in Peru’s cultural heritage tourism destinations: Conflicting environmental effects

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Board diversity and firm risk-taking in the tourism sector: Moderating effects of board independence, CEO duality, and free cash flows

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Effects of Business and Finance Conditions on Tourism Firms’ Financial Performances: Evidence From Major Tourist Destinations

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Gestión de turismo gastronómico: identificación del mercado potencial en Canarias

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Strategic responses to COVID-19: The case of tour operators in Vietnam

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Global Citizenship & Parrhesia in Small Values-Based Tourism Firms

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When customers like preferential recovery (and when not)?

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Linking key antecedents of hotel information management system adoption to innovative work behavior through attitudinal engagement

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Unlocking Policy Impediments for Service Delivery in Tourism Firms: Evidence from Small and Medium Sized Hotels in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Philanthropic giving, sales growth, and tourism firm performance: An empirical test of a theoretical assumption

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Social media-based visual humour use in tourism marketing: a semiotic perspective

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Using multicriteria decision analysis to evaluate the effect of digital transformation on organisational performance: evidence from Greek tourism SMEs

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Senior Tourism in Europe: When There Are “No Boundaries”

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Sentiment Analysis of User Responses of Tourist Services

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Blockchain: a paradigm shift in business practices

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Interfirm resource integration in destination contexts

Resilience to the Global Economic and Turkish (GEO)Political Crisis Compared

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Entrepreneurship in tourism firms: A mixed-methods analysis of performance driver configurations

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The entrepreneur–opportunity nexus: discovering the forces that promote product innovations in rural micro-tourism firms

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The Impact of Online Travel Agencies Web Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intentions

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Determinants of Innovation in Hotel and Travel Agency Service Industry: Impact of Information and Communication Technologies and Enterprise Readiness

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Enhancing competitiveness in the tourism industry through the use of business intelligence: a literature review

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Can insider trading in U.S. hospitality firms predict future returns

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Corporate social responsibility in the tourism industry: evidence from seasoned equity offerings

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Implementing corporate social responsibility strategies in the hospitality and tourism firms: A culture-based approach

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Assessing the adoption of sustainability practices in tourism industry: Insights from a developing country

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Predicting How Trust on eWOM Influences Consumer Purchase Intentions toward Group Package Tours in Tourism Social Networks

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Tourism Firms